Title: Chapter 5

I love them!!

Reviewer: Michmom2 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 23 2018 04:41 am

Title: Julian Polk Notes

Very interesting!!

Reviewer: Michmom2 Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: April 23 2018 04:17 am

Title: Julian Polk Notes

Beautiful novella, and finally leaving a review. Better late then never.

Reviewer: Bain Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 04 2018 01:36 am

Title: Real Author's Note


Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 19 2016 04:30 pm

Title: Julian Polk Notes


WAHHHHHHH I FEEL LIKE CRYING!! im so sad it's over :( the ending was beautiful... the fact that they had three children together and were married for years is just amazing. i love how much he practically worshipped her, making her see her true worth. He is honestly bloody amazing. Frankie as well is such an amazing female. I was saddened by her death but I think it's good that they spent their young youthful days together. SO SO SO beautiful. i loved it. thank you thank you for not making them not happy together !! i was like YAAAASSSS hahaha i mean he ended up with the woman of his dreams and they were both on cloud nine. I do know in those times it wouldve been harder to get the medicine we have today. But i mean he's in his 50s ... so im trying to make it like he looks really old hahaha and yeah LOVED IT SO MUCH . 

Reviewer: Gordana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 19 2014 03:32 pm

Title: Epilogue/ Julian's Ending Notes

Wow it seems I missed alot, Is this a true story? if not it seems so real wow.  too short but very sweet Thanks for sharing!

Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: June 19 2014 05:26 am

Title: Epilogue/ Julian's Ending Notes

Wonderful and lovely story, I did not leave a review for each chapter. Supreb writing.

Author's Response:


Reviewer: Bain Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 19 2014 03:50 am

Title: Julian Polk Notes



you know the julian one? pleaseeeee pleaseeeeeeeeee i love this duo SOOOOOO much !!! one happy ending pleaseeee lmfao you dont understand how much im fan girling over here. i finished my assignment not too long ago... and quickly jumped on to beg you pleaseeeeee pleaseeeee let these two be together !! lmfao i sound so crazy ... 

Reviewer: Gordana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 30 2014 06:19 am

Title: Chapter 5

Amazing writing, enyoy this couple very much. Please continuce this story.

Reviewer: Bain Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 23 2014 01:52 am

Title: Julian Polk Notes

i hope and pray this story doesnt end tragically... i readd your other story... and it broke my heart... please pleaseeeee for the sake of a new fan lmaoo who loves you extremely ! pleaseeeeeeee 

Author's Response:

LOL hi! Which story? And I'm still trying to fingue out how it ends...but don't worry it won't be too tragic.

Reviewer: Gordana Signed [Report This]
Date: April 21 2014 03:53 pm

Title: Chapter 4

I LOVE LOVE LOVEEEEEEE!!!!! THIS IS EXTREMELY HOTTTT!!! Julian is relentless! hahahah you can see how much he loves her! i seriously hope i end up with someone like him! he's so damn beautiful and sooooooooooooooo funny and romantic. i love how he never gets tired of her. AND she's hilarious. she is the perfect match for him. she's not a weak girl, she voices her opinions and i love it. i love the balance. 

love love love it! xxx

Reviewer: Gordana Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 21 2014 03:48 pm

Title: Chapter 4

So amazing :)

Reviewer: M3l4n1_C4rt3r Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 21 2014 04:58 am

Title: Julian Polk Notes

I'm liking Mr. Polk alreadly,lol great chapter!

Reviewer: NiaZ Signed [Report This]
Date: April 21 2014 01:36 am

Title: Chapter 3

Can't wait to see what's next  :)

Reviewer: Amy Winehouse Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 16 2014 10:37 pm

Title: Julian Polk Notes

I want more......................This is a great start.................

Reviewer: Maria Anonymous [Report This]
Date: April 16 2014 06:36 am

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