Thanks for bringing it back
Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed

Date: June 14 2021 01:42 pm
I am glad to see see this story back. Maya is crossing all kinds of lines.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: June 10 2021 11:20 am
Karma strikes EJ.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: June 09 2021 11:08 am
I feel so bad for MJ as his incubator cares nothing about him.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed

Date: June 09 2021 11:04 am
She's too nice like Terrance is wierd and Maya cares but is being overbearing like I just want her away from these psychos
Reviewer: Alexis208 Signed [Report This]Date: June 08 2021 09:17 pm
DId he sexually assault her? I'm getting scared for her.
Reviewer: Alexis208 Signed [Report This]Date: June 08 2021 08:36 pm
Will you update again hope all is well
Reviewer: Mimi Anonymous [Report This]Date: December 03 2020 04:08 am
Thanks for the new chapter. Even though the way the story is unfolding is quite frustrating. Like I get why Nayely is being defensive toward MJ, and why Maya is telling her to stop being in contact with him. I, for one, don't want MJ to get thrown into all the Terrence + creepy journalist bullshit, seeing how very vulnerable he still is, being in recovery and all. Now I need Nayely to stop trying to solve everything by herself. And also remind Maya that she is the boss, not the other way around.
Reviewer: RedHobo Signed [Report This]Date: December 29 2019 02:50 pm
I don't like Maya, fire her please.
Reviewer: pmgayles Signed [Report This]Date: December 28 2019 02:04 pm
Merry Christmas to me! So glad to see an update on this story. I can’t wait for more!
Reviewer: Lemondrop Signed [Report This]Date: December 27 2019 08:39 pm
MJ's incubator should have never procreate. Damian ain't nothing but a donor.
Reviewer: Pmgayles Anonymous

Date: December 26 2019 09:52 pm
Can we get an update please so good
Reviewer: Li Anonymous [Report This]Date: September 17 2019 11:40 pm
i really like this story please finish
Reviewer: minxie Signed

Date: April 09 2019 01:25 pm
I love this story. Can't wait for the next update.
Reviewer: Lemondrop Signed [Report This]Date: April 06 2019 02:06 am
I really miss this story. Please update.
Author's Response:
Thank you so much for your support! I miss writing this story as well and look forward to what's next.
Reviewer: Lemondrop Signed [Report This]Date: March 13 2019 04:31 am
Great chapter. I can't wait for the next one.
Reviewer: Lemondrop Signed [Report This]Date: January 21 2019 11:31 pm
WOW!!! That is all I got. Can't wait for the next update!
Reviewer: Lemondrop Signed [Report This]Date: December 11 2018 09:30 am
I wish Nayely would secretly record all her interactions with these thugs😬 In Terrence entitled mind he believes he made Nayely he can break Nayely😕 I wish she turn the tables on Terrence, his family and the judge😆 bring out all their dirty little secrets😆 I'm digging this update😆
Reviewer: Tre Signed

Date: December 10 2018 06:25 pm
Terrence and his family got the police in their pockets😕 Nayely should go to the media if the police won't do anything. Since Terrence want to be in the public eye👀 put him in the public eye👀 Kahlil is a good friend😆 I'm digging this update😆
Reviewer: Tre Signed

Date: December 09 2018 06:40 pm
Khalil is trying to fix it. Why is that cop protecting Terrance? That child molester needs to be under the jail and shanked.
Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous

Date: December 09 2018 05:13 pm
I hope with age comes wisdom. It’s my hope that Nayley now understands why MJ went ballistic on her all those years ago. If someone who I’ve known, loved and trusted kept something very important (i.e., the truth behind my mother’s death), I probably would have reacted more the same way as MJ. As for MJ, he needs to hear Nayley’s point of view. All those years wasted because they were so damn prideful are now gone. Hopefully MJ’s overdose and Khalil’s persistence will help those 2 realize that they need to talk and fac their shared past once and for all.
As for Terrance, Nayley needs to out his child molesting ass to the world! Otherwise he will do this someone else and I don’t think Nayley would want that on her conscience. It’s scary as hell to reveal that someone who trusted betrayed and humiliated you, but I feel that Nayley is stronger than she gives herself credit for.
Reviewer: darqchild Signed [Report This]Date: December 08 2018 09:18 pm
Terrence is a perv and a child molester😕
Author's Response:
He's a slimy one I'll tell you that!
Reviewer: Tre Signed

Date: December 07 2018 03:34 am
I am so glad to see this story updated! I check this sight everyday for this story. I can’t wait till MJ and Nayely meet face to face. I hope she gives him a taste of his own medicine.
Author's Response:
I'm so glad you're enjoying the ride!
Reviewer: Lemondrop Signed [Report This]Date: December 04 2018 09:03 pm
Given that MJ reached out subconsciously, and Nayley knows his history, she'll realize that MJ really needs her. Like this so far.
Reviewer: Musicluva Signed

Date: November 04 2018 09:54 am
All that rat🐀 Terrence need to do now is rummage through her trash... and blackmail her into doing whatever he wants. Girl, why you put that garbage in your trash, and drive that car without your license, with drugs on your hands😕 This story is so good... I'm digging it!!
Reviewer: Tre Signed

Date: November 04 2018 03:31 am