omg he wanted her well he messing with the wrong people i hope jason finds him and kill him on the spot for messing with her. glad they told her the truth she needs to know that. thanks for the updated.
Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]Date: November 24 2010 10:16 am
YAY! - great update! Wonder who the strange man is...? Can't wait for more!
Reviewer: aprilfool Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 17 2010 05:31 pm
I love the suspense. Good chapter. I hope Aurora and Jason will bond now. I'm glad she is making some friends.
Reviewer: jjazz59 Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 17 2010 05:11 pm
oh crap that not good at all. I hope sonny does something soon and fast that nut case came and threat his daughter he messing with the wrong person. glad jason was there and help her calm her down and she has a friend lulu. thanks for the updated.
Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]Date: November 17 2010 04:56 pm
Ah HELLZ no! Someone tipped that dude off! He didn't just get all that info from no internet - not saying its impossible but that's just a little too convenient dontcha thin? Lol
Love the new twist!! Thx for the update.
Date: November 17 2010 12:52 pm
Hmmm, wonder who's the stranger?? He sure was scary!!!
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed [Report This]Date: November 17 2010 08:25 am
Now it's getting interesting. Can't wait for the next update. I'm loving Aurora and Jason together. Can't wait for more.
Reviewer: Tam14611 Signed [Report This]Date: November 17 2010 06:04 am
We have not had update in a few days from you. Does this mean that when you do update we are going to get two (2) to three (3) chapters at once? That would be nice. I love this story.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 16 2010 06:19 pm
Great update! Enjoying the story and your writing style very much! Can't wait for more!
Author's Response:
Awww, thanks so much for the kind words.
Reviewer: aprilfool Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 15 2010 12:04 am
I don't know. If someone told me I needed protection I'd be hittin' the bricks but I suppose since it is her long, lost father and everything.Carly is very spot on. That is exactly the way she would act. Of all the characters on "General Hospital" she has changed the least. The women on this soap opera get really stupid about their men so the Elizabeth characterization is believable as well. I love how nice Spinelli and Lulu are b/c I think they are definitely two of the nicer characters on that show (from what I've seen) and I could totally see Spinelli greeting someone like that. Good job. Keep up the good work!
Author's Response:
LOL! Don't worry me too. I'd be like, I got myself into some shit here. I start takin my things and run for the hills...LOL. But I think Rory wants to have some kind of relationship with old Sonny boy. And thanks so much. I watch GH so much *even when it's HORRIBLE* I just get attached to these characters *even Lizzie*. Spinelli is going to be the hardest. Because I don't speak computer...LOL
Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: Stacy Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 14 2010 02:17 pm
i like lulu telling that faker then weave liz off. she thinks she all good and she never did anything wrong and then bam she been sluting up every where lol. glad rory decide to say and something tells me jason and her going to get close. thanks for the updated.
Author's Response:
Me too. This is the Lulu that I would LOVE in GH. Oh yeah, Miss Lizzie is the biggest HYPOCRITE in town. What did Lulu say, she looks her nose down at other people, when she's done far worse.
Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]Date: November 14 2010 02:47 am
wow carly meet her match lol. i like rory standing up to her and that she prove to all sonny is her father now take that lol. so liz the you know what been seeing lucky mmmmmmmmm. yeah she fucked and not in the good way either lol. glad you post like this story alot. thanks for the updated.
Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]Date: November 14 2010 02:40 am
Sitting here doing the happy dance. YES!!!!!! Thanks for a great update.
Author's Response:
Doing the happy dance with you... :D You're very welcome.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 14 2010 02:04 am
Is Sony going to give Rory his last name? He should. Love the update by the way.
Rory has to much spunk to keep letting Liz and Carly to talk disrespectfully to her. They need to be shut the hell down.
Why did Jason marry Liz? It is obvious he does not love her. Did the tramp get pregnant on purpose to trap him?
Is Rory going to college or going to work while in PC? Not sure if she was in school prior to coming to PC.
I like her independence a lot. Keep her that way.
Author's Response:
You know what? I hadn't even thought about that. Maybe when they establish some kind of relationship, that may just happen.
Oh, don't worry, Lizzie and Carly, are going to get theirs.
Jason has his reasons for marrying Lizzie. And I agree with you about him not loving her. But you're going to get a hint in the next couple of chapters.
And I haven't thought about Rory going to school either. You really bring up some good questions that might just consider.
Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 14 2010 01:00 am
The update made my day. Seriously, I love this story. I was slightly disappointed as to how Sony handle things when the results were read. I know he love Carly and that she loves him, but come on. This is a twenty one (21) year old girl looking for her last living parent. Does Sony/Carly know what she went thru? Do they care how long she has been on her own? Carly cut her some slack, please.
Just because Carly is tramp, slut, lying piece of scum does not mean that Rory is. Deep down, I almost hate to say this, but Carly does protect the ones she loves and will dying for them. Rory should be one of those few.
Really like the meeting of Lulu and Rory. She met some one who did not call her names. Lulu ripped Liz a new one. Now how are we going to move Liz the tramp out of the way?
Since Rory is still going to be staying at Jason’s penthouse, and they will be spending time together. He is her protector and all, SMILING TO MYSELF. This will allow them to get to know one another, form a bond. Like a kiss here, a rub there. Walk into the bathroom as she is getting out of the shower, LOL.
