Reservations for Love by classicbeauty

Meet Ryan a dreamer whose dreams-life has been on hold for some time now, and is starting to believe that love; love is only for fairytales and dreams are just for kids...

That’s until Mr. Right, a shy northerner with a heart stopping smile, stumbles into her life and waltzes into her heart. Enters her old crush, the Lady’s Man that never really noticed her but that’s okay, because he’s not the one who gives her butterflies anymore, or so she thought…

But what happens when Mr. Right is just right for now and not the one she always dreamed of?

Has life put love on reserve, again?

Or has her prince charming always been there and he’s just now noticing her…


Categories: Original Fiction Characters: Original Character(s)
Classification: None
Genre: Comedy , Drama, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Original Characters
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 4 Completed: No Word count: 7472 Read: 17866 Published: 29/12/08 Updated: 16/01/09
Story Notes:

"Yes, I'd like to make reservations for two..." - Reservations for Love

Story Banner: 

Cast :

pics for ryan from:

1. Love is for fairytales and dreams are for kids... by classicbeauty

2. A lil taste of freedom and a stomach full of butterflies... by classicbeauty

3. On your way to somewhere, that is bigger or better... by classicbeauty

4. He was what I fantasized; He was what I dreamed… by classicbeauty

Love is for fairytales and dreams are for kids... by classicbeauty
Author's Notes:

This is purely fictions, all ideas and characters belong to me.

Someday my prince will come; someday I’ll find my love…

As a child every little girl dreams of a fairytale romance, a romance that would always be kept close to her heart. Of one day meeting her prince charming, which will sweep her off her feet and she’d know it’s him the moment they meet.

Through no one informed her, when it comes to roller coaster of love, happily ever after are only for fairytales…

And for twenty- three year old Aimee Ryan this is no different, experiencing the ups and downs of a dreamer whose dreams…life has been on hold for some time now, and is starting to believe that love; love is only for fairytales and dreams are for kids...

That’s until Mr. Right walks into her life, a shy northerner with gorgeous warm brown eyes and a smile that makes her heart stumble.  Now this soon to be a senior in college is offered a chance of a lifetime to intern with her mentor at one of Houston’s popular restaurants’. 

Life is good, she's on her own doing what makes her happy with her prince charming by her side, plus the keys to her dream job all right at the tips of her fingers; now the only thing that’s on reserve are the tables at Eight O Eight every night of the week.

Enters the Lady’s Man, her mentor’s right hand man and her old crush, the one with the twinkle in his eye and cocky lopsided grin, that never really noticed her is now her teacher.  That’s okay, ‘cause he’s not the one who gives her butterflies anymore, or so she thought…

What happens when Mr. Right is just right for now and not the one she always dreamed of?

Has life put love on reserve, again?

Or has her prince charming always been there and he’s just now noticing her…


"Yes, I'd like to make reservations for two..." - Reservations for Love

End Notes:

When I came up with this idea it was for a original fictions, than I turned it into a au nsync fic. So to say the least Im excited to be posting my orginial idea. Tell me what you think, reviews are greatly appreciated. :o)

A lil taste of freedom and a stomach full of butterflies... by classicbeauty
Author's Notes:

Thank you so much for the reviews, it meant the world to me. I would have updated sooner but my new laptop (bareily two weeks old) crashed on me Monday afternoon. Bad harddrive, go figure. So I had to trade it in for a new one. Part of me is excited cause this ones better then the other one but another is disappointed cause I lost everything on the other. So it was a win lose type of thing.

But here is chapter one, i hope everyone likes it, its alittle small but the chapters will be longer at the story grows. thanks again for the support!

Please enjoy, Dani

A lil taste of freedom and a stomach full of butterflies...


May 3, 2008

If someone would have told me a month ago I would be moving into my own place, I would have laughed or looked at them crazy, one of the two is for sure. But here I am unpacking the last of my stuff from my car and waiting for the Rooms to Go’s delivery guys to finish putting my bed together and leave. Looking around at the view of the lake and the townhouses that surrounding it, I take in a deep breath of fresh air; however to me it feels like a taste of freedom... Twenty - three and starting to live for me feels exciting and scary at the same time but I’m ready. 

“Earth to Ryan!” snapping out of my daze I glance over at my roommate Jackie, waving her hand in my face. “I’ve been calling your name for a good two minutes, where were you girly; in the land of la la?” 

“Ha ha funny, no” I say before pausing “but pretty damn close.”

Rolling her hazel eyes at me, “is there something you want to tell me? Like I don’t know maybe how you like to smoke that shit?” she questions as she lets her pointer finger meet her thumb, bringing it close to her lips as if to be smoking a bud. “Because I need to know this if we going to be roomies and all…”

“Shut up fool, what do you really want?”

