Hmmmm. I wonder what is Dr. Lee's angle? I hope he's not trying to play any games.
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed [Report This]Date: January 29 2015 05:07 am
I hope that Elise is alright, but my spidey sense is tingling.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: January 29 2015 04:29 am
Omg Elise! I hope someone finds her
Reviewer: RedMoon Signed [Report This]Date: January 28 2015 07:02 pm
This story is awesome! Thanks a lot for sharing your talent.
Reviewer: Bel Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 28 2015 07:01 pm
Wow this is amazing. I'm happy that I stumbled on to this story!
Author's Response:
Thank you for the positive feedback. I really enjoyed writing Unscrubbed.
Reviewer: M3l4n1_C4rt3r Signed [Report This]Date: December 11 2014 12:57 am
I was hoping that Elise was going to stomp a hole in those heifers, drat I was foiled! How can frown people be so stupid? More please!!
Author's Response:
Thank you. I'll be posting soon.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: December 09 2014 03:34 am
Supreb update. Could you leave the title and author name of your book. Went to amazon looking for your book. Could not find. Thank you.
Author's Response:
Thank you Bain. Your comments are truly supportive. The title is UNSCRUBBED and I use my name, Elizabeth Griffin. I hope you enjoy.
Reviewer: Bain Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 09 2014 12:30 am
This is so fantastic thank you for sharing.
Author's Response:
You're welcome. Thank you for reading.
Reviewer: fcho4506 Signed [Report This]Date: December 09 2014 12:18 am
Alright now, I like this.
Author's Response:
Thanks. I hope you like the update.
Reviewer: Kerry Dee Williams Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 08 2014 05:07 am
Love yr story. Pls update soon
Author's Response:
Thank you.
Reviewer: fcho4506 Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 03:12 pm
Me likey! Interesting story so far!
Author's Response:
Thanks. I hope you liked the update.
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed [Report This]Date: December 01 2014 05:36 am
Enjoy this. Please continue soon!
Author's Response:
Thanks for the feedback. Please continue to read.
Reviewer: Tootall Signed [Report This]Date: November 28 2014 11:15 am
I really enjoyed your story. I was hooked from your introduction. I am looking forward to more.
Author's Response:
Thank you. I hope you enjoy the next chapter.
Reviewer: Belladonna400 Signed [Report This]Date: November 28 2014 04:15 am
Really good piece of writing. Pls continue. Just out of curiosity, do you work in a lab? Because the attn to detail is to point. Thank you for sharing your writing with the readers.
Author's Response:
Thanks for the compliment. Yes, I work in a lab.
Reviewer: Anon Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 28 2014 02:21 am
Well written with great attention to detail! Can't wait for the update
Author's Response:
I really enjoyed writing this story!
Reviewer: cocoverdad Signed [Report This]Date: November 27 2014 10:20 pm
I like Elise, but her momma is stuck on stupid. Why would you stay with a man that won't put a ring on it? More please
Author's Response:
I agree with you. 'Why stay in a relationship if it has no future?' I'm glad you like Elise.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: November 27 2014 10:09 pm
I love this story and Sleeping Beauty is one of my favorite fairy tales. Please post agian soon and Happy Thanksgiving :D
Author's Response:
Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving!
Reviewer: sweetlooking218 Signed [Report This]Date: November 27 2014 09:54 pm
Outstanding writing and character development.
Author's Response:
Thank you.
Reviewer: Bain Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 27 2014 08:54 pm