hello Asia! really glad that you moved MOTH here! look forward to the updates! hopefully soon, lol!!
// cassius.noir a.k.a bettyboo ;)
Author's Response:
thanks so much, hun! i owe the fact that i even discovered this site to you :] thanks bunches!
Reviewer: Cassius_Noir Signed [Report This]Date: January 28 2012 02:56 pm
read this on fp hope its been completed now lol
Reviewer: anon Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 27 2012 11:51 pm
I'll be excited to see how this plays out. The only thing you should fix is the font, it's ridiculously small
Reviewer: Alex Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 27 2012 10:59 pm
very interesting start, the font is a lil small but, over-all I like it
Reviewer: Raynee Signed [Report This]Date: January 27 2012 01:46 pm