“Well we’re almost finished unloading the last of the stuff and they’re packing up their tools.” She says shielding her eyes from the early summer sun, “I don’t know about you but I’m hungry and I remember us agreeing to a movie and ex-large pepperoni and cheese with our names on it. You still in or what, girly?”

“Mmm…Sammie’s does sound good, but let’s shower up before that. Smelling like a grown man is the last thing I’d like to call attractive.” I say as I grab the last box from my backseat.

“I’m already two steps ahead of you,” Jackie calls heading up the steps that lead to their new townhouse door.

“No, no worries I didn’t need help with the door, I got it Jack!” I call sarcastically as I bump my hip against the car door to close it.  

“I know sweet pea!”

 Shaking my head I follow her up the steps and into our new home…wow that sounds so nice.


That following Wednesday afternoon…

Pulling up to the grocery store, I park and step out of my car with the cell phone glued to my ear talking to Jackie.

“Hey I’m going to go into the store to grab a few things before heading home, need anything?” I ask her as I walk towards the store.

Pausing, “Hmm, maybe something sweet, don’t care what, surprise me.” She says “Something nice and warm, oh or cold and creamy-maybe both…”

“What happen to surprise me?” I ask jokingly as I walk into the grocery store I grab a blue hand basket and begin to look at the fruit.

“Well I can’t help it I’m having a craving for both.” She whines in my ear as I grab a few pieces of fruit, I continue to walk around and talk to her bit longer before hanging up. Stopping I grab a new magazine from the stand and begin to flip through it.

“Aimee Ryan, is that you?” a males voice fills my ear, looking up from the magazine in my hand I notice one of my professors standing in front of me.

Smiling I reach over to hug him, “Mr. Pearson, long time no see, how are you?”  I ask.

“I’m doing great, thank you” his thick Jersey accent comes out. “Keeping busy with broad meetings and class, the usually but where have you been young lady? I swear I saw you at the beginning of the spring semester and then you disappeared on me.”

“I know and I’m so sorry about that, I’ve just been busy with this full work load at school and at work too. I’ve been meaning to keep in touch with you through. “

“Don’t worry about it sweetie, but I have been looking for you. Your grade’s and projects were out of this world, and your teachers just loved you.” He says “One of the few students that the Hospitality department talked about this spring.”

“Really? That means a lot, because this semester seemed to be the hardest so far. But hearing you say that made it worth it.”

“Hey I’m proud of you, you stuck it through and who couldn’t ask for more. This is why I wanted to speak with you; about a program that the school is starting this June.”

“Sure, what is up?”

“Well this following week, we have a group of hotel and restaurants coming to the school to meet and sign up students for our internships for the summer and fall semester. We pick the top fifty students in the program and I’d think you’d be great for you. Especially with this being your senior year coming up, this is what I like to call perfect timing and opportunity. Its starts this Monday morning at nine, do you think you can make it?”

“Wow, yes I’ll be there at nine o clock, this sounds too great to pass up.”

“Great!” he smiles enthusiastically, “Yes this program is and most of the student end up with career’s with these companies so it’s really something thing to think about.” He glances at his watch. “I really must go but I’ll see you Monday. But feel free to call me if you have any questions, k?”

I nod my head and smile, “Okay I can’t wait, and I’ll be there bright and early. Thanks again Mr. Pearson.”  Waving bye to him, I turn around to finish my shopping as butterflies of excitement dancing in my stomach.  Only for them to come crashing to a complete halt as I walk away quickly with my head in the clouds straight into somebody’s chest and knocked over the things in their hands. “Oh gosh, I’m so sorry.” Dropping my basket and bent down to pick it up immediately and I could feel my caramel cheeks slightly warm.  

“No I’m sorry,” He says as he also bends down.  “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

“You and me both, maybe we should…” I say with a slight smile I begin to hand him some of his stuff as I look up to meet a pair of warm brown eyes, only for my smile to slip and my words to get lodged in my throat, “I meant I-y maybe you should get you a hand basket.” Blushing I looked away quickly to check if we had picked everything up.

“Yeah maybe we should,” Looking back as his smooth voice fill my ear, I noticed he hide his rulely brown hair under a worn baseball cap. “but I think I got it from here…thanks” he smiles.

“Oh, of course you do,” Smiling back I grabbed my basket and stand up at the same time as him, I couldn’t help but notice his tall frame compared to my five-four. “No problem, I’m sorry again.”

“Don’t be,” as he starts to back up and turn away, only to glance back with smile to say, “maybe we can do it again next time.”

