Pleasecome back and finish the story.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: May 31 2021 03:31 pm
Okay, I'm a late reader, but more please!!!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 26 2016 08:29 pm
Please come back and finish this incredible story!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: February 10 2015 06:01 pm
Please updateeveryone this wonderful story!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: November 29 2014 03:09 pm
Yay! The baby is here. Isaac sounds so cute. Nick and Ellie need to be together. I'm glad they are going to work it out.
Reviewer: jjazz59 Signed [Report This]Date: June 15 2014 07:33 pm
Welcome Back...looking forward to the next chapter... Brilliant
Reviewer: SenieceTaO Signed [Report This]Date: May 29 2014 05:10 pm
This is good! They need to move forward somehow. Its been rocky, bur Nick's marriage has always been a farce anyway.
Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]Date: May 28 2014 06:20 pm
I am glad your back. Wonderful update
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed [Report This]Date: May 28 2014 06:17 pm
Good for Ellie, she is taking a chance at Nick again but being smart about it. I hope she and Nick can be a real family together. I soo want him and Juilette to end their relationship, she is a bitch! LOL!!
Great Job! Please post soon :D
Reviewer: sweetlooking218 Signed [Report This]Date: May 28 2014 04:55 pm
I think you did a great job of capturing the raw emotion between Nick and Elle. I loved this story when I first starting reading it, I'm glad it's back.
Reviewer: Azzure1020 Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 28 2014 04:42 pm
Happy to see an update for this story, it's been missed.
Reviewer: AP Anonymous [Report This]Date: May 28 2014 03:58 pm
Why in the hell did Nick marry Juliette in the first damn place? You don't mary one woman when you are in love with another! Why did the ho show up at the hospital? She wouldn't have been holding my baby. Ellie is geting smart again as she working my nerves be fore cor hurting both herself and NICK. Although Nick deserves to feel some pain, marrying that woman I have m7ssed this story!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: May 28 2014 03:20 pm
Please update...I want to know what happens when the in laws get there
Author's Response:
I've been so busy with school, but now that it's over expect a new chapter very soon. Sorry about the long wait!
Reviewer: nightseer Signed [Report This]Date: May 04 2014 02:08 am
Upload soon!!!!!! Plz :-) I love this story :-D
Reviewer: April_Destinee Signed [Report This]Date: February 25 2014 01:52 am
so happy u are back more soon love this story u rock5star all theway
Reviewer: faye Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 04 2014 06:26 pm
Good to see that your back
Reviewer: keikei2 Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2014 11:02 pm
I just read the whole thing. This is good. Can't wait for the update.
Author's Response:
WOW thank you! I've read some of your things and its so awesome to have a positive review from you. Thank you so much!!!!
Reviewer: Brenda1257 Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2014 08:20 pm
I'm sorry you have writer's block! I really enjoy this story... I curious to see if she does get back with him soon, because I kind of don't want her to. I think he gets everything so easily and that's not fair to anybody. He has says some pretty sh*tty things to Ellie and he needs to repent.
Reviewer: Daddyprincess Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 03 2014 06:05 pm
Hmmm, Nick seems a bit uptight in my opinion. I sure hope he lightens up a bit, and is able to support Elle the way he should. Especially with what's to come with respect to his families opinions. One thing is for sure, she should find out all that she needs to before tying the knot.
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2014 05:52 pm
Did he finally divorce the woman he shouldn't have married in first place? Ellie is so stubborn she knows that she loves Nick and that he loves her. Let go and love him you will both be much happier! Thank you so much for this update and I am looking forward to reading the full chapter.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2014 03:00 pm
Oh how I've missed this story so glad your back may I suggest for your writers block read other books similar to this one to get inspiration. Your doing a great job considering would never know. Thanks for the teaser can't wait til the rest is up
Reviewer: kvgurl Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2014 11:14 am
Hi will there be more chapters soon
Author's Response:
yes i'm working on it. I have a bit of writer's block. I'm sorry.
Reviewer: Liz Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 22 2013 07:31 pm
Interesting...Nick is a bloody mess
Reviewer: blackpanthershay Anonymous [Report This]Date: September 11 2013 04:45 pm
Their relationship is like a roller coaster. I don't know why they keep going back and forth..either you're in it for the long haul or not. He should have never married Juliette and Juliette should have said no...that made no sense to me since he obviously didn't love her and cheated every chance he got while Juliette hung on for dear life wishing he would feel the same way about her that he felt for Ellie. I can't believe Ellie was comforting her like that. She seems to take mistreatment of his family with stride. Couldn't be me. With that said, I hope everything works out but I don't want Ellie to back down on that whole mob/drug lord thing with Nick's family. He should know that she is not about that and will not have her son around it. If they end up together, I would like to see just how that will work out.
There are a few inconsistencies with the story here and there but overall it's a story that I've stuck with and read over a few times until the next update.
Reviewer: Natori aka R Signed [Report This]Date: July 18 2013 10:17 pm
I hate to rush but I've been itching for a new chapter lol.... I absolutely love this story! You are doing a great job...
Reviewer: Ravoniya Signed [Report This]Date: July 07 2013 07:31 am