I'm so conflicted about this story and eager to read it...I want Jie to be happy but at the same time I am so sad for Eminta because she won't have a love to physically hold and enjoy, babies etc. I'm not sure if I am expressing that correctly but can't wait for this.
Author's Response:
Hello dear lajack1! Yes darling you expressed it perfectly! What you feel is exactly what I feel! It's so bittersweet. Jie will be able to move on and find love again but our Eminta will not. She'll always be stuck in that place... longing for him. It's so terribly sad! I will do my best to bring some sort of closure for her... she deserves this just as much as he does. They both do. I wish I could say that I could bring Eminta back but...rest assured... she'll have her time. I'm so glad you're ready hehe. I hope to do right by them both! Thank you for your support~ DL
Reviewer: lajack1 Signed [Report This]Date: October 28 2021 06:11 pm