“Yeah,” I smile back “maybe…”

End Notes:
Reveiws are welcomed and greatly appreciated. Thanks - Dani ;o) 
On your way to somewhere, that is bigger or better... by classicbeauty
Author's Notes:

Once again thank you so much for the reviews and for continuing with me as i write this story. This means the world to me, you just dont know.



On your way to somewhere, that is bigger or better...

May 11, 2008

That following Sunday night I was just a bunch of nerves; I’ve been redecorate my new room for the past hour, now stepping back to take everything in I call Jackie to see what she thinks.

“I like it, looks great-” she let the word drags out as she lets her eyes wonder around. “It looks the same…”

“No it doesn’t, can’t you see? I moved the bed more to the center and switched the two art pieces; I think it looks more spaces’” I say pointing to their new homes.

“Oh, yeah I see it now, my bad what was I thinking?” emphasizing the words Jackie placed her hand onto her chest, “Ooo, look you even fluffed the pillows...”

 “You know I don’t ever remember you being this sarcastic, just because we roomies and all don’t mean I won’t still kick your ass. As a matter of a fact it gives me even more right to.”

“Touché, okay so what’s wrong?”

“Nothing’s wrong, I just thought I try my hand at decorating which I see I failed at so…” I started off strong only to trial off at the end as I pull my hair down and ran my finger through it.

 “Mmm, well we can’t all be great at everything…Kidding, I was just kidding.” She says smiling with her hands up in defense. “But how about I help you? Like the maybe turning the bed to angle towards the window seat. It will create space and let things flow.”

 Pulling my hair back into a bun I turned to look at her, I arched in eye brow “Let’s things flow huh?”

“What I’ve been watching a lot of HGTV and Style, they have wonderful ideas.” she tells me as she walks over to the bed to help me move the bed.

I shake my head at her and begin to move the bed as she directed, “You better be right because watching and actually knowing what you doing is two different things.”

“Shut up and do as I say!”

“Ay ay Caption Castillo!”

“Kiss my ass!”

“Thanks but no than- oh shit!” I duck just in time before one of my decorative pillows she threw could hit me in my head.


I sank into the fluffy couch a couple hours later after a pillow fight or two and rearranging my room around, I like it-she knew what she was talking about…

“So what do you think? Told you knew what I was talking about.”

“It’s aiight…” Now I never said I’d say it aloud.

“Girl its more than aiight and you know it! Give credit where credit is a do!” she says sliding onto the other end of the couch with a bowl of popcorn.

“Okay, should I write a thank you note to HGTV or oh do you think I should thank Style TV?” I ask only to be hit with a piece of kettle corn. “Okay so both.”

She rolls her eyes and begins channel surfing, “So are you going to tell me what’s wrong now? Or are we going to keep acting like nothings running a marathon in that head of yours.”

“Nothing’s wrong-parse…” I say tucking my feet closer to me and pulling a blanket over me. “Just slight nervous that’s all.”

“You worry too much; you got this in the bag. Just remember me when you start to get the goody gifts. Wither its free hotel rooms or food,” she says pausing as if to think about it, “Yeah either will do.”

  “Why do I get the feeling I’m being used here?”

“That’s because you are, and while you’re at it make sure it’s a nice place like five star, a least I know I,” she clears her throat, “we’ll get good food.”

“You know to be such a tiny person,” I say glancing over at her pausing slightly, “you sure can eat a person out house and home.” Yet another kettle corn, good thing it’s not sour patch kids, Jack’s favorite candy/snack, those have to hurt.

“Don’t you need some beauty sleep or something?”

“Naw, I fine being right here, next to you.”

“I bet…”


The next morning…

Walking towards the hospitality building I dusty off imaginary lint from my pants suit before adjusting my school messenger bag on my shoulder and stomach, I pulled out a printed piece of paper with the information Mr. Pearson had email me a few days earlier.

Pulling the door open to the building I began looking room A 413. Seeing students and business suits walking in and out of a room, I figured it was just a few doors ahead of me. Seeing the suits going into one and the students into A 413, I followed behind a girl and took a seat at one of the desk in the middle of the room.

 At eight fifty am sharp Mr. Pearson walked into the room bubbly as his usual self, telling the classroom how his weekend went working with the chamber and asked us how ours was. Just light small talk until the last few students filed in for nine o clock.

