I'm enjoying this very much...really like spunky Rory...although I'm a Liason (Jason/Elizabeth fan) I like reading crossovers and thanks at least they finally got married LoL
Can't wait for the next installment
Author's Response:
Aww that's so sweet. I haven't met too many nice Liason fans and I just want to thank you for your comment. I hope you continue to read, although Liz is not going to be painted in a pretty light. Thanks again for the review.
Reviewer: Cyberologist Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 11:21 pm
IA with Aprilfool's comment about Jason's indifference but that's exactly what makes his character appealing. He just met Rory and therefore, he's all-business where she's concerned with no hidden agenda, no sleazeball lust or admiration (which is so refreshing). So when he does 'notice' her, it will be geniune.
It's very clear that there's no love loss for his wife; it appears as if he's just going through the motion & I'd bet they haven't been intimate in a while. (I so don't like her.)
Anyhoo, looking forward to the next chapter
Author's Response:
I agree with everything you said. Yes, there's an immediate attraction, but we're talking about Jason Morgan here. Mr. Stone Cold, who doesn't have a single emotion in his body...LOL. He doesn't know Rory yet. But when he does, something might change *wiggles eyebrows*.
And by the way, I don't like stinky Lizzie either....LOL.
Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: JV4ME Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 06:00 pm
Great update! I'm wondering what's Jason's thoughts about Rory and everything! He seems very indifferent...or maybe not?
Author's Response:
Thanks so much! I'm wondering the same thing too...LOL. Maybe he's indifferent because, he really doesn't know Rory yet. Of course, later on, when he gets to know her, his feeling will change...hopefully. Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: aprilfool Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 05:05 pm
Please update soon. My mind is saying I need more of this story, more, more, more. I know this may seem greedy, but what can I say I like it.
Author's Response:
LOL! No, you don't seem greedy at all. Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 04:05 pm
Am really enjoying your spin on the soap GH. Would LOVE to see Rory and Jason together. I hope that since Rory is so young that when it comes time for her to become intimate with who ever her love interest is, she will be a virgin. I feel that would ad to her worth, make her seem pure. I also believe that it would ad to the fact that all she was looking for was her father. I know a man like Jason would appreciate that in his woman. Ad in a unplanned pregnancy (Rory/Jason) and we really have ourselves a “SOAP OPERA”. Carly would be green with envy, she is such and attention whore. This should let you know how much I truly enjoy this story. I LOVE IT!!!!!!! Please update soon.
Author's Response:
Oh, thank you so much! I am so glad that you are enjoying this. I'm thinking that Rory and Jason should get together, but NOT with Lizzie in the picture. So, we have to find a way to get rid of her...LOL. Anyway, I loved your idea. I may some of those into consideration. Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 04:01 pm
Jason may have to walk and catch Rory naked. It is his apartment. Late one night after doing some work for Sonny, he is too tired to home to Liz. He goes to the apartment. Rory assumes since the hour is so late that he is home with his wife, and BOOM!!!!!! In he walks and sees her in all her glory. LOL!!!! I hope that this little wish/fantasy will not offend you, you are the writer. I just want him to start wanting Rory so he can jump Liz, I really hate her. Also a little semi but no actual intercourse would be great. He could kiss her, touch her, hell go down on her until she screams his name. Last request could you PLEASE make the chapters longer, you tease your readers so much, but we love you.
Author's Response:
HaHa! That's funny. He catches a glimspe of those dangerous curves and gets hooked...LOL He thinks to himself, "What the hell am I doing with that stick? When I can have a real woman"...LOL! And you did not offend me at all. I actually found this really refreshing. And I might use some of that...LOL. Thanks so much for the review.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 03:44 pm
Ok this is a little confusing. I thought Jason said that he lived somewere else with his wife??? What was his wife doing there because it sounds like they are living in that penthouse.
Author's Response:
I'm sorry for confusing you. But Jason and Liz do have their own house, but Elizabeth has a key to the penthouse. And she figures, just because she has rock on her finger that she is entitled to everything of Jason's. I hope that clears things up. Sorry, again.
Reviewer: Anon Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 12:59 pm
I'm about beyond tired of all the people treating Rory like she's somthing that you scrape off the bottom of someone's shoe. I thought Jason lived somewhere else with that banshee wife of his... gah... I find nothing remotely likeable about the most of these folks, except for Mike. I hope Rory bonds with him. I've always liked Mike, though.
Author's Response:
Oh, I am so with you on that one. These people have never heard of courtesy before. And remember Jason said that he kept the penthouse for "just in case" moments. But he and Lizzie Poo have their own house. And Lizzie does have a key to the penthouse and she thinks that everything Jason has she's entitled to...LOL.
I think want Rory and Mike to bond too. They could have a great, grandad/grandaughter relationship.
Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: BellaChica Signed [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 10:05 am
What the heck is up with Elizabeth and Jason??? Rory needs to stay clear of them both.
Author's Response:
Hmmmm, that's a really good question. What is wrong with them? And I agree. I don't Rory to be the cause of anything between Jason and Liz. Thanks for the review.
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 07:14 am
I like this story, but the fact that Jason is married is a bit of a turn off for wanting Rory and Jason together. Just the way I feel sorry.
Author's Response:
I'm glad that you like this story. It's ok. You feel how you feel. But some marriages (especially this marriage) doesn't last long. And I promise, Rory will NOT be the reason that this marriage fails. It had been a long time coming. :D Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 06:13 am
I like this a lot. Love Rory’s spunky persona and no-nonsense attitude when dealing with her ‘father’ and his associate. I also like the way you’re writing Jason and the rest of the cast so please update soon.
