Spelling and punctuation
Author's Response:
Reviewer: Bookbutterfly Anonymous [Report This]Date: April 23 2014 06:59 pm
I glad you are back...nice update
Author's Response:
Than you thank you
Reviewer: Bredreaway Signed

Date: April 23 2014 06:06 am
I am intrigued and they are having this chemistry, well at least she is...hopefully she won't just be a toy to him, bc from her scars and fragile emotions, she can easily be tipped over the edge--and all this in just two chapters. Good job!
Author's Response:
Oh yes these two are gonna make something happen and not all of it is gonna be nice there with be hurt feelings and neither is going down without a fight
Reviewer: Penelope52 Signed

Date: April 23 2014 05:40 am
Thank you so much for your input it means a lot it's been forever since I've written and writing with a phone suck balls but I promise stick around and ill make it betta :) thanks again
Reviewer: toni174ever Signed [Report This]Date: January 31 2014 08:13 am
Loved the start! More please.
Author's Response:
Thanks much,it means alot :)
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: January 31 2014 05:27 am
Once you have written more and I can understand who she is, why she must relax and get an overall feel for the story I can provide a better review but you do have me intrigued with the guy on the elevator and her next meeting with him. If nothing else, he knows what floor she stays on.
Author's Response:
Lajack1 thanks for that I won't disappoint
Reviewer: lajack1 Signed [Report This]Date: January 31 2014 04:05 am
I like this start but the first chapter is a little rough. The formatting is off and there were some editing issues but I am intrigued and looking forward to more.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the input and the lady is working on it only had a iPhone to use and it just wasn't cutting it trying to do betta now :)
Reviewer: AP Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 30 2014 12:35 pm
What I think is that I want to know what this story is about, so more please lol.
Author's Response:
Just bear with me and you'll get you questions answered.
Reviewer: skriver Signed [Report This]Date: January 30 2014 10:34 am