“Welcome ladies and gentlemen to the summer and fall hospitality internship 2008. I’m David Pearson; I’ll be your instructor of this program. So let me tell you a little about it, fifty students have been hand selected out of our 275 Hotel and Restaurant Management group of juniors and seniors.” He continues to tell us excitedly about this program we were about embark on and how it works. How a little over seventy-five of Houston top hotel and restaurants where across the way setting up to meet with us. Once we have chosen the company, we begin a compensated thirty to forty hour work load, learning different aspects of the business from the front to the back of house with periodic checkups from Mr. Pearson at the job. Creating a portfolio filled with six projects over the time and will submit it at the end of the fall semester. We will be meeting in class once at week on Monday mornings at seven am sharp starting June 2, 2008 to go over what we are learning with him and to work out a text book on how to developing our skills to get the job in the end. Before letting the students go to meet the companies he let us know his door is always open and if we had any questions to let him know. 

Grabbing my things I begin to walk out of the class, a ball of nervous settled at the bottom of my stomach; excitement maybe but not so sure. What if everything didn’t work out? And would I have to quit my job? What would the money be like? While the other part of me was like fuck it go for it, this could be what you always wanted. Stepping into the other room I walk around looking at the restaurants that where there; Americas, Brennan's of Houston, Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse, Vic & Anthony’s, Kirby’s, Flemings, Pappas and the list goes on and on.

I continue to walk around picking up hand-outs, stopping every now and then to listen to what one may have to say, like now as I stood here at the Pappas stand, taking in what this video tape had to say. When I heard a familiar laugh not too far away, glancing around I don’t notice anyone I may know and begin to shrug it off only for it to come again, more hearty than before.  Taking the brochure from the lady, I thank her and continue towards from where the sound came.  Getting closer I could see a man with his back towards me talking on the phone very animated behind a booth, his arms gesturing wildly only for him to pause to listen to before begin to express amusement all over again.

He didn’t have to turn around for me to know, it was Dylan Peterson, my old GM. I can remember as if it was yesterday he was the first person to ever interview me for a job, I was nervous and shy. Two bad combinations yet I was so tense I couldn’t smile at all; so make that three. Sill Dylan was warm and welcoming to me and after trying to get me out of my shell, he was also the first to say no to me. But that’s okay because I came back less than six months later not as introverted more outgoing and that job was mine.  I worked with him for a little bit over a year at the Bistro before they transfer him to Eight O Eight, I got a new job not too long after he left; it just wasn’t the same without him. However to this day if anyone was to ask me who my favorite manager is I would say, “Dylan Peterson,” I spoke up once he hung up.  

Turning around at the sound of his name, “Yes, how may I he- Aimee? It’s good to see you.” He smiles a smile that reaches his coffee brown eyes, as he comes around the booth and pulls me into a warm hug.

 “I know you too; it’s been awhile, like what two? Three months?”  I say hugging him back.  

“Yeah, six months is more like it since the last time you came by the restaurant to use me.”

“I did not use you!” I state as we pull out of our hug, “Just trying to learn from the expert; besides I did come back since then, several times but you weren’t there. Didn’t Dani tell you about, the A, I got on it?”

“Of course, she did and I’m proud of you. However, who’s the man?” he asks flexing his muscle.  

“Dani?” I state.

“Oh, I’m going to remember that.”  He chuckles, “so how has school been?”

“Great, I’m almost done with this coming fall being the start of my senior year and all. I’m so excited.”

“That’s good you deserve it, you’ve worked hard for it. “

“Thanks,” I could feel my cheeks began to warm, it meant a lot to me to hear him say that. Once I had made my decision on my major to be restaurant management, I went to Dylan right away and asked him if he’d mentor me along the way. He said yes and has been there for me whenever I needed him.  

“I’ve been meaning to call you, but you know me and how forgetful I can be. So I was actually hoping to see you today, especially once I heard we were going to have a booth here.”

“Really? Why what’s up?”

“Well, when corporate called telling us about the program and how our restaurant had been picked this year to host the student. Dani and I knew who, without any argument, who we wanted,” he paused for dramatic effect.

“That does say something if ya’ll didn’t argue at all. But what did you two agree on?”


“Me?”  I ask before it registered and bite back a scream “Oh my gosh!? Are you serious right now?”  

“Would I pull your leg?”

I pause giving him a hell yes look.

“Okay so you got me on that one,” he chuckles before continuing, “but yes I’m serious. “

“OMG, thank you” I squealed giving him a hug. “Thank you so much!”

 “You’re welcome, you deserve it.” Dylan says as he hugs me back. “You’re going have to get with Danielle through so she can arrange your meeting with the main office. Okay?”

“Okay I will and I have to thank her too, where is Dani? I’m surprise she not here. I know she didn’t send you by yourself. ” asking him where his head floor manager was, I believe the next one in line to him at the restaurant. They were like the parents, through Josh is the general manager, Dani was like the mama and I don’t know how it is at anyone else home, but papa always obeys mama.

