Reviews For A Wrong Turn...

I hope you are well! I never write reviews and I definitely need to start because you deserve all the flowers for sharing your gift with the world! I just wanted to say that I love your story and writers like you keep me coming back to the Chamber! I really hope you finish this story or update us on where we can continue reading. 

Reviewer: Invested Reader Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 08 2024 09:05 pm

Title: Abby goes to a hotel…

Loved this update and I can't wait for more! I really hope you continue writing this story and I hope you are well.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: September 08 2024 02:06 pm

Title: Abby goes to a hotel…

I randomly re-read this story every now and then but somehow don't make it this far often. I love the fondness that has been built between Abby and Eli, and I can't wait to see how Leah got to the mountain.

Reviewer: GeenBean Signed [Report This]
Date: July 29 2024 02:23 am

Title: Abby goes to a hotel…

I don't come to this site to ofen anymore. However, I make a point of checking in to see if you have left a treat for me, your voracious reader. I absolutely am tickled that after so long, you have updated this wonderful story. I'm so happy that you are continuing this world of the mountain folk and their captured loves. Now, I'll have to remind myself who Leah is. LOL! I hope it isn't too long before we get a new chapter. Hope all is well and that you're thriving! 

Reviewer: brown_mocha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: June 23 2024 03:27 am

Title: Abby goes to a hotel…

It's nice to see this update and learn what is happening on the mountain.

Reviewer: dcphoenix1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 30 2024 09:15 pm

Title: Abby goes to a hotel…

It's nice to see this update and learn what is happening on the mountain.

Reviewer: dcphoenix1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 30 2024 09:15 pm

Title: Abby goes to a hotel…

I drop whatever I am doing and read your updates.  Thank you for this one.

Now, I'm getting a little tired of Abby giving Elias the runaround.  Yeah, he kidnapped her, but tbh she only had her grandma, high bills, and a nonexistant love life in DC.  Imo, her indecisiveness is getting old and it's not fair that Elias is always having to rub one out, during their HOT make out sessions.  

It's as if they are going around in circles.  His grand dad gave her a good family history lesson and her grandma provided wisdom...the way Abby snapped at her grandma was uncalled for, but I will chalk it up to Abby being under stress.

I did so enjoy the two chapters thrown in on USA being in chaos,maybe the chapters were accidentally added, but I read them anyway and oh my, I was right there with Abby and Leah!

Abby needs some competiotion for Elias feelings and then she will see that he was meant to be hers.  Didn't he have a girlfriend while in college?  She could come to visit him...hint hint.


Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your continued reading!  Abby's indecisiveness is definitely her worst flaw.  She is also realizing that she didn't have much going for her.  But as long as you enjoyed the story, I'm happy.  You have given me some good 

I'm thinking of pulling the two "AU" chapters out and spinning that into a separate short story.

 Thank you again for reading and reviewing.  Stay safe out!

Author's Response:

Thank you so much for your continued reading!  Abby's indecisiveness is definitely her worst flaw.  She is also realizing that she didn't have much going for her.  But as long as you enjoyed the story, I'm happy.  You have given me some good 

I'm thinking of pulling the two "AU" chapters out and spinning that into a separate short story.

 Thank you again for reading and reviewing.  Stay safe, my dear!

Reviewer: Penelope Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 30 2024 04:07 am

Title: Abby goes to a hotel…

I can't remember who Leah is if we were ever informed. But omg the joy at seeing a chapter was uploaded!!!!!!

Author's Response:

Hey there!  It's totally my fault that you can't remember, taking so long to update.  You'll find out soon!  Thank you so much for reading and reviewing!

Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed [Report This]
Date: March 28 2024 02:16 pm


WELCONE BACK.  I have missed your crafty tale weaving skills.  So very glad to see the saga of Abby and Elias continue.  It was torturous waiting to find out how this "dumpster fire"(your words) ends up.  What's  the real deal with Hoyt and the Hollers? Who is in cahoots with them?  Was Vivian's big revelation that her mother is so mean because her life is so miserable? Is the governor undermining the mountain men.  Is Leah already in love? Did Abby's Gran have an encounter with a mountain man long ago?  Oh, please, soothsayer, finish your story please.

Author's Response:

Thank you soooo much!!! Thank you for your patience with my dumpster  Ma'am! Those are some pretty good 

You don't know how much I appreciate your reading and reviewing.  Stay tuned, my dear!

Reviewer: So glad you're back Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 25 2024 05:36 pm

Title: Abby goes to a hotel…


So glad you're back! Thank you for such a good chapter

Abby was just about to give in lol She's better than me, Eli would have had me a long time ago

Please don't leave us hanging for another year

Author's Response:

Thank you for your continued support!  I definitely won't...I think we're nearing the 4th quarter...

Reviewer: Halo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: March 19 2024 09:07 am

Title: Abby goes to a hotel…

I want Abby to stop doubting herself when she thinks something doesn't feel right to her. I also feel, even though its subtle, she gets second-guessed by Elias to keep her off balance. 

These people still make me itch, but I'm here for it!!

Glad you're back and for the update!

Author's Response:

Haha, yes!  They're supposed to make you itch while drawing you in...or at least I hope that's what I'm getting across...

thank you so much for the review!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 18 2024 09:56 pm

Title: Abby goes to a hotel…


Author's Response:

Thank you, my dear!

Reviewer: Frannie Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: March 18 2024 05:38 pm


It's going on two years. I do hope you'll update soon this year.

