I've been waiting for ages!
Reviewer: BLUD CERULEAN Signed [Report This]Date: June 02 2024 04:43 pm
On sadistic level scale he went from 0 to 100, real quick! 😨
Reviewer: Insomniac Sioj Signed [Report This]
Date: July 17 2015 03:47 am
I was rooting for that escape she should've planned it better, though.🙈
Reviewer: Insomniac Sioj Signed [Report This]Date: July 17 2015 03:09 am
I just found this story and binge read it. I have to say...it's addictive. I love dark romance so this is right up my alley. Keep up the awesome work!
Reviewer: Lizzy Anonymous

Date: July 12 2015 12:46 am
My biggest problem with this story is Noah's crueltyl to Amora is deemed acceptable because he's sexy, white and good in bed. When Amora first arrived, he locked her in the basement with a chain around her ankle like a slave as well as beating her like a slave after her escape attempt. Yet he says later that he wanted her because he saw an abused girl that didn't know love, and then proceeeds to abuse her too. Good sex and new clothes are not love, especially in the face of being chained and beaten so at what point has he really shown her love? Amora doesn't leave the premises. He hasn't even taken her out. Showing someone off to your friends like a trophy isn't love. He got her pregnant because he wanted her to have his child not because he cared about what she thought. She has no education and he has given no thought to what she wanted out of life. Yet he's a good guy because he's white, sexy and wealthy and said he was sorry for beating her? I think the story is well written, I just wished that Amora was shown as having more value for who she has shown herself to be as a person to Noah. She still brought light to his life in spite of the cruelty he brought to hers. At some point, especially since they are bringing a child into the world together, he should really atone for his sins against Amora.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: July 09 2015 11:05 pm
Lol, yes you're making him more human and likable. Good job, thanks
Reviewer: lilsunseeker Signed

Date: July 09 2015 04:47 am
I didn't like him after the basement event but I'm beginning to think he's not that bad.
Reviewer: lilsunseeker Signed

Date: July 09 2015 04:36 am
Seems like she's settling in pregnancy is mellowing her plus making her horney. Nice to know it's bringing out a softer side in Noah.
Reviewer: kvgurl Signed

Date: July 09 2015 02:45 am
This was a really excellent update. I can't wait for the next one..I love Noah and Amora together, despite the situation they were brought together by. :)
Reviewer: cottoncandy_kisses Signed [Report This]Date: July 09 2015 01:58 am
Great update.
Reviewer: Tiffany Anonymous [Report This]Date: July 08 2015 02:48 pm
Noah needs assurance. She should let him name the baby Noah Jr if its a boy.
Reviewer: SnowFever Signed

Date: July 08 2015 01:26 pm
Love the story!! Keep going!
Reviewer: LadyLadybug Signed [Report This]Date: July 08 2015 07:42 am
I really hope you continue this story and Crazy in Love, this is really great and I can't wait for an update
Reviewer: cottoncandy_kisses Signed [Report This]Date: April 26 2015 04:01 pm
I know you're working on Tainted and I know that it's hard to work on one story when another one is in the forefront of your mind, but would you please, please, PLEASE update this one? Please? It's SO good.
Reviewer: Jaye Sims Signed

Date: April 25 2015 05:33 pm
You need to update both of your stories.
Reviewer: Storyteller247 Signed [Report This]Date: April 17 2015 07:48 pm
I have been obsessively checking the site everday the last month for an update. This story is perfect. Please update soon.
Reviewer: eener52 Signed [Report This]Date: March 19 2015 02:39 pm
Let me just say that I'm in love with this!
I knew from the beginning that there was something about Noah that I loved; he needed to be loved, and though Amora hasn't admitted it quite yet, she's going to love him as well!
Ugh...I can't even properly comment. Just know that this is amazing, your skills are impeccable and I will continue to faithfully read!
Reviewer: Just_Ni Signed

Date: February 28 2015 03:51 am
Their relation seems to be based on his need to satisfy his lust for her, his power over both her and her father and his right to precreate.
Reviewer: katt Anonymous

Date: February 23 2015 04:33 am
Glad they seem to be coming to some sort of understanding. Love the update!
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: February 23 2015 03:46 am
I feel for her... No mother, no father.. Now this smh
Reviewer: Grace life Signed

Date: February 19 2015 01:53 pm
Will you be posting any cast pictures?
Reviewer: Grace life Signed

Date: February 19 2015 01:48 pm
This is crazy lololol
Reviewer: Grace life Signed

Date: February 19 2015 01:35 pm
Okay what is up with NOAH? What is his POV? What is his thinking in this relationship?
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 14 2015 04:59 pm