Title: Chapter 3

Great update honey!

Author's Response:

Thanks!  Every time I see your posts, I smile.  Take care!

Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 22 2017 02:33 pm

Title: Chapter 3

The paparazzi is so nosey😕 Riley is in rare form😂 Nice👍

Author's Response:

Hi Blessed Soul,


I hope you continue to enjoy!  Thanks.

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 22 2017 03:38 am

Title: Chapter 2

I hope her people let them have some quality time together. It looks like he's about to know how hard it is to get next to her😃 nice updatea86;

Author's Response:

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 19 2017 01:37 am

Title: Chapter 2

Wow! a Black female country singer. This is going to be interesting. Great update honey

Author's Response:

Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 16 2017 03:05 pm

Title: Chapter 1

I bet Hollywood is not going to be very acceptable to this relationship. I do believe tinseltown is in for a show😀 all eyes 👀 will be on them😌

Author's Response:

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 04 2017 09:03 pm

Title: Chapter 1

Bryce is about to meet his match! and I can't wait. Nice update honey! Good job!!

Author's Response:

Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: April 04 2017 05:00 pm

Title: Prologue

This is juicy!! And my mom (Jacqua43) and I can't wait for more😍5n88;n88;n88;n88;n88;

Author's Response:

Hi Blessed Soul,

Thanks!  Tell your mom I said hello.  I hope you both enjoy THE NOTORIOUS BSCHELOR.

Elizabeth Griffin

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 15 2017 09:56 pm

Title: Teaser

I like it!! Merry Christmas honey.

Author's Response:

Hi Jacqua43,

Happy Holidays!  Have an amazing Christmas & an exciting New Year!  I've missed you.  I haven't been on The Chamber in a while.


Elizabeth Griffin

Reviewer: jacqua43 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 22 2016 02:30 pm

Title: Preview of the book cover

I was abrupt and my reaction was viseral, let me tell you why. I am a biracial woman who identifies as black. and I am sometimes appalled of how some black women who write these interracial romances describe things. A lot of writers will put a white man on a pedestal in their books/ stories even legitimizing rascist imagery and traits as something normal because they are so hell bent on making the white protagonist "perfect" while justifying their obvious flaws. Some will even write racist traits and have the female lead overlook them. Sometimes the self hate is so evident and if you dare say something they get upset. I appreciate your thoughful reply. I saw one response was deleted. I don't know if that one differed. I was acerbic because I found it offensive. I look forward to reading more of your work. Regards, Madison

Author's Response:

Hello Madison,


The first two reviews were not deleted.  The two people never write a comment.  I have thus far never deleted a readers review, because they all have been helpful.  They allow me to see my writing through another person's eyes.


I did not take offense with your comments.  I appreciated  your honesty.  You did not lecture me which has happened in the past.

 Thank you for sharing your views and your personal feelings.  I do not usually write BWWM, but I learned of the genre two years ago.  I am a struggling writer and decided to write BWWM romance novels in addition to my medical series.  However, your comments remind me to write responsibly.  My books usually include multiple races.

I love telling stories.  

I value your response so much that I went to the library and took out several books:  1 on the state of Tennessee, 1 on Nashville, 1 on southern short stories.  Thanks again.


Elizabeth Griffin

Reviewer: madison Signed [Report This]
Date: December 21 2016 08:19 pm

Title: Teaser

Loving this!! Love reading about country stories.

Reviewer: AmmaWem Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: December 21 2016 02:25 pm

Title: Preview of the book cover

Hello Madison,

Thank you for your response.  I think I understand your review.  I wrote you a long response, but posted it as a review instead of a reponse.  However, it is addressed to you.


Elizabeth Griffin

Reviewer: Elizabeth Griffin Signed [Report This]
Date: December 21 2016 09:46 am

Title: Preview of the book cover

Hello Madison,

Thank you for your honest reaction.  It forewarns me to consider carefully the  telling of this story.  The brevity of your response causes me to pause a moment and reflect.  

This character came to me from my subconscious.  He is partially the product of  my observations and the world I live in.  As you know,  there are people in this world with beliefs and realities that are so very different  from those of others yet we all do exist.  We all see the world through different eyes.

Bryce Carson is from Tennessee.  His history dates back to the founding of that state.   His was the last state to leave the Union.  His ancesters fought in the Civil War.  His family obtained its wealth during that time.  His family benefited from slavery.

Bryce is a product of his past.  The manners, behaviors and customs of that time are also a part of him.  He is influenced by His parents, grand-parents , great-parent...

I think I understand your response.  Please continue to critique me and once again, Thank you.


Reviewer: Elizabeth Griffin Signed [Report This]
Date: December 21 2016 09:37 am

Title: Teaser

"Genteel manners of a CONFEDERATE GENTLEMAN?" Really?

Author's Response:

Hello Madison,


Thank you for your response.  I posted two responses to your comments, but posted the as reviews.  I blame the errors on answering it at 04:50 in the morning.  Please read them and comment.  Your review caused me to pause and reflect.  Thanks again.


Elizabeth Griffin

Reviewer: madison Signed [Report This]
Date: December 21 2016 05:02 am

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