Author's Response:

Yes ma'am!  It should be up now.  I'm sorry for making you wait so long.  Please enjoy

Reviewer: AnnG Anonymous [Report This]
Date: February 14 2024 04:28 am

Title: Abby goes to the spa…

Please please please update this story!!!!!

Reviewer: Halo Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: January 18 2024 05:02 pm

Title: Abby goes to the spa…

Hope all is well. I hope the new year is bringing you wonderful things.  I hope you are able to finish your intriguing tale. You are such a phenomenal writer. Woshing you ALL the best.

Reviewer: Sprklngbrwneyes Anonymous [Report This]
Date: January 05 2023 03:50 pm

Title: Abby goes to the spa…

Can't wait for the next chapter on this. Hope you're doing well!

Reviewer: Shay Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: October 06 2022 09:04 am

Title: Abby goes to the spa…

So, glad I'm caught up. This world is so intriguing! I love it! I believe that Seraphine is my favorite character! I love her! I can just picture Lynn Whitfield everytime she makes a face! LOL! I believe she will be crucial for when/if Abby decides to make a break for it. I'm invested in these characters, especially the ones that haven't found their 'one' yet. I wonder if in the future you'll create a story about Seraphine? I would be deilghted to read it.  I can't wait to see where this goes! Keep up the amazing work. 

Author's Response:

I don't know how to put emoji's in this text but if I could I would type a paragraph of hearts.  Thank you SOOOO much!  I love reading and responding to these reviews and knowing that you and few other ladies are enjoying this weird-ass story of mine.  Seriously, you made my week with this comment. 

Seraphine is one of my favorites as well and you already know that she will be an influence on Abby.  Unfortunately, I don't have an idea for Seraphine yet as I have a few other things in the works, but you mentioning it has wheels turning in my head...he he he...

Brown_Mocha, thank you so much for your continued reading!  I have been busy with work and school but I'm cranking away at the next chapter.

Stay safe out there, my dear! 

Reviewer: brown_mocha Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: September 05 2022 04:04 pm


Is this going to have a happy endin?

Author's Response:

Hmm...that is a little difficult to answer.  I had originally intended this to be a one-shot and end after Abby realized she was trapped, but the story kept going.

I guess a happy ending would look different to different people. The ending I'm settling on may be..."positive" in the minds of the characters but may not be the best or most healthy decisions.  

I'm sorry I can't give away more, not without spoiling the story.

But thank you for your support and stay tuned!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 24 2022 03:05 pm

Title: Abby goes to the spa…

Another great update. I would love to hear more of Miss Seraphine's thoughts! 

Author's Response:

Thank you for your continued support!  Miss Seraphine definitely has a lot to say!

Reviewer: Halo Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 20 2022 09:30 pm

Title: Interlude…Abby doesn’t fight zombies (pt.2)

Now this is definitely a movie I would watch!

Author's Response:

Lol...Thank you so much!  I'm toying around with an idea for another post-apocalyptic story!

Reviewer: Halo Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 20 2022 09:28 pm

Title: Abby goes to the spa…

A part of Addy is sipping on that Kool-aid and loving the favor. They are Viking men. Miss Seraphine is the TRUTH!! And I like her. Another great update Blackmagic

Author's Response:

LOL...she sure is!  Blessed, thank you so much for your continued support, but hold on to your hat!  The ride is about to get a bit bumpy.  Miss Seraphine indeed knows her stuff and maybe sips the koolaid just a tiny Stay safe out there!

Reviewer: Blessed Soul Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 20 2022 04:32 pm

Title: Abby goes to the spa…

I'm so glad you got it done and I was pleasantly surprised to see it up after getting the second interlude just recently. Can't wait for the next chapter! 

Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 20 2022 02:16 pm


Thank you so much for always responding to the reviews. I feel like I am right there with you.  It is a new and wondrous feeling.  You are so generous to be so open to your readers.  You are  much appreciated.  Thank you,  my birthday is so much better because of your talent and selflessness.  Stay safe and keep on creating.


Author's Response:

Oh my gosh!!  I am so grateful for your comment T_T.  I really do enjoy interacting with all of you, seriously... I know the concept isn't the I feel so blessed to have readers like you.  I appreciate you, sis! You stay safe and Happy Birthday, my dear! Once again thank you! Your comment has made my week!

Reviewer: Sprklngbrwneyes Anonymous [Report This]
Date: July 19 2022 09:57 pm

Title: Abby goes to the spa…

Lovedddddd this update. Elias and Abby really have come so far and I love how he protects and nurtures her. Elder Westfall is my favoriteeeeee. "Spikes the koolaid". So glad Abby has that mentorship from her. 

Author's Response:

He does really care for her even if he is misguided...I love Miss Seraphine too!  I wanted to have someone in her corner besides Summer!  Thank you for reading and stay tuned!


Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: July 19 2022 04:30 am

Title: Abby goes to the spa…

Thank the Lord for Miss Seraphine! Slipping her that helpful mickey to hide! Its definitely something Abby should be on an even and fair playing field with Elias to decide. Don't drink the kool-aid indeed. Good move!

And that scene with Abby and the! Knowing its trick to test her and her physical reaction to what should be a simple and mundane thing to do....

This story is a trip and I can't seem to stop reading it!!

Author's Response:

Somebody has got some sense on that Thank you so much for your patience and riding with me on this crazy journey!  Stay safe and stay tuned!

Reviewer: flikchick Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: July 18 2022 11:50 pm

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