Nice update😀
Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed [Report This]Date: May 03 2019 03:08 pm
I👀 like😀
Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed [Report This]Date: February 13 2019 03:22 pm
Glad you are back, Enjoy the update.
Reviewer: Bain Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 31 2019 04:08 pm
Alright let the Spencers get together and protect Gia and Zander. Gia and Zander better protect themselves.
Reviewer: smolley Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2019 08:22 pm
Love the build up to the reveal.
Reviewer: smolley Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2019 07:54 pm
Monica needs to go home and get a drink. Sam needs to leave town and get a life. Mac is an idiot. Don't get me started on Maxie. You are doing a great job with this story if you have me hurling insults at my computer for something someone wrote. I'm usually a mild mannered person.
Reviewer: smolley Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2019 07:45 pm
Now this Carly I might can stomach. Gia is strong but I hope that she has a plan for handling this.
Reviewer: smolley Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2019 07:36 pm
Who is Mac, the self righteous jerk as is Anna? Robin is a piece of mess, not some kind, gentle, whatever. Don't get my dander up, as the old folks say.
Reviewer: smolley Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2019 07:25 pm
Liz Webber is a walking billboard for 'how not to behave'. Poor Zander if he is the father. He needs to have himself checked for STDs if she's sleeping with multiple partners. Ewww!
Reviewer: smolley Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2019 07:18 pm
Why don't some people stop talking when someone tells them they don't want to hear what they have to say? Gia told them to go at the beginning and they stayed and kept talking. Idiots.
Reviewer: smolley Signed [Report This]Date: January 03 2019 07:12 pm
Great story!!
Reviewer: Bain Anonymous [Report This]Date: January 02 2019 04:09 pm
I hope it's not Zander baby😕 I'm digging the updates😆
Reviewer: Tre Signed [Report This]Date: November 18 2018 02:54 pm
I hope y'all are feeling better😆
Author's Response:
Thank you, we are getting there. Happy thanks giving.
Reviewer: Tre Signed [Report This]Date: November 18 2018 02:53 pm
She don't have no security detail😕 something ain't right😕
Reviewer: Tre Signed [Report This]Date: November 06 2018 05:18 pm
Calm as a dormant volcano until its time to blow😂😂😂
Reviewer: Tre Signed [Report This]Date: November 06 2018 05:16 pm
Maxie wrote a check her ass couldn't cash😂😂😂👊👊👊
Reviewer: Tre Signed [Report This]Date: November 06 2018 05:10 pm
Who's stalking her?
Reviewer: Tre Signed [Report This]Date: November 06 2018 05:08 pm
This story is good.
Reviewer: Bain Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 06 2018 05:41 am
This story is so good.
Reviewer: Bain Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 25 2018 06:44 pm
This is so good! I feel as though I'm watching the show, but the writing is so much better!
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 24 2018 07:04 am
Yuri... that's all I👀 got to say😍 I know the endgame is Jason😕 but Yuri is the beginning, middle and end for me😍 I👀 can't see Gia with anyone else. I'm digging this😆
Reviewer: Tre Signed [Report This]Date: October 23 2018 05:37 pm
This story is so good, and I enjoy your writing very much.
Reviewer: Bain Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 23 2018 03:59 am
I'm digging this update😆
Reviewer: Tre Signed [Report This]Date: October 23 2018 03:23 am