Summary: Eureka Fanfiction: Welcome to Eureka.
Sheriff Jack Carter is an average man among a town of geniuses who fumbles though policing the community in a constant state of frustration over it's more eccentric citizens and their pennant for wild inventions and experiments. The town's one saving grace is Allison Blake, the hardnosed head of Eureka's major research facility and the woman who has captured his heart.
But as always in Eureka, things don't go as planned, and Carter soons finds himself trapped in a waking nightmare, fighting to hold on to everything he cherishes most, with nothing to guide him but the strength of his convictions and his belief in the woman he loves.
Oh, and also a little bit of faith.
Banner by TokenBlackGirl
Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Allison Blake
Classification: Off Cannon Genre: Comedy ,
Science Fiction Story Status: None
Pairings: Allison/Carter (Eureka)Warnings: Adult Situations,
Extreme Language,
Original Characters,
Sexual Content
Series: None
Chapters: 10
Word count: 33784
Read Count: 61808
Published: 30/06/08
Updated: 25/08/08