“She is manning the restaurant right now. But you know she didn’t she sent J with me.”   


“Yeah, from the Bistro, his somewhere around here giving out flyers, speaking of which here he comes now.”  Dylan says as points somewhere behind me.

Who, J from the Bistro? The only J I know is…Naw it couldn’t be. And before I could turn around to see if it was true his voice filled my ear from behind me. “Hey D, I handed out all the flyers, we got anymore back there man?”

“Yeah there should be some in the back behind the booth.”

 “Okay, I got ya.” J says as he comes around me and enters the booth area. “Sorry, excuse me ma’am”

And sure enough there he was, the guy I had a crush on while I worked at the Bistro, one of my old manager’s, Jacob Dawson. To say he was a cute was an understatement, with those beautiful blue eyes and soft blond strands that created a halo effect on his head. He was absolute hottie, all the girls wanted him and he knew it. Coming from a small town outside of Houston and is what I would like to call a true lady’s man; you know the type that will charm and make you feel like you are the only woman in the world. But that was only if you were on his radar, something I don’t think I ever achieved or ever will.

“Hey J, you remember Aimee, from the Bistro right? “ Dylan asks him as he gestures to me.

Glancing up from his search, he smiles, “Wow, Aimee Ryan? Long time no see.”  Jacob says as he comes around the table and pulls me into a hug.

“I know it has been a while, how have you been?” I ask slightly taken back by surprise from his gesture but hug him back anyways as I inhaling deeply; I must say he smells so nice and before I begin to pull away.

“I’ve been great, thanks.” He says taking a step back he lets his sea foam blue eyes look me over before letting them meet my chocolate ones. “And you, do you still work at Seymour’s?”

“I’m doing well, thanks,” clearing my throat as I shifted slightly from the weight of his stare I broke eye contact and nervously tucked a few brown strands of hair behind my ear. “Yeah I do.”

“But she won’t be for long, she’s going to be interning with us at restaurant.” Dylan tells him excitedly.

“Oh yeah,” Jacob asks, “That’s cool it be nice to have some else I know.”

“Oh you work Eight O Eight now too?”

“For the past two and half months the people are great plus D’s there too.”

I nod, “Yeah I can tell whenever I’m their visiting.” Glancing at my watch I noticed it was now little past twelve, I had a lunch date with a close friend at one and if I didn’t leave sometime soon it’s be my ass. “Oh wow I lost track of time and I really must go. But it was great talk with you both. Thanks again Dylan, it mean the world to me.” I say hugging him quickly.

“No problem, just don’t forget to call Dani so ya’ll can make arrangement for your meeting. Okay?”

“I will, thanks, and it was good seeing you too Jacob.” I wave to him as I begin to walk away to leave.

“What? No hug for me?” he asks.

My heart flutters slightly and I laugh it off as I give him a hug. “What was I thinking? You’ll have to forgive me.”  

“Of course, I’ll let it slide this time” he says laughing as he pulls away with his signatures lopsided grin. “But, next I won’t be so sure.”

End Notes:

I hope you guys liked it, stay tuned for more! Remember feedback is always welcomed ;o)

Thanks again,


He was what I fantasized; He was what I dreamed… by classicbeauty
Author's Notes:

Thank you to everyone who read or reviewed, it ment the world to me! I know I'm late with this chapter but life got in the way. but i was able to put it aside for the past two nights. i hope you like, please enjoy.


He was what I fantasized; He was what I dreamed…

May 15, 2008

Landon Restaurant Corporate Office


“So tell me about your current job?” the blonde head blue eyed woman sitting across the glass conference table asked, she had to be either in her late twenties – early thirties, I wasn’t quite sure.  

“I started working at Seymour about two, almost two and a half years, as a sales consultant. I dealt a lot with materials and customer service for a year before being promoted to Marketing part of Public Relations. Which now I basically scout out a potential customer and create a strategy of how Seymour can fit their wants and needs.”     

“Looking at your résumé I see you are full time both at Seymour and school, how do you juggle the two?”

“It’s quite easy actually; the company I work for now is very flexible when it comes to school.  They let me come in late or work at home; sometimes I may have internet courses so if things are busy I’m able to do test during down time.  My teachers also know my work load, so they are also very helpful.  By releasing project early so you can be ahead if you want to. I’m not going to lie to you sometimes it’s hard, but you have a great support system there is absolutely no reason for you to fail. I also believe when you really truly want something, you can’t – no - won’t let anything stop you. “

“Wow, I must say when this interview started off, it was a little shaky. I could tell you were shy and your nerves got the best of you at the beginning. But you made a turnaround in the middle of it and showed me it something we can work on. After today’s meeting I can see now why Dylan spoke so highly.” Judy said to her as she leaned forward in her chair, “and also why you should be a primary face here; welcome to Landon Restaurant Inc.”

