Great story
Reviewer: Hin Lee Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 02 2017 03:02 am
Hey...I purchased the books this weekend and I just finished reading both books and I was wondering if there is a book 3 in the works? Cause I'm pretty sure you know that book 2's ending was very, very controversial there gonna be a book 3 or is the story over?
Author's Response:
Hi Hollie,
Thanks for your support by purchasing my Heart of Lies books and yes, there will be a 3rd instalment. I'm not sure of an exact publish date though as the 3rd novel is going to be written from 1st person point of view (Lyssa's) and most probably in present time. I hope you did like both books even though the ending was...well, as you said, controversial. I will definitely keep you guys updated on when I've written the 3rd instalment and sorry I can't give you firm dates now.
Reviewer: Hollie Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 26 2017 03:35 pm
So glad to hear this one will be published soon!
Could you post the link for your Alma Muerte facebook page? Thanks.
Author's Response:
Hi Taylor9, the above should take you to my other author's page (Alma Muerte) Heart of Lies will be out soon fingers crossed. Thanks for your continued support.
(I will also be using my K Carr author's page to give updates in the future)
Reviewer: Taylor9 Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 10 2017 09:25 am
Well it's time to light a match under you and don't even start rolling your eyes. You shouldn't have posted your stories if you didn't want to be pestered. Now, I need to know what you need me to do so you can get back to this story. I can kinda cook, although my family's got the take-out phone numbers on speed dial. They called my pork chops over cooked.I thought they were just right. You may have to chew them a little longer, but with some hot sauce they're really good I cook rice three ways...half done, gummy or burnt. Sprinkle some sugar on it and it tastes like oatmeal. I usually have to put a slice bread in my pot of rice .... right after I open the windows and take the battery out of the smoke alarm. That'll take that burnt taste out .
Author's Response:
Ha ha, sent you an email hon.
Reviewer: VeMo Anonymous

Date: February 07 2017 01:14 pm
Hey K Carr,
another one one of your fans here, I too loved lovers dance 1&2 (bought both). I absolutely would love more of your works. Please let us know if you have anything new coming soon or Facebook page we can follow you on. Many thanks. Hope to hear from you soon!
Author's Response:
Hi Mo,
Thanks for your kind words and I'm pleased to hear you enjoyed LD 1&2. My latest piece of work Home should be going live in a couple of weeks (not sure if you read it here on the Chamber) and it's much longer than where I had ended it. I couldn't help myself and wrote a lot more!!! I do have a FB page under K Carr and I'll be posting updates there soon. Thanks for your continued support.
Reviewer: Mo Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 04 2017 12:28 am
Can you please publish this one also?
Btw I absolutely loved Lovers' Dance, both books. You're awesome. Please let us know when your next book's scheduled to be published!
Author's Response:
Hi Taylor9,
I can't give you a time frame on when HOL will be published as it's been quite a few months since I last worked on this story, but it is much further along than where it had been left when I last posted. So glad you enjoyed LD 1&2 and I appreciate your support. I will definitely let you guys know when my next work is published, sorry in advance because I know I'm crap with things like that. I've got a FB page under construction (i.e it's bland as heck and I should really start posting stuff!) and will use this in the future to notify any interested readers about my upcoming works. Take care, and thanks once again for your support.
Reviewer: Taylor9 Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 09 2016 06:51 pm
is this coming back! AHHHHH. i was so in love with it before
Reviewer: monsgors Signed

Date: October 07 2016 12:57 am
Pleeeeeeeease bring this story back. I'm not a fan of supernataral stories but your writing is just out of this world. You are a brilliant writer who somehow makes characters come alive and I feel their I'm begging for you to bring it back!
Reviewer: itsmeboo Anonymous [Report This]Date: June 30 2016 09:43 pm
PLEASE UPDATE THIS AMAZING STORY SOON!!! I'm going through withdraws lol
Reviewer: itsmeboo Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 12 2016 04:43 pm
This book is so incredible...I hope at some point to be graced to read the remainder of the tale that was deleted...this chapter reminds me of how beautiful the love between Lyssa and Arric is to rock with this book...
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed

Date: November 21 2015 04:03 am
I needed these last two chapters. I was wondering if Alyssa made friends, or reached out to her uncle. She can't wind up without Arric.
Reviewer: Dallas5star Signed [Report This]Date: September 11 2015 12:51 am
Wonderful writing! I just read the story straight through after originally thinking it wasn't something I'd enjoy, but you added the perfect amount of tension to pull me in. I am torn but I'm leaning towards Eros because I think he will be a better fit for her true nature and destiny, which I think is only starting to show. And while I'll know Annabel is up to something, I think Valan has even bigger plans that are rooted in the death of his coven and have been in play since that night, his actions have been to calculated and he fears no one. Looking forward to learning more about what really happened to the coven. Again this is an excellent story. What is the full title of your published work, I'd love to read it.
Reviewer: kuriouskale Signed

