I’m so sad the site I used to read the sequels is gone!!!? If you ever come back please put them back up I’ll wait it’s been 8 years already I’ll wait more lmao
Reviewer: simplymandy Signed [Report This]Date: 12/03/18 05:45 pm
You write like a pro. Loved it. Very intense.
Reviewer: swirly_girl Signed [Report This]Date: 27/12/16 08:19 am
You write like a pro. Loved it. Very intense.
Reviewer: swirly_girl Signed [Report This]Date: 26/12/16 03:51 am
so good...I couldn't put it down to write reviews....I just kept reading
Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]Date: 30/03/16 02:57 pm
Amazing tale! AHHHHHMAAAAZING! I am officially in love with this book. You put your foot in it girl!
Reviewer: GreenRoots Signed [Report This]Date: 07/05/15 02:28 pm
Reviewer: GreenRoots Signed [Report This]Date: 07/05/15 06:28 am
Can u please continue this story I want to know there future
Reviewer: PurpleLover23 Signed [Report This]Date: 07/05/15 02:21 am
Nice comments on other stories floating out there.
Reviewer: swirly_girl Signed [Report This]Date: 21/02/15 05:00 am
This story was beautiful. I couldn't stop reading. I enjoyed every single character. You have a talent for fleshing out characters and making the reader care about each one as an individual. My only suggestion is that I would have loved to see more action. I would have enjoyed reading about Nikki's dark side from his point of view. Sunny is a great character. I'd love to see her get a little dark too and be a bit more understanding about Nikki's profession. The ending was sweet but I hope it doesn't end there. I can't imagine it's going to be easy for Nikolai to just walk away without repercussions. Please Keep writing! You are actually very talented. Much better than 80% of those terrible self-published books I've purchased on Amazon. If you decide to publish, let me know so I can leave you a great comment!
Reviewer: Charla Anonymous [Report This]Date: 02/02/15 02:17 pm
This story is so remarkably emotional and heart wrenching. One of the best love stories I have read recently. All the best...
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed [Report This]Date: 27/01/15 11:42 pm
So brillantly heartwrenching!
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed [Report This]Date: 27/01/15 08:02 pm
So beautifully written...
Reviewer: jahchannah Signed [Report This]Date: 27/01/15 07:46 pm
Please come back with an update for the waiting and their first pregnancy.
this story is worthy of it update please please update.
Reviewer: Please come back Anonymous [Report This]Date: 28/12/14 12:46 am
Really? "For how ong?" That shows, dad is only concerned about himself, not her or Benji. I'm not liking her dad.
Reviewer: Horrible Anonymous [Report This]Date: 19/12/14 07:43 pm
I love how u used wild is the wind lyrics for the title of some of your chapters. That song is buried in my soul. I love it, and your story too ;-)
Reviewer: princesswallflower Anonymous [Report This]Date: 04/09/14 07:40 am
There are no words to describe how great this story is. I feel a little guilty that I read it and didnt have to pay for it. You are truly gifted. This was the first story I read on VC and it's still my favorite.
Reviewer: Khamalani Signed [Report This]Date: 28/08/14 02:46 pm
Wow. I'm sad it's over but I can't be sad with the ending. Amazing story.
Reviewer: Lady Leo Signed [Report This]Date: 06/06/14 09:41 am
I LOVE reading from Nikki's voice. It is just so intense being able to see the world from his eyes. Also I'm not sure why but reading from his perspective made me think of the song "Nikki" by Tiara Thomas. ALthough the roles are reversed in the song...
Reviewer: Lady Leo Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/14 10:32 pm
NOOOOOO!!!! Sergei get the fuck out!!! She's not for you!!! My Heart!! :' O
Reviewer: Lady Leo Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/14 05:25 am
Hauntingly beautiful. A genius chapter...
Reviewer: Lady Leo Signed [Report This]Date: 05/06/14 04:31 am
I really like Nikolai and Sunshine together, i'm hoping these dreams with her mother aren't saying she's in waiting before escaping Nikolai. I don't know, maybe I just have Stockholm Syndrome. :(
Reviewer: Lady Leo Signed [Report This]Date: 04/06/14 09:10 pm
I know I have to read on to find out what happens next but lawd! Let this man go to rehab and not do something crazy! (T.T)
Reviewer: Lady Leo Signed [Report This]Date: 04/06/14 06:03 am