That was cool, they will be thick thieves in a month. I like Rider now but from your synopsis I won't' like him for long. More please!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: April 01 2013 01:53 pm
Great start!! Their friendship does move fast but it sounds like its just part of their personalities/nature.
Reviewer: Annie Anonymous [Report This]Date: April 01 2013 08:44 am
Please madame...may i have some more? From the short intro I knew that this will be outstanding! Thanks for sharing.
Reviewer: Elizablu Signed [Report This]Date: April 01 2013 07:40 am
I like it so far.. Can't wait for the next update.
Reviewer: SandyBrownEyes Signed [Report This]Date: April 01 2013 04:57 am
Good Start . Charley and Rider seem cute together even from the start .Can't wait for more .
Reviewer: Stacie Anonymous [Report This]Date: April 01 2013 04:56 am
Me likey! More please.
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed [Report This]Date: April 01 2013 04:56 am
I like it.
Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous [Report This]Date: April 01 2013 04:27 am
I like this so far. Charley {I corrected my spelling, wouldn't want to make her mad lol} and Rider have already clicked and it seems promising.
Reviewer: AP Signed [Report This]Date: April 01 2013 04:01 am