Reading while lying in bed...scared, and I'm 55!
Reviewer: Penelope Signed

Date: December 01 2016 08:01 am
Damn!!! that was the grim reaper at her door. Girl.... you are good!!! had me looking around the room. This is some spooky goodness!!! Thanks honey.
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: December 01 2016 02:37 am
Oops! In trying to respond to a comment I accidently deleted it.
Truly sorry @Mami wata.
You wrote: you could not bear situations in which someone could be so merciless and you wanted more.
My response was for Clarification: More of Little Bird or more one shots?
As always, thank you for being a repeat reader of my little stories :]
Reviewer: Ren Signed [Report This]
Date: November 28 2016 07:09 pm
Omg I loved all of them
Author's Response:
That is amazing! I was a bit frightned when I started these that no one would be intrigued enough to read them. A lot of people don't tend to like stories that tilt a bit towards the darker side. :]
Thank you for taking the time to read them :]
Reviewer: quetta95 Signed [Report This]Date: November 28 2016 05:12 pm
Danyelle is a true " ride or die chick " Maddy better treat her right. You know what they say curiosity killed the cat and oh boy is trying to make sure it doesn't come back. This is creepy! yes! yes! yes! I love it!!
Author's Response:
Danyelle surely was that! It's nice to see two opposite personalities contrasting one another and voicing their opinions. :]
I'm happy hat you enjoy the creepy as much as I do! :]
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: October 24 2016 03:52 pm
They should have called 911!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: October 22 2016 09:33 am
Author's Response:
Damn, indeed! lol
Thanks for coming back. Thanks for leaving a comment :D
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: June 20 2016 11:28 pm
I luv it. Some more please.
Reviewer: Mami wata Signed

Date: June 16 2016 11:55 pm
This woman is " Insane in the membrane" I bet she was sitting there wondering when is the best time to get this hoe( her doctor ). Because in her mind she's always right, she wants what she wants and be damn if anybody stops her. Girl... this was some freaky scary BRILLIANCE!!!
Author's Response:
Yeah, she is a bit of that.
Thank you for being a repeat reader of my very short tales! It means a tremendous lot to me that you enjoy it enough to keep reading.
Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed

Date: June 16 2016 08:27 pm