Date: August 16 2015 03:42 am
Thank you!!!! I'm addicted to this story and these updates give me life
Reviewer: enfpchick Anonymous [Report This]Date: August 11 2015 03:54 pm
Do I really have to like Eros, urrggg, spare me, please, please. He's only interested because he is jealous, curious of what she has with Arric. Why!!!
Just to make her not feel left out, because Valan and Arric's obligations, stating that he couldn't be with her, doesn't mean she has to have a lesser 'man' like Eros. He doesn't do justice nor is he an upgrade. Why!!! Settle for him.
Reviewer: Kris Anonymous [Report This]Date: August 07 2015 01:52 pm
Is it wrong to hope for twins? :)
Reviewer: love Anonymous

Date: August 06 2015 11:45 pm
I think the time span between her and Arric and her and the vampire are really close so am hoping its Aric's baby she is carrying or better yet twin lol. Cant wait for an update. Keeep up the great job am enjoying this story immensely.
Reviewer: klarybelle Anonymous [Report This]Date: August 06 2015 10:44 pm
Ok, so I've been thinking about some comments and things in the story .
1. I don't think Valan is doing or has ever done anything to hurt Lyssa. He gave them a subtle push to stand by each others side in face of adversity ,not fall in love and mate . This pack with the Vampires was her idea and doing , while I feel like he didn't want her to do it , in a way she needs to. She needs to be around her kind ,to learn them . She's is a living Vampire who is more powerful than them but she cowers in their presence and feels more comfort with Wolves . This can not be. She has to learn to awaken and control her power . What we saw at the battle I think was just a small vet small look at her power . I think her uncles blood was more keeping her in check , because she wasn't ready than loaning her power .
2. She is the one that can truely rebuild her coven . Eros is needed for that . I think him and his sire are trying to get her to have feelings for him so the can breed her continuously . I don't trust him. He didn't see ant "potential" in her until she bore her flesh, which could have been a ploy to not seem so eager . But he belittles her value and allows others to do it in his presence . His intentions aren't true.
3. I think Annabell is out for her , I think she resents her for being able to do what she can't .
4. Arric and her bond is unbreakable and I think he handled the situation well. I know he wishes their babe had lived but they are of two seperate species . It's a wonder she caught at all .
5. Lyssa needs to come into her own and quick . I think they are plotting against her . She needs to learn those around her their strengths and weaknesses . Who can be influenced and who can't and know her damn worth and power !!! Stop hiding and let them see what a true Vampire can do
ok that's all I think
Reviewer: RedMoon Signed

Date: July 23 2015 03:20 pm
Eros, really, what has he done to earn her love? now that he realize her truth beauty, he wants her, please. If he had a heart to begin with then he should have played. That's a player, ladies, know when been played, when he only wants you just because... Taking a woman unwillingly isnt love, please dont confuse the young girls, that this is love. Arric all the way. Dont cut to deep, when you go to break our hearts. Love your work, thank you.
Reviewer: Kris Anonymous [Report This]Date: July 22 2015 05:14 am
I love this chapter. You could really feel the love between Lys and Arric. Please please don't wait so long to update!!!
Reviewer: allimetayer Signed [Report This]Date: July 21 2015 02:13 pm
Love their love,... so fearful of the bitterness this is going to cause some of us, because not all true love last, oh my gosh just dreading it.
For those who like Eros, what is the explanation? All of is interest have been through: lust (only when she disrobe before him), force ( because his queen said so), and control (to over power the love she share with the wolf); his character seems very childish and sadistic.
Please put a bandage over some of this bleeding, what will it take?
Reviewer: Kris Anonymous [Report This]Date: July 07 2015 04:40 pm
I could not read the scene between Lyssa and eros. I felt as though I was betraying her and Arric. I am devastated!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: July 06 2015 11:27 pm
Excuse my french, but that was some deep shit!!!!
You are such a talented writer. I appreciate you sharing your imagination and words with us here but, (and I hope everyone else doesn't hate me for this lol) if you aren't in the process of getting your stories published you may strongly want to consider it.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: July 06 2015 10:52 pm
So, I like the fact that there is an Eros. Artic gets a taste of how it made Lyssa feel when he mated with one of his own kind just to have an heir. Lyssa isn't doing it to get back at him or even because she wants to she is doing it because she loves him and is sacrificing herself. I hope she goes through with it. I hope she has the baby and develops a relationship with Eros. I understand Arric is king and all but I think he has also taken Lyssa for granted and he cheated on her he deserves to suffer a bit.
Very good story. Tone, Action, characterization all up there. Keep up the excellence. Been a while since I read a good fantasy fiction.
Reviewer: sharlene Signed

Date: June 30 2015 09:25 am
Amazing,amazing, amazing! Did I say you're amazing? Your story is amazing! You are amazing!
Reviewer: shoupette Signed

Date: June 20 2015 03:26 pm
Someone is a laurell k Hamilton fan. I'm really enjoying this it reminds me of her earlier works. Thank you.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: June 09 2015 05:55 am