Letting out the a sigh I’ve been holding since before pulled into the parking lot and let a huge smile spread across my face as both hands flew to my chest as if to keep my heart from flying out. “Oh my, thank you so much.” I said pulling one hand away and taking the older ladies out reached hand in shaking it.


Seymour Office


Walking into office build I felt as if I was on cloud nice. Luck was for the bird’s migrating for the winter, I was truly blessed by this opportunity and was thankful that all my dreams and hard work was coming to true. “Good day ladies, how has this morning treated you today?” I asked Denise and Jackie once reaching the receptionist desk.

“Oh it’s going great but not as great as yours obviously with the look you had exiting off the elevator into the entrance hallway. It seemed as if you were in the Land of La-La, again.” Jack spoke up first. “Girl, tell me is it as wonderful as I imagine?” 


“See I told you Ms. D she be smoking that,” the brown-hair hazel eyed girl mimic smoking a bud to the older black lady.

“Oh hush child!” Ms. Denise said with laughter in her voice as shakes her head at us. “But I do have to agree with her, you did seem to be awfully happy when you exit off the elevator just now. Did you meet a gorgeous man on your way up?”

“No better than that,” I paused for the dramatic effect, “I got except into Landon’s management program!”

“Oh my, congratulations girl,” Ms. D squealed before pulling me into a hug, “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you so much.” I say hugging her back.

“Yes!” Jack says, doing a little victory dance “Free food awesome!”

Pulling away we take in the sight in front of us, before Ms. D speaks up first. “She’s a special one; I don’t know how you deal with her twenty-four-seven. “

 “Tell me about.” I chuckle and shake my head; the three of us ladies talk a little while longer before I go to my office.  

Sitting down at my desk I pick up the file labeled C.C. Contractions, placing it beside the computer before turning it on and begin to finish the last touches to my proposal. C.C. Contractions was a new client from north-east looking to expand their business here in Texas, I’ve been researching them for the past few weeks. At twelve o’clock I had a lunch date with one of their associate, Mr. Matthews, and hoped to have deal by the end of our meal.

Hitting the print button I glancing at the computer clock and sees it almost 11:30am, I had enough time to get to the restaurant and hopefully have a table before Mr. Matthews even pulled up to the restaurant. Standing up, I did a quick run over of my appearance in front of the contemporary mirror hanging in the office. Reapplying chapstick to the lips and tossing the swoop bangs out of the eyes towards my long wave ponytail, I take in the silk crème blouse that compliment my skin-tone, absently mindedly smoothes the penciled brown skirt that hugged my hips and looks down at the two-tone high heels on my feet. Satisfied I grab the matching jacket to the skirt, my attaché case and purse before walking out the door.   




Wanting Mr. Matthews to feel comfortable I let him choose the location with this being my first time here I had to say it sure did smell wonderful here at Mingalone. After being informed by the hostess I was the first to show for the party of ‘Matthews’, the hostess leaded me to a window table to my left taking a seat as the lady in black introduced herself, “Welcome to Mingalone I’m Madeline your hostess for the day and Randy, your server today will be right out with your waters. Can I get you anything else?” she smiles.

“No, no thank you Madeline.”

“Okay, I will show Mr. Matthews to the table once he arrives here. Enjoy your meal.” Madeline says before scurrying off.

Once Randy had appeared dropping off waters and introduction, I was left alone to let my eyes roam of the menu in front of me as I sipped my water before letting them wonder the room. Taking in the people filtering through the door of the Italian restaurant, the place was quiet with couple, business men and friends. Other than the occasional laugh it was mostly nice chatter throughout the restaurant.

Waiting patiently for my lunch companion I looked back at the menu taking everything in wondering what was good. Not having any idea what the guy looked like, just that he had a warm inviting voice with a slight accent over the phone.  Probable someone in their middle ages, hopefully happily married, because nothing was worst then having to kiss ass and do business with a sleaze bag.

Glancing at my watch it was twelve o’clock on the dot, I let my eyes wonder to the front door as a young man stepped into the restaurant. Letting my eyes drink him in they took in his tall statured, dark wavy mane and the tailored charcoal gray suit compliment his skin and body. I couldn’t really tell what color his eyes were, but was sure they were just as yummy as the rest of him. 

Looking away quickly, when his eyes connected with mine, feeling a slight blush crap up my cheeks.  I had just been caught red handed gawking at this guy, ‘oh my how embarrassing’, I thought as I took another sip of water and tired to shrug it off but couldn’t shrug off how his stare seem so familiar to me.

