Wow! What a cliff hanger. Can't wait to find out what that was all about.
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: February 27 2015 08:01 am
Adam .....Adam what is going on in your head let us in on the secrets
Author's Response:
Right?! He's so frustrating! Ugh!
Reviewer: LetMeDream Signed

Date: February 26 2015 03:43 am
I LOVE THIS!! I love the characters, the music, and the storyline. I gotta respect a girl that goes after an orgasm like that. I just wish we knew why Adam is so adamant about them being apart. And I like CJ but he is a little thirsty for me. I would much rather Avery get it together with Adam. I know he imagined her bloody in a vision but is that his fear of the future? Or something that happened in the past?
Either way, I am so happy that I started reading. It would have been a shame to miss out on this great story. I hope you update soon!
Author's Response:
Reviewer: iamwhatiam6904 Signed

Date: February 24 2015 07:38 am
This story gets better and better, I wish Adam would tell her why he keeps pushing her away! I believe he received a death threat against her life if they become involved.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much! You're a lot closer than you realize to the truth!!!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed

Date: February 24 2015 06:00 am
Hades has finally taken care of her need only to feel more emptiness because it is not the man she desires most. Adam will have to step up and explain why they cannot be together or he'll be too late.
Reviewer: katt Anonymous

Date: February 23 2015 08:27 pm
Suprisingly, I like the story line alot!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed

Date: February 23 2015 07:02 pm
Okay, this will be my induction...I like some metal bands but, this will be a new journey for me. Right now I give you a 10 just for the look of the cast!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed

Date: February 23 2015 06:28 pm
Avery is Afropunk! You should check out the site if you haven't already!
I'm intrigued with her relationship to Adam.
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: February 23 2015 02:20 am
I wish Adam would come clean about why he cant allow himself to be with her. And Hades needs to quit letting her emotions lead her to premiscuous behavior. Its hard to make a womam a heroine with that kind of behavior and character flaw. But overall I enjoyed this chapter.
Reviewer: SnowFever Signed

Date: February 22 2015 07:21 pm
Adam is getting on my nerves. He makes me side-eye the HELLFIRE out of him. But I'm glad that Avery was able to bust a much needed nutt.
Oh and contrary to popular belief- a bitch with a active sex life can be a herione in a story that YOU write...cause its YOUR story. How can a manwhore be the Hero in a book but a chick that fucks someone who is not the leading male can't? I don't quite get that.
Oh can't please everybody...especially humans.
Author's Response:
THANK YOU SO MUCH, Vicious!!! i really appreciate the support. And, yes, Adam needs to get it together! But he will! I'm working on something right now for you!!
Reviewer: DaSoulVicious Signed

Date: February 22 2015 06:29 pm
Thanks for the update!
Reviewer: Noni Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 22 2015 05:05 pm
I think Adam has some explaining to do. Seems he can at least tell Avary why he "can't", when they both so obviously have feelings for each other, and want to take things to the next level. Great update I'm glad Avery got some relief. Please update soon!
Author's Response:
Me too! Not too many people agree with her finding relief, so I'm glad you do! Adam will get it together soon. Promise!
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: February 22 2015 04:43 pm
That was nasty she just had sex with Josh!
Author's Response:
It's not nasty, it's human.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: February 22 2015 02:43 pm
Yes, my story is back!! Hades is throwing her punany around isn't she, but to what end? The man that she wants refuses to giVe himself to her. Why is he pushing he away when he's so obviously in love with her? CJ is really into Hades, don't hurt him Hades! ! Awesome sauce!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: February 22 2015 02:32 pm
I wish Adam would come clean about why he cant allow himself to be with her. And Hades needs to quit letting her emotions lead her to premiscuous behavior. Its hard to make a womam a heroine with that kind of behavior and character flaw. But overall I enjoyed this chapter.
Author's Response:
It's not hard at all, she's a person, not just an idealized woman. People fuck. I don't understand why that seems to be such a big deal. When a man fucks around it's no big deal, but when a woman wants fuck who she wants, when she wants, she's promiscuous. It's a story, not a fairy tale. I'm not looking to write something clean and straightforward and virtuous. I want to write real people. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter, but try to not bring judgement on to the characters.
Reviewer: SnowFever Signed

Date: February 22 2015 01:38 pm
😔 Why does he keep rejecting her. I love your story, but I hope you picks up pace on what direction the story is heading. Update soon and thanks
Reviewer: Shanee Signed

Date: February 22 2015 11:46 am
I'm going to need you to quit love it!!
Author's Response:
Aahaha! It's Adam's fault!! Thanks for the love!
Reviewer: Saylfo Signed

Date: February 22 2015 10:46 am
Awwwww stop rejecting Hades ! :/ . But then again I'm trying to figure out about this flashback. Wasn't there one when he was like all he could do was envision her lifeless body or bloody something bad lol
Author's Response:
LoL! I know, right?! Adam's being a jerk, but he thinks he has good reason. Yeah, he had a vision of her bloody, naked, and lifeless in the last chapter. I know it's been a while! But things will clear up soon. Promise! So glad you enjoyed!
Reviewer: Jesslove3205 Signed

Date: February 22 2015 08:06 am
Reviewer: LetMeDream Signed [Report This]Date: January 16 2015 02:22 am
Well, damn! Am I glad I took a chance on this story. I'm not really into Metal, save for the six months I dated a goth-boy in secondary school, LOL, but I can sure as hell get behind the love for bearded, long-haired men! Adam is delicious. Feel free to send him my way. I'll straighten him out then pass him back to Hades... okay so I lied, LOL!
I'm loving this, and can't wait to read more!
Reviewer: caramia_darling Signed [Report This]
Date: January 12 2015 10:48 pm
Amazing update!
Reviewer: SweetCoCo76 Signed

Date: January 12 2015 03:39 pm
Reviewer: Guest Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 12 2015 03:04 pm
What was Adam's vision about? It is so obvious that he loves Avery so why push her away? CJ was so wrong for the dig about treating het bettet than he ever could. Just wrong! Awesome sauce!!
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: January 12 2015 02:32 pm
Dig is so good - it's insane! the attraction between Adam and Avery is so potent but since Adam plans on holding back for whatever reason i say Go CJ!
look so so sooo flippin forward to where you plan taking this story! thanks for the update!
Reviewer: Yuukiyanagi Signed

Date: January 12 2015 10:39 am
I went back and read this chapter again. I think I agree with a previous reviewers comment. I'm sensing a super natural vibe after reading it again from multiple clues. Will wait to see where this goes. Awesome story!
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: January 12 2015 06:34 am