Author's Response:
I am so happy that you like this. Thanks so much for your wonderful comments. I really do appreciate them.
Reviewer: JV4ME Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 06:07 am
To be honest I have not been a General Hospital fan since the days of “Luke Laura”. I have seen the characters “Jason, Sony, Liz, Carly, and Sony. However after reading the story I must say I truly am enjoying it. I love Rory, she has so much spunk and her temper reminds me of Sony. She is truly her fathers daughter. I see Jason/Rory becoming a couple. She will be time enough for him. Keep writing and I will keep reading.
Author's Response:
My mom started watching GH around the days of Luke/Laura too. And growing up I started watching. And I love the characters of Jason, Sonny, and Carly (sometimes). Liz, not so much. But she is pretty entertaining.
I am so glad that you are enjoying this story. It means so much to me. Rory is one of my favorite characters that I have written. And you are so right. She IS her father's daughter. She grew up on the tough streets of Brooklyn. She knows how to take care of herself....LOL.
Thanks so much for the review!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 05:34 am
wow i think rory thinking what the hell i got myself into lol. liz something wrong with her lol and it seems that her jason having huge problem but what is it? mmmmm. by they way i wouldnt' mind licking choclate of john morrios abs too lol. i tell you he has the most sexy abs i every seen on a man. wow you meet cena cool i probly pass out if i got close to him lol but i caught his shirt a a wwe event in my home town best night of my life. and if you wanted to talked more about this you can send me e mail i give to you if you wanted. thanks for the updated.
Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 04:27 am
I waited the entire day for your update. THANK YOU. MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 11 2010 04:10 am
Loved the update! I agree with Rory those people definitely got problems. Can't wait until the results.
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed [Report This]Date: November 10 2010 04:21 am
Thanks for letting me know and I would not be reading more, good luck with the rest of your stories
Reviewer: JoVanAdDek Signed [Report This]Date: November 10 2010 02:48 am
Just started reading this and it's interesting. You captured all the GH characters perfectly. They annoyed me as much as the used to do on the show when I watched, good job. lol
I'm liking Rory.
Reviewer: Tootall Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 10 2010 01:48 am
to answer your question my favs are stone cold steven austin the rock undertaker and sexy have naughty thought about john cena mmmmmmmmm. who are yours? and cool you wrestling fan
Author's Response:
I love all the ones that you mentioned, especially John Cena. But my absolute favorite is Jeff Hardy. But I also love Edge, Randy Orton, and John Morrison (I just want to lick chocolate off his abs...LOL). I have been a wrestling fan for over ten years now. I met John Cena three years ago. I was such a dork. I knew exactly what I wanted to say to him, but I just blurted out I LOVE YOU. And he gave me a smirk and told me he LOVED ME TOO. I nearly melted. But my mom had to come and ruin my day by flirting with him and getting him to shake her hand twice...LOL.
Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]Date: November 10 2010 01:21 am
oh crap oooooooooo liz so not going to like that one bit at all lol. roy staying at the penthouse with jason and his wife and kids mmmmmmmmmm this to funny. wonder how sonny going to reacted when he find out if he they father of roy? i hope they able to bulid a father daughter bond together. thanks for the updated.
Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]Date: November 10 2010 01:19 am
Wow, excellent chapter. I am waiting for Jason to fall in love with Rory so that Elizabeth's face will crack. In of the stories I have read online, Elizabeth is a biatch. Please break her heart. I like Rory. I want Sonny to apologize when the DNA comes back positive that he is Rory's father. HOw will Sonny feel about Jason dating his daughter?
Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 10 2010 12:56 am
I am a liason fan...no doubt about it but I also love reading Jason fics, plan and simple. Not really a fan of most his hook ups but if this is leading to Rory/Jason...I could see it happening. Can't wait for more.
Reviewer: Shellyme Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 10 2010 12:41 am
The updated chapters were great.
Reviewer: Raven Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 10 2010 12:40 am
Great update! I'm so enjoying this story!
Reviewer: aprilfool Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 10 2010 12:34 am
wow i dont' blame her for being mad. like she said she doesn't wanted money she just wanted to know who she comes from and who her father is instead of being treated like she some money grubbing chick. it nice that jason has a close bond with his son very happy for him but dont like liz lol. jason married to you so he wanted to be with you who knows why lol. i hope him and sonny daughter get close wink wink lol. thanks for the updated story is getting good.
Author's Response:
I don't blame Rory either. Rory has way more patience than me. Because I would have taken my shoe off and did damage. LOL! I wanted Jason to have some kind of relationship with Jake, even if he has to be married to Lizzy (YUCK...LOL). But that won't last long. I have a feeling little Lizzy is going to lose everything she cares about...tee-hee.
Thanks for the review.
I see that you're a wrestling fan. So am I. Who's your favorite wrestler?
Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed [Report This]Date: November 09 2010 09:33 pm
I am liking this story so far. I don't like Carly in this story, but I can barely stand Carly on the show. Jason is going to fall for Rory and I love it.
Author's Response:
I am so glad that you like this story. My opinion about Carly changes from episode to episode. But she is one of my top favorite female characters on GH. Yeah, she can be a HUGE bitch, but she's just being Carly. You can either take it or leave it. And normally, I take it...LOL. Until she's being a bitch to Sam, and then I have to say hold up, leave my girl alone. LOL.
Thanks so much for the review! -Rina
Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 09 2010 09:13 pm