hi.. just wanted to know if you're gonna continue- please don't leave me hanging cause i was loving it.
Author's Response:
Life has really been putting me through it, but I do plan on continuing. I can't give a definite date or anything, but it will eventually happen. I just need to get my shit together. lol. Thank you for the love and support.
Reviewer: dante giovanni Anonymous [Report This]Date: August 27 2013 10:48 am
Looking forward to the Winter Formal!
Reviewer: urtrippin2 Signed

Date: August 06 2012 10:25 pm
She better say Yay!
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed

Date: February 05 2012 11:49 am
Bryan needs to back the hell up! Glad Austin stood up to him!
Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed

Date: February 05 2012 11:25 am
This was good. Don't be too hard on yourself. Can't wait for the update!
Reviewer: Brenda1257 Signed [Report This]Date: February 03 2012 01:50 pm
I hope she tells him YAY! Nice update!
Reviewer: Megan Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 02 2012 10:37 am
Dont change a thing ... I loved it! I had been waiting for the update for so long- it was worth it to me! Cant wait for next installment.
Reviewer: dante giovanni Anonymous

Date: February 02 2012 06:09 am
Ok....it isnt good to hold a grudge, but Bryan better not let that s**t happen again! Not cool, and in front of the school, too! I'm guessing it has to do with whatever the big secret is with Nae, but still! Get that mess under control dude!
Reviewer: flikchick Signed

Date: February 02 2012 01:48 am
I know that it's hard to change the how you feel about yourself, but Dijanae has to try. Austin is a good guy, just give him a chance. Listen to your best friends, they have your back. Dijanae work on you issues with yourself!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: February 02 2012 12:54 am
awh that was a sad but good chapter, it gave us alot of insight inti what Dijane was really feeling. I was also good because she relates to many women and young girls, Good Chapter! can'twait for the rest!
Reviewer: LaceTurkeyExpress Signed [Report This]Date: January 15 2012 12:03 pm
This was a good update. Austin final got that kiss. I wonder how things will go between them. I love this story and will be waiting for the next chapter
Reviewer: Preppychick890 Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 08 2012 08:39 pm
Wow. I started crying when I read this because most of the time this is exactly how I feel. Close friends and family will tell you you're beautiful but when I look in the mirror I know what I see. You handled this beautifully to me and I just like this story the more I read it. I get so irritated when the heroine with issues just fall in love with the hero despite everything, so I seriously love where this story seems to be going.
Reviewer: shae Anonymous

Date: January 08 2012 03:45 am
I am really enjoying this story but it did surprise me when Bryan said that- I wasn't expecting that and I really started to feel a hatred for Bryan. I truly felt for Dij. Please update this soon, I want to know where this is going! Thnks
Reviewer: dante giovanni Anonymous

Date: January 07 2012 07:20 pm
That was amazingly cute... more please :)
Reviewer: chatty504 Signed [Report This]Date: January 07 2012 01:45 pm
Dijnae, he likes you girl. Give him a chance. He seems sincere.
Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed

Date: January 07 2012 05:38 am
Bryan is an a$$hole. He gets to have fun, but not her.
Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed

Date: January 07 2012 05:30 am
Wow, I understand how Dijane feels but her brother is not helping the situation. I want her to learn to love what she sees!! Otherwise she will never believe that Austin really cares for her. So sad!!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: January 07 2012 01:31 am
Awww, this ended way to quickly, but maybe that's because it feels like I've been waiting for this update forever. Lol.
Be that as it may, Dijnae is a really smart girl. She knows that all the "You're beautiful"'s in the world isn't going to make her feel good about herself if she doesn't believe it. She also knows better than to get involved with Austin while her self-esteem is so low. Nothing good could come of that, and the relationship would end faster than it began. However, she is beautiful, you've shown that she's talented, and clearly she's smart.
So my hope is that she gets over the skinny complex, get the guy before he gets away, and gives a glossy, diva hair flip to all her haters. And soon!
Reviewer: BilliMonroe Signed [Report This]Date: January 07 2012 01:19 am
Poor Dijnae...who eroded her self esteem so badly?? It is probably better she isn't with Austin right now because she needs to find confidence in herself and not listen to the haters or be deluded that she is not beautiful the way she is. Until she really believes in her self and her ability, she won't be as successful as a dancer or really be the person she wants to be for herself. I can't wait for the next update.
Reviewer: dcphoenix1 Signed

Date: January 06 2012 11:17 pm
I really liked this story. I love the characters they funny and cute. I enjoy reading this and can't wait for a update.
Reviewer: Preppychick890 Signed [Report This]Date: December 18 2011 01:04 am
I love the cast pics especially the last two, they are my favorites. :)
Reviewer: LadyK Signed [Report This]Date: December 07 2011 02:23 am
OooooooWeeeee Austin and Dijane are alone in a car together...I'm thinking Austin wants to take the 'back roads' to her house... ;) Bryan seems like an overprotective brother...don't we all have one of those? HAha Great chapter!! Looking forward to the next update!!
Reviewer: Megan Anonymous

Date: December 06 2011 10:21 am
Well damn Bry was definitely a buzz killer there. Yes, what is his problem? What does he know or think he knows that we don't about Austin?
Brandon trying to make that move on miss chantel. BTW where were those guys when all this was going down.
Great update more please more.
Happy writing.
Reviewer: Thundakat Signed

Date: December 05 2011 11:50 pm
That was sweet and the other group couldn't have done anything better then drive off.
Loved the update loving the story can't wait for more.
Happy writing.
Reviewer: Thundakat Signed

Date: December 05 2011 11:30 pm
nice update...more please
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: December 05 2011 07:41 pm