 The lunch coward still hadn’t really formed yet in front of Mingalone, so glancing back I look to see if he was still at the door, however he wasn’t Madeline was escorted the handsome smiling stranger towards my directions in the restaurant. Doing a quick and discreet glance around me, only to see I was the only one with an open seat left in this area, ‘what is this some kind of cruel joke?’ I wondered before my thoughts could wonder any further Madeline stopped in front of the table and pulls out the chair slightly. “Here is your table Mr. Matthews.”

“Thank you, Madeline.” He smiles pulling out a tip from the lining of his suit pocket and hands it to her.

“Mr. Matthews, of C.C. Constructions I presume?” I asked smiling at him as he turns back to me. I had started to stand up with my hand out reach, only to stop when he waved his hand to stop me.

However he took my hand into his kissed the back of it gently, “Yes, Ms. Ryan, its pleasure to meet you but please call me Brad.” smiling all the while.  

Pulling my eyes away from my hand I quickly looked up to reply only for my words to get lodged in my throat and lost my breathe as his sparkling brown eyes  wonder over me, ‘Oh my lord, it’s him, Boston boy’  I say to myself as I remembers the worn baseball cap that had a B on it. Before I could even began to wonder if he remember me, I got my answer when those warm familiar browns met my toffee ones.

“I hope I haven’t keep you waiting too long.” He was the first to speak up.

“Uh?” I question snapping out of it only to blush slightly and took a sip of water again. “Oh no, you didn’t. You’re right on time...”

“Great!” Mr. Matt-Brad said breaking into a welcoming smile.

Just as the Randy came over again introduce himself as our waiter, present the feature and see if there was anything he could for them. “More water ma’am?”

“Yes please.” watching him pour the glass of water and I thank him. Looking back at the menu staling time, I took a sip of water willing myself to get a grip I was here on business; there was a deal that need to seal.

“Ms. Ryan?”

Hearing my name I started to look up only for my eyes to land on his lips and wonder what it be like to have those lips sealed against mine. I quickly clear my head and answer him, “Mm, yes?”

 “Would you like an appetizer? Their Frittura di Calamari is excellent.”

“Sure, that sounds good”

As Randy walked off to submit our order I looked back at him, “By the way, Aimee is fine.”

“Aimee?” he asked confused.

A warm smile spread across my face as my heart fluttered when he said it but I ignored it, “Yes, please call me Aimee, Ms. Ryan is my mother.”  

“Oh of course, Aimee,” he smiled back and just like that things weren’t so bad. And as lunch went on it got a lot better, we made small chatter about our jobs, family and friends. He talked a little bit about Boston and I did about Dallas. Unsure of what to order I ask him for tips and when I started the proposal Brad was all ears and talking some more we find ways for both companies to compromise.

Randy came back at the end with the dessert tray in his hand and explained each treat. “Can I interest you two into a dessert?”

Shaking my head with a smile, “No thank you, however that Amaretto cheesecake does look delicious.”

“It is makes you want to skip the entrée and go dessert,” Brad nod, “and Tiramisu not too far behind neither.”

“I’ll have to try it next time I come, Randy and start with dessert first than work my way back. Deal?”

“Deal.” He winked.


Brad's P.O.V.

I absentmindedly lick my bottom lip before taking a sip of my ice tea; I still couldn’t believe it was the same girl I bumped into at the grocery store. God, I thought she was beautiful that night, but I do remember her being this attractive. Smiling I watch Aimee; taking notice for her love for food. How she was polite never rude to the staff, listen to all they had to say. Was open to new things and when she liked something she got this blissful look or a sigh would escape her soft full lips. Taking a glance at my watch I do a double take, “Oh wow, it’s almost a quarter to two.” I announced.

“I didn’t know it was getting that late.” Aimee says glanced at her watch as her cheeks turned a soft color of rose, “I’m so sorry for keeping.”

“I’m sorry for tying you up.” We say at the same time, waving the waiter over for the bill, smiling I speak up first. “Oh no it’s fine really. I truly enjoyed your company.”

She blushes again but smiles back, “Me too, lunch was great.” 

“We should defiantly do this again, maybe later next week after I get back from Boston; but you pick the place this time.” I say feeling bold and her eyes glance up to meet mine questioningly, and quickly back track my statement, “I mean to finalize the deal and all.”

“Oh of course,” she smiles but not as bright as before, “sounds great, just let me know what days best for you, okay?”

I nod, “Sure sounds like a plan to me.”


May 16, 2008


Later that next day, Jack and I were hosting movie night at our place with our friends Ramya and Veronica. Sitting around the living room chit chatting we had just finish eating delicious beef and chicken fajitas from dinner and were stuffed.  

