This is a little different and I like it.
I'm not understanding Lou at the moment. He almost killed his son! He would have died, in fact, if Arwen hadn't gotten to him im time. Why would he do that to his own son in defense of some little skank he picked up and married? And why is Fluer standing by and letting this happen. It was mentioned that Lou has done this before, so why wasn't Fluer on this from day one?
How does Fluer know Arwen's people? And why didn't she tell her son, at least, that she was Fae?
Don't know enough about why Arwen seems to be the special one by the way her family treats her just yet. But it would seem that she, Hunter, and Benji are connected somehow.
Interesting story.
Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]Date: March 30 2013 10:51 pm
love it...
Reviewer: lilsunseeker Signed [Report This]Date: March 30 2013 03:56 pm
This story is amazing! I really want Lou to pay for what he did Benji and ho of a wife Candi to pay as we(l. I want her die alone and ugly disfigure her and body in some kind of accident. Please? Need more!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: March 30 2013 03:17 pm
This is some good stuff can't wait 4 next update :)
Reviewer: africanblossom Signed [Report This]Date: March 30 2013 11:43 am
Great chapter. Looking forward to finding out more about Benji. I like this story so it's good to see an update.
Reviewer: AP Anonymous [Report This]Date: March 30 2013 09:48 am
Please update soon...I love your story and its characters.
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed [Report This]Date: March 30 2013 06:17 am
This is good!!!! Lou will get what's coming to him soon enough.. He let that little seduce him and turn him against his son.. I'm sure he knows what Candi is up to but just doesn't want to admit he was a fool for marrying her..
Looking forward to the next chapter.
Reviewer: Chocolate Girl Signed [Report This]Date: February 10 2013 12:54 am
Great story, Very interesting. I'm curious is Benji a supernatural being or he just human and why is Benji's father abusive, I wonder does it have to do anything with witchcraft. Thanks for the update, update soon :)
Reviewer: Shanee Signed [Report This]Date: February 06 2013 03:30 pm
l it. update soon!
Reviewer: LOOOVVVVVEEEEE Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 06 2013 06:25 am
I'm liking this so far.. Please keep updating, this is really interesting..
Reviewer: LadyeT Signed [Report This]Date: February 06 2013 01:59 am
Really great story. Benjamin's dad is a prick. How in the world could he be allowed to keep a child, when he is abusive is beyond me. Hope Ben make it through and he can figure some things out.
Reviewer: nightseer Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 10:29 pm
Something is wrong with Lou. How could he beat his son like that? His son is his blood and he is just a teenager. It will be his loss. I would like to see Hunter's reaction. Is hunter a werewolf? Conin and his brothers are shifters, right? I love stories like this. Does Benji have any special powers? And who is the actor portraying Benji. Do you have another picture of him. This one is really dark.
Please don't keep us hanging on this cliff too long...
Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 08:40 pm
Oh man, I REALLY LOVE this story!!! Please keep the updates coming. And your photographs are very nice.
Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 08:37 pm
Continue updating, I'm loving this story so far. I hope Lou has a breakthrough and sees Candy for what she is and has to do some major groveling to get back into Benji's good graces. Don't make it easy for Lou and Benji to make up.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 08:34 pm
Ohhhh...I REALLY LIKE this story. What a refreshing change. Looking forward to reading more.
Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 08:21 pm
Wow!!!! I love it 😃c6;your cast is really hot, Benji's dad is a a**ehole and Candi needs to go and jump in a hole! I think maybe Hunter, Benji and Arwen are linked in someway but she'd be better with Benji cos he deserves some happiness. Hurry and post more 😊
Reviewer: Loop Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 07:52 pm
I'm loving this! I have a feeling Lou & Candy will soon rue the day tgey betrayed and abused Benji. I'm so looking forward to more.
Reviewer: AP Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 07:05 pm
Can I say how phenomenal this is? I'm hungry for more and vastly intrigued by the link between Benji, Arwen, and Hunter. This chapter wasn't even enough,lol. I'll be waiting with bated breath for the next one!
Excellent work!
Reviewer: Anni Grey Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 07:03 pm
Excellent beginning! I'm addicted already! On to the next chapter!
Reviewer: Anni Grey Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 06:54 pm
Do.the matching dreams mean that BENJI AND ARWEN ARE EACH OTHERS TRUE MATES?
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 03:55 pm
Great chapter. Benji's father is a piece of crap. Maybe when he finds out how close to death his son was he'll start giving a crap.
Reviewer: SandyBrownEyes Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 03:50 pm
I hate his father and I hope that she calls the police instead of healing him with her magic as I want Lou sitting in jail cell so he can become Bubba's bitch! Or maybe they die in horribke car accident while they are this trip? Who would miss them? Lou's a cheating ahole and Candi is ho!
More please!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 03:44 pm
Good looking cast especially Alexander Skarsgard. He is so hot!!! Who have you cast as Benjamin? I don't recognize the man in the pic.
Author's Response:
Hehe, his name is Marcus Mojo...He's um a pornstar but I think he's so beautiful.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 12:36 am
Don't like Benji's father or stepho Candi. Love his mom even if she is bit to strange. Please kill that ho, the story has just started and I have had enough of the stepho and father. Kill them both in a deadly car crash so that Benji can live with his mom.please!!!
I can't wait to read more, thank you for sharing this story.
Author's Response:
Lol. I'll be sure to keep that in mind.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: February 05 2013 12:33 am