this is very well written but it was short and i couldnt relate to such an old main character female but i still love your work!

Reviewer: sweetrst1 Signed starstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: February 06 2015 03:58 am


That dream was HOT. Another great quality short story.

Author's Response:

I wasn't sure if the dream scene would work.  Now I have my answer.  Thanks.

Reviewer: CaramelGal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 19 2014 04:59 pm


Love it! Are you South African?

Author's Response:

I am glad that you loved BLACK FEVER.  I hope you will enjoy OUT of a THOUSAND INVITATIONS which I will upload on New Year's Eve.  The timing is significant because the love story takes place on that day and the title is based on a popular Christmas song from 1947  (What are you doing New Year's Eve?) 

I am not South African; however, any linking to that continent is a compliment.  I am African American and I live in the United States.  More specifically Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  I love reading and writing about people from many ethnic backgrounds.  Where in the world are you?  Just curious.  Bye.

Reviewer: DiamondPrincess Signed starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 18 2014 09:03 am


Awesome story now i wish there was more

Author's Response:

     Thanks.  I'm working on a short romantic story about the New Year.  It's called Out of a Thousand Invitations. It's a New Year's Eve tale of love.  I have also been thinking about taking the Christmas fanfic challenge.  I would be writing about the TV show, Good Times.  The title would be A Dynomite Christmas.  Let's see what happens.

Reviewer: PurpleLover23 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 16 2014 06:19 pm

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