Please bring this story back. It was incredible and I'd love to read it again.
Reviewer: lettersfromawriter Signed [Report This]Date: 11/07/20 12:10 am
Please bring this back. This was one my favorites!
Reviewer: lettersfromawriter Signed [Report This]Date: 16/12/19 02:22 pm
Will this story ever be put back on here
Reviewer: OutOfIt Signed [Report This]Date: 22/09/15 04:16 am
Siiiiigh its gooone (T-T")/
Reviewer: LetMeDream Signed [Report This]Date: 01/03/15 11:01 pm
I miss this story so much! I really want to read it again!
Reviewer: I HeartMy Ships Signed [Report This]Date: 26/11/14 05:54 pm
When will the revising be done for this story I really want to read it.
Reviewer: Cat Signed [Report This]Date: 26/04/14 07:02 am
When will the revising be done I want to read this story so bad !
Reviewer: Cat Signed [Report This]Date: 05/12/13 05:00 am
aweeee how long is this gonna take? I was soooooooo into this story now its being revised?! please hurry!!!!
Reviewer: justmeplz Signed [Report This]Date: 30/10/13 03:32 am
I hate To start reading a story that is suppose to be completed when they know it's not. That's why I searched for the completed stories it sucks to have wait for the rest of story that will probably not come.
Reviewer: Sierra23 Signed [Report This]Date: 30/10/13 01:40 am
Please! PLEASE! Please! PLEASE!!!!! Give us more! I cried for them and the loss of the baby! When will the sequel be released? I can't wait!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 21/09/13 03:34 pm
I just want you to know, that was one of the best stories I have read in a while. I love the whole De Luca/Tyson clan and I can not wait to read more. 10 STAR'S & 2 Thumbs up! I can see this story on the screen.
MARVELOUS WRITING!Beautiful story!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 11/09/13 07:18 am
Ooooooohhhhh!!!! It is on now!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 10/09/13 05:30 am
Love is wonderful, especially when the one you love, loves you back!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 10/09/13 05:13 am
Jimminey, if a man spoke to me like that on the phone, before the words Goodbye were out of his mouth, I would be knocking on his door....ready, willing, and able!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 10/09/13 04:57 am
Give him strength Lord!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 09/09/13 05:05 am
Dayam! I was SWEATING! I must go shower now!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 09/09/13 01:15 am
10X 10 Stars for that chapter!
I am a newby but I can stand to read alot more!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 09/09/13 12:48 am
I Agree, I think you did the right thing, because if you had him tell her after the actual sex, it would have looked like he used her for the sex and there would have been no way to explain the bet without looking like a complete douchebag! Better to get it out before the sex, so if she decides to give him the prize she won't feel like she was used!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 09/09/13 12:18 am
She will have to change her Facebook status from virgin to non-virgin, by the time she leaves Gatlinburg,TN.
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 08/09/13 11:50 pm
LOVE!!!!????? Did anyone else catch that?
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 08/09/13 11:22 pm
Dayam! Someone better call 911 to save Lamar's @$$!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 08/09/13 11:10 pm
Oh hell it is about to get exciting! Lamar better hide because Gianni is going to beat his A&&!
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 08/09/13 10:30 pm
I am giving you a 10 not because of the sex.I'm giving you a 10 because Gianni did not go any further than he did. I am glad you gave him at least a little bit of good characteristics, even though he is a Dom.
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 08/09/13 03:47 pm
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 08/09/13 03:13 pm
Reviewer: KittyOh48 Signed [Report This]Date: 08/09/13 03:00 pm