“Why didn’t you guys stop me from being greedy?  I can barely move I’m so stuffed” Jack grumbled from her stop on the coach.

“Please like if we can even try to stand in the way of food and you.” Ronnie says, from the oversized two-tone swivel chair, which received a collected chuckle from the Mya and me.

“Isn’t the true,” I agreed from my spot on the floor in the middle of the room, “For her being such a tiny person, the girl can be violent.”

“Oh hush” Jack said throwing a pillow at me, which I gladly expect as I pull the soft material to my body.

“Exhibit A.”

“Enough children” Mya says from her place on the floor closer to the coffee table. Before turning towards me, “What I want to know is what the hell happen to you, Aimee, yesterday at lunch. You left and like almost didn’t come back.”

“What do you mean what happen? Nothing happen, I had a business proposal to present at lunch.”

“Mmm that’s funny, cause I don’t remember ever see anyone else coming back from one all starry eyed” Jack said.

“I was not starry eyed!” It’s obvious I haven’t told anyone yet that Boston Boy was Mr. Matthews. Heck I still haven’t even come to terms with the idea myself.  

“Were too, if not you been smoking that cha cha and ain’t offer no one any of it.” Ronnie stated.

“That’s your friend” I say to Jack pointing back to Ronnie, “I swear for two people to not even know what weed looks like yet alone what it tastes, y’all sure do talk a lot of shit.”

Mya busted out laughing and shook her head.

“Whatever don’t even change the subject,” Ronnie said.

“Okay remember the guy I bumped into at the store a couple weeks ago?”

“Yeah, Boston Boy, what about him -don’t tell us you went to the store during lunch in hopes to bump into again?” Jack asks. “Beside I thought you had some big meeting with Mr. Matthews.

“Yes, I did have one and I did go, “I say rolling my eyes I ignore the first comment, “But that just it you guys, Mr. Matthews is Boston Boy.”

“No fucking way!”

“Yes way and that was what I thought at first,” tell them, “I knew he remind me of someone but I just couldn’t remember who. But when those gorgeous browns looked into mine I knew than,”

“Awe, that is so sweet and romantic,” Mya smiles, “did he remember you?”

“I don’t know-“

“Hold on wait, what do you mean you don’t know?” Ronnie asked.

“Don’t tell us you acted as if you didn’t know who he way?” Mya says.

“He looked as if he did remember me, but what if he didn’t? Besides we were there for business,” I tell them, now see this is why I don’t want to tell them anything.

 “I can’t believe you didn’t say anything, I mean you talked about him for the past two weeks,” Mya say slightly shocked, “He walks in and happens to be the person your meeting and you didn’t say anything?”

“Believe it!” Jack and Ronnie say in unison.

“Mya it was a business lunching, trying to get his company to work with ours. Nothing, neither more nor less.”

“See that’s why, I don’t know why you are surprise. Look who we're dealing with here…” Ronnie states.

“And I did not talk about him all the time. I just mention he had nice eyes and smile. That’s all-”

“Several times, you may have not talked about him twenty-four-seven like we do about guys. But you brought him up more than you normal do.” Jack speaks up. “But was he as good looking as you remembered?”

“Better than anything I could have fantasized about.”

“What’s Boston Boy’s name?”

“Brad Matthew’s” I say with smile before changing the subject. “So what movie are we watching tonight? Is it a romance-comedy? Or Actions?  Ooo how about that new Bollywood movie I just got? Y’all pick one out while I go get us some more drinks.”

As the girls decided what movie we were going to watch, I went into the kitchen to escape for bit, needing the air. Thinking about my friends in the other room and how different we were when it came to guys. Ronnie was the one all the guys wanted with her exotic features from overseas; she could roll out of bed and still look sexy. And her confidence only made her more attractive.  Jack got guys with her girl next door looks and personality, she was witty and charming. Mya was just beautiful inside out, inside: sweet, caring and bubbly. Outside: her island looks, even though she was married guys were always drawn to her. They had no worries, more of the guys they wanted they got. Me? I was no ugly duckling but I was not sleeping beauty, neither.  Guys looked but they never approached, and if they did it never went anywhere. Maybe it was because I was so strong minded and wasn’t going to settle for anything less.   

Grabbing bottle water I open it and sip on it for awhile think about yesterday’s luncheon.  I knew Boston Boy remember me; I could see it in his eyes. But just because he remembers me didn’t mean he wanted to elaborate on that. I saw something in his eyes before we departed, but it was gone just as quickly as it came. However he did leave me a sweet memory of his soft lips as he left a kiss on my hand when we said our goodbyes; that gave me butterflies.


He was what I wanted