When is Forget Me Not Volume Two coming out?
Author's Response:
Hi Chloe, I hope all is well with you. Apologies for my absence as I have not been in the best of health the past year. Hopefully I will be able to return to writing at some point soon. Thank you for your continued support.
FMN Vol Two has been released.
Reviewer: Chloe Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 01 2023 10:51 pm
Just read the completed story on ebook and I still want to throat punch Jared. Please let there be a part 2 and I hope he remembers everythting he has done to Willow, and I do mean everything.
I know you will make Willow stronger and he will beg.
Reviewer: Penelope Signed

Date: August 25 2023 05:21 am
Please release Volume 2 of Forget Me Not ASAP! I need to know how this story ends. Thanks.
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous

Date: July 09 2023 04:57 am
Can you make this book available on Amazon international please.
Reviewer: fcho4506 Anonymous [Report This]Date: March 17 2023 10:57 am
Hey K Carr just want to know if you have plans to publish this book on Amazon.
Author's Response:
Hi there, hope all is well with you. It has been a while since I've been on here and I do miss you all. FMN has been more or less completed (ended up with my usual problem of being too long so now split into 2 parts) and my intention was to publish it last year...but I went back to work in finance and I've been consumed!!!
I know it's no excuse but I really have no free time between family life and managing my team - haven't started any new stories in over 18 months :-(
But you know I WILL release something. I can only thank you and anyone else who still take pleasure from reading my work for your amazing patience. I adore you all and, as always, will try to be faster with releasing work. Forgive me for the delay xx
Reviewer: fcho4506 Anonymous [Report This]Date: February 24 2021 02:41 am
It's almost as if Jared had amnesia during the five years he has known Willow...just joking.
Apparently, he cared enough about Willow to drastically change his life, hide stuff he knew she wouldn't like, and cut out the people that didn't agree and/or had betrayed him.
Maybe the new/old Jared is afraid to find out exactly why he did that.
Is he even asking or showing concern about the baby?
Reviewer: Penelope Signed

Date: November 24 2020 02:27 pm
When I first started reading this story, I thought he would do something stupid, get his memory back and then they have to rebuild OR that he would never get it back but they would slowly fall in love again. I'm sorry, but as a woman, there's nothing enjoyable about watching another woman cry and get berated, gaslighted, & treated like shit emotionally for 11 chapters straight, so I'll unfortunately wait until this story is marked complete before reading it again.
I think your writing is fine and the chapters are a very good length. But what women would take enjoyment reading about another woman in emotional pain and PREGNANT for so many chapters. At some point there needs to be some consistent progress in this couple or they need to split to keep the audience's attention. Him attempting to fuck her and then her crying herself to sleep just isn't that.
Reviewer: Jay Anonymous [Report This]
Date: November 21 2020 11:49 pm
Whew Jared makes me squint with the way he talks to Williow. She has some great patience with him that I personally would not have. Why be so accusatory it's just so confusing, what motivation does willow have to lie at this point. I'd think someone who lost there memories would be a bit more open to people trying to guide them as it's uncharted territory for all parties. Jared clearly has a closet full of skeletons and either he changed a lot or his acting is downright sociopathic.
Reviewer: Indigo_bluee Signed

Date: November 21 2020 10:31 pm
You have gotten me HOOKED on this story girl! I'm Pissed at Jared and willow! He's a dick now and she is too pushy, but understandably so! I want her to slap his ass for being such a dick but she is so in love she can't see what's tea. He's pulling away from her and his racist family trying to put a wedge in between them. She needs to get real with herself. Please publish this book and HURRY I will buy it! I need to know what happens!!!! You got me over here scratching like a crackhead lol
Reviewer: kikimilan Signed [Report This]Date: November 21 2020 10:27 pm
She needs to see a therapist. There is also a very big secret here. His family is racist and upset he married a black woman. Hell he may have even been prejudice before getting with her. That's the vibe I'm getting. Everything he insinuates is related to some stereotype about Black people. I'm running out of patience for him but it seems there was a small step forward tonight. Such a good story!
Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed

Date: November 12 2020 03:27 am
I love how this story is starting. One thing I can say from reading K Carr, the way she humanizes her characters is amazing yet thought provoking. I love how she gives these real life situations of conflict yet at the same time illustrates this resilience in the couples she writes. Can't wait to read more!
Reviewer: Navygirl5 Signed

Date: November 02 2020 02:10 am
Nice start!!
Reviewer: Michmom2 Signed

Date: November 01 2020 07:45 am
I like the story, but it's dragging on a bit too slow and the updates are very short. I will be back after a few have happened, so that I have more to read.
Reviewer: Fastidious Signed [Report This]Date: October 24 2020 05:02 am
My hearrrttt. Oh my goodness I was there with her in the hospital. He better wake up
Reviewer: PetitteBelle Signed [Report This]Date: October 18 2020 04:53 am
Just these two chapters had me teary. I was expecting her to have an accident on those low tires. This is really good, with likabele characters, but something's off with his family.
Reviewer: Penelope Signed

Date: October 18 2020 03:56 am
I hope he will be ok
Reviewer: fanaserie Signed [Report This]Date: October 17 2020 01:46 pm
Great start
Reviewer: fanaserie Signed [Report This]Date: October 17 2020 10:34 am