It's been six months since Reese Davies had a decent date and even longer since her toes curled and her eyes rolled in the back of her head. Desperate times call for desperate measures and she accepts a last ditch effort from her brother and her best friend for a new strategic partnership. Love match or total disaster?
Recommended by: Quila Cole
Recommender's comments:
The Setup is one of the best stories on The Chamber. It's been a minute since I read it but I still remember the main characters and how well the author wrote this story. I loved how they met and the build up to them finally being together.
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Comedy , Family, Friendship, Romance
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Extreme Language, Fluff, Original Characters, Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Completed: Yes