Happy New Year. Hi. Welcome back. I can't get enough of Victor and Evangeline stories, especially when you do the writing. Why do I get the feeling that a surprise secret wedding is about to take place? (Hint, hint).
I can't wait until those in the firm get their comeuppance...here's to looking at you Molly. I am especially looking forward to Vicki's reaction. She might give literal meaning to term ' drop dead from shock.' LoL.
May this New Year bring you, love, joy peace and an even closer relationship with Christ. Have a wonderful week.
Author's Response:
Yeah it took it more than a moment to update this story especially to this being our busy time at work (and it still is LOL) I'm also happy that you enjoyed reading!!
I can't do that to Viki, right...hmmm :)
Sarah you understand, I'm not a true writer like others on this page and just consider it a little hobby. If two characters catch my attention then my mind starts to write before I ever put fingers to keyboard so I really appreciate when a reader enjoys what my little story.
Every year Jesus and I are working on it LOL. I wish you all of God's Blessings and grace for this year as well!!!!
As always, thanks so very much for reading and leaving and awesome review!!!
Reviewer: Sarah Anonymous [Report This]
Date: January 08 2025 03:19 pm
Hiya. I smiled when I saw this update today. Finally someone called out Viki on her behaviour. I have to wonder myself if Viki is a closeted racist. She'll actively encourage Todd and once upon a time Victor to be with Blair, who can give Heidi Fleiss a run for her reputation. However, she has a problem with Evangeline, who is a babe in the dating world compared to Blair. Why doesn't she concentrate on bringing Todd to heel when it comes to Victor?
I hope Victor can bring the firm down and Evangeline needs to learn to lighten up.
Have a great weekend.
Author's Response:
Hey Sarah!!!
It's so wonderful reading your reviews!! I'm so glad you took time out to post one which makes me feel awesome!!!I always read your synopsis very carefully. When it comes to Evangeline I believe she is lawyer mode at the mode considering her meeting with ACE..lol.
Have a great weekend too!!!!
Reviewer: Sarah Anonymous [Report This]Date: November 01 2024 04:37 pm
Thank you for the update. Awww...he came to see her. I love their relationship. "Saint Viki" who can try the patience of an actual saint. I think part of her dislike for Evangeline is her feeling of being replaced as the only woman who can keep Victor on the straight and narrow. The only woman whose opinion matters most to him. The one who has the most control over him and most definitely the one for whom he'll do anything.
I really hope Molly gets her comeuppance, in fact that entire firm needs a good shaking up.
Keep up the good work. I just have one request...can you revisit Celia? Please, please. Sara is another whose commeppance I would like to read .
Have a wonderful week.
Author's Response:
Sarah thanks so much for reading and leaving a lovely review!!
And I totally agree with your assessment of Viki. She is who she is and I can't write her any other way. Thanks a lot OLTL LOL!!!
Do have a wonderful week as well!!!!
Reviewer: Sarah Anonymous [Report This]Date: October 02 2024 01:56 pm
Welcome back. You've done it again. Your talent for writing Evangeline and Victor is amazing. I hope both Molly and Robert get their comeuppance. What is with Viki and now Lynn has joined the dance.
I would like Vic and Vangie married with a couple of sprogs :)
Have a great week!
Author's Response:
Thanks so much for welcoming me back! I've always enjoyed writing about these two because these two characters inspired me to write fanfiction. I'll take your suggestions into careful consideration.
Thanks so much for leaving a review and have a great week as well!!!!
Reviewer: Sarah Anonymous [Report This]Date: September 19 2024 07:10 pm
Glad you update this story, I have been missing your stories.
Author's Response:
Thanks so much! I'm very appreciative of your review!!!
Reviewer: Frannie Anonymous [Report This]Date: September 01 2024 07:42 am
Good Start!
Author's Response:
I'm grateful for your review and happy that you are enjoying it so far!!
Reviewer: Frannie Anonymous [Report This]Date: July 08 2024 12:16 am