I like your story much better than the actual soap on tv. You are doing a WONDERFUL job, thanks for sharing with us. For the record I still check the site several times a day looking for an update. In other words you now have a stalker.
Author's Response:
AWWW I am so glad that I made your day. I've never made anyone's day before *blushes*. And I agree with you on everything you've said. I don't know what's wrong with these people. Sonny knows Carly. He should have at least SAID something to Rory. But of course, he went running after Carly, as always.
Carly is probably Port Charles's biggest tramp of them all, well behind Loose Legs Lizzie, of course (sorry Liason fans). But you know how territorial this woman is..SHAKING MY HEAD.
Lulu is my favorite person right now. If this is how she acted on the show, I would LOVE her. She just needs to tell Lizzie to shove it and keep moving...HEE-HEE.
I really like your thinking here for Rory and Jason. But time will tell...LOL.
Thanks so much for your too kind words *blushes again*. And trust me, this is stalking I do not mind at all. Stalk away PLEASE!
Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 14 2010 12:50 am
No thank you for the update. Once again I was hoping you would update today. I love the story.
Author's Response:
You are very welcome. I'm glad you love this story. Thanks so much!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 14 2010 12:29 am
Your story is heating up. I like it alot and I'm interested in seeing where you are taking this. Keep up the good work!!!
Author's Response:
AWWW thanks so much! Your words are too kind.
Reviewer: jjazz59 Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 13 2010 11:48 pm
Hope she doesn't regret staying. Carly and Elizabeth have been bitches to Rory. They both need a reality check.
Author's Response:
I don't think she is going to regret it. And Carly will eventually come around...I hope...LOL. And Elizabeth, will probably always be a bitch. And Aurora is going to be that person to give them both that reality check. Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed [Report This]Date: November 13 2010 11:07 pm
I'm loving this story. Lulu and Aurora are going to be friends I hope. I really hope that Carly gets on board, and realizes that Aurora is not a threat. I get the feeling that Aurora is looking for the love of a mother and father. I hope that Sonny and Carly can provide that for her, and I hope that Jason can provide some male love also. LOL.
Keep up the good work can't wait for you next update.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much! I think Lulu and Aurora are going to be good friends too. And Carly, well Carly better get her act together, because you're right Aurora is NOT a threat. She just wanted to find out about the dad she never knew. And maybe have some kind of loving from Jason too..wink wink.
Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: Tam14611 Signed [Report This]Date: November 13 2010 10:46 pm
I like it, please update soon
Author's Response:
I'm happy that you like this story. And an update is just around the corner. Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 13 2010 06:03 am
Lights, camera, action. You are on a roll with the story. Love the different twist you are giving this story. Really a good story. I love Rory, and the fact that the test shows that Sonny is her father make the story even better.
Can not wait to see how the folks of PC are going to react the fact that Sonny has a grown daughter.
Can't wait until Liz knows who she is. Carly just shot herself in the foot lying about the test results.
Author's Response:
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Your words are just too kind.
Lets see how the whole town reacts to the big news of Rory being Sonny's daughter...dun dun dun...LOL!
Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: Roslyn Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 13 2010 06:01 am
I just love how you're giving Gh some flavor Rory is funny I like her alot!
Author's Response:
Aww thank you so much. Now you know that is what GH needs. Thank you so much for the review!
Reviewer: Cassie Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 13 2010 05:47 am
Now tell me....why wouldCarly lie? Knowing that Rory has fire in her, and would want to see the results for herself. I was surprised Sony allowed her to read the results.
I was please that Jason grab her and looked deep into Rory's eyes. Contact has been made...YES!!!!
What's the deal with Lucky and Liz in this story? I was quite surprised when Sony's son reacted that way he did when Sony told him that Rory might be his daughter.
Now the real question is.... What is Sony going to do now that he knows Rory is his daughter? How is he going to react to Jason and Rory getting together?
It would quite the shock if Rory told him (Sony) that I know you are my father I am going back home. I just wanted to meet my father and let you know you had a daughter . I just really enjoy her spunk. I am waiting for her to shut Carly and Liz butts down.
Please update soon, PLEASE.
Yes I am begging.
Author's Response:
Of course Carly would lie. But she was crazy to lie here, and not think that anybody else would want to see the results. Carly could be so dumb sometimes...LOL.
First contact of the story. Not the last though...
You will see what's going on between LnL2. And Michael is just like his mother. Enough said...LOL!
OMG! I would LOVE to see Sonny's face, if he ever found out that his right hand man and his daughter ever got together. That would be entertaining.
That sounds like something that Rory would tell him, but I don't know. Oh, and she will shut them both down. Especially Liz.
And the update is on its way...soon.
Thanks for the review!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 13 2010 05:29 am
That was good. I so hate Carly. Liz is a tramp. Please update soon. I stalked the site for this update.
Author's Response:
LOL! You can stalk me anytime...LOL. Thanks so much! I don't like Carly either. And I so agree with you about Lizzie Poo. Your update is just around the corner.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 13 2010 05:20 am
Can I get a toot-too can I get a Update lol!
Author's Response:
Toot! Toot! LOL. Thanks so much!
Reviewer: Cassie Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 13 2010 02:32 am