this is a badass story i brought a book on alromancebook store yestarday, and this story is so much more better than what i had paid for i wish some of these well know authers would take the time like yourself and so meny on this site to write good strong black femal chacraters this is a great story and if you were to publish this story for dame sure i would most def, would buy it thank you for sharing your wonderful work please keep writing because i most def, will be reading have to say it again badass storylol.
Author's Response:
Thank you very much.
Reviewer: leahcar Anonymous

Date: 19/05/11 04:10 pm
Wow, Alana's recount of the rape was chilling but glad she killed the stinker.
Author's Response:
I struggled with this one but I decided it showed why she is the person she is. Thanks for the review.
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: 01/05/11 07:00 am
Awesome, so who is the love that Alana will fall for? Is is Nathan? Who?? Please inquiring minds want to know!!
Author's Response:
We'll find out soon.
Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]Date: 30/04/11 07:59 pm
Thanks for the update. Is there two Ally's?
Author's Response:
Yes, Alana is the clone it's in chapter 6 and I will cover it again in chapter 8.
Reviewer: Divsionred Signed

Date: 30/04/11 05:33 pm
This undercover stuff continues getting deeper, I LOVE IT!
I wonder did Ally do a mercy killing of her mother with that tea, knowing Section was going to kill her when they arrived? Ally in this chapter does say that that mom along with her sisters and dad are all gone.
To the Marine's special operations, people are just expendable objects including assassinators like Ally; that's why she was scheduled for termination, I guess they figure after 15years of devious under cover work and murders the assassinator is so destroyed as a human she could also become a danger to the civility of American society, as well, as no longer a dependable operative.
Reviewer: 5Danielle Signed

Date: 11/01/11 02:11 am
This is some really heavy sh*t!
So Ally's mother killed her father after discovering that to save his own life, he turned all their daughters into trained killers for the Marines since age 13. And two of the daughters years later died, I guess while in service, but they did get a chance to marry, unlike Ally. The Marine police are now coming for moma Sheila but what is the purpose of the special tea Ally's given to moma?
Damn! so glad I found this story, I wanted a very unique type of mystery, in which romance/sex would be only one of the several components, and this story is it.
Reviewer: 5Danielle Signed

Date: 11/01/11 01:23 am
Yep! This story continues to be real good, evidencing it has everything! So, Alec believes Ally is dead , doesen't yet no she was revived and he suffers in deep mourning. I'm supposing that it is Ally who is the mysterious person at the end of this chapter in Alec's room while he is asleep and taking the document folder in order to dispose of the rapist/murderer or get evidence that nails the rapist for his crimes.
I wonder, when Alec will discover she is alive, and be happy!
Reviewer: 5Danielle Signed

Date: 11/01/11 12:08 am
Characters have a lot of deeply buried psychological stuff which makes for intrigue that I like. The most intriguing for me is why did Alana want to die, even orchestrated her own death and is quite dissappointed the organization, her employer, revived her. Actually, it seems from her present state which is greatly deficient from her previous perfection, I agree with her that she would have been better off remaining dead. Anyway, this story promises a lot and seems to be very well written. Also, the cast of characters is interesting, not the usual glamour types.

Date: 10/01/11 10:49 pm
There are some people that I want her to kill, starting with Thomas. I am loving this story.
Author's Response: Thank you.
Date: 10/09/10 02:16 am
I thought that she was protecting some guy and now she is saving her mother. How did she get away from her handler. Also didn't she drug her mother? Thanks
Author's Response: That's part of the mystery. At the end of chapter four someone gives have mother something else to drink. Hmmmmmm. The mystery thickens.

Date: 27/08/10 01:19 pm
Great update. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Author's Response: Thank you

Date: 27/08/10 04:06 am
Good, goolly Miss Molly that was good!!! Her mom is alive, I am so glad!!! I am living this story!!!
Author's Response: Thanm you.
Date: 26/08/10 04:20 am
Wow, what mystery develops??? Hope Ally can save her mom.
Reviewer: baha_malo Signed

Date: 17/08/10 01:48 am
Oh, goodness, that was good.
Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]Date: 17/08/10 01:14 am
Nathan had a thing for Ally I guess and Thomas doesn't seem to please by this. Actually, Ally doesn't seem to please either. Now when you introduced Alec, I thought that he didn't know where Adam was. But it appears that Adam is living in the same building. I hope that they get her mother out in time. The story is definitely flowing better. Thanks
Reviewer: Divsionred Signed

Date: 16/08/10 02:02 pm
Thanks for editing the chapters. They have a better flow.
Reviewer: Divsionred Signed

Date: 16/08/10 01:47 pm
So Alana drugged her mother to make it seem that she was the one that killed her father. I guess the mother was angry with the dad for getting her children involved with this organization so she killed him. What a terrible thing for a father to do. Now two of their children are dead and they had husbands. No one know where the brother is. WOW. Thanks
Reviewer: Divsionred Signed

Date: 16/08/10 01:41 pm
Ok this clarifies who Alex is. He was able to get out of the organization with his life. He is in love with Ally who he thinks is dead? How old is Alex? He seems to like young woman. The one that he is currently working with and having sex with he called a youngster. Thanks
Author's Response: I real like your questions because I get nervous posting my original stuff and take things out that I should have left in. Alex, and Ally are around 30. When he says youngster he’s referring to life experience and how different life in Section is from the outside world. I’ll fix it after I go shopping. Reviewer: Divsionred Signed

Date: 16/08/10 01:32 pm
Thanks for the update. So now her two sisters are dead...her father is dead. She was lovers with the guy she is in the car with when she was 18. She likes to kill people with poison and stays with them until they die. And she is trying to understand why she was brought back from the dead. Ok, thanks.
Author's Response: You've got it. I have a total of two more characters to introduce. Nathan and her brother Adam. So I may go back and reedit to make things easier. Bear with me this is the first original fiction that I'm sharing with people outside my family and I'm trying to remember you all don't have the benefit of already having the back story.

Date: 30/07/10 11:48 am
Alana lived an awfully lonely childhood, not filled will toys or love. Her own father put both her and her sister in that situation. I felt so bad for her mother. I can see that she doesn't love Thomas, but how does she feel about Nathan?
Author's Response: We deal w/Natthan in the next chapter.
Date: 27/07/10 09:40 pm
Interesting update.
Author's Response: I totally left out a chapter in my last update. I replaced chapter one because I couldn't find anyother way to introduce Alec.

Date: 27/07/10 01:48 am
I am a little confused here. Alana is a spy and she was dead and now she is alive again. She had two sisters that were raised like her to be in this organization now are they dead or alive? Her father is dead in the basement...did the mother kill him? Who is after her mother? Thanks
Author's Response: All of this is explained in ch. 3-4. I tried to get it into two chapters but it confused even me and I'm writing it. LOL. Glad you like it I’ll have the next chapter posted soon.

Date: 22/07/10 12:38 pm
Interesting start to the story to have known that you died and were back to life. Chilling actually...what kind of organization is she with? Thanks
Author's Response: That comes a little later. I didn't want to explain section just yet.

Date: 22/07/10 12:12 pm
Great read. update soon.
Reviewer: Tracy Anonymous

Date: 22/07/10 07:11 am
Love it. Can't wait to read more.
Reviewer: Tracy Anonymous

Date: 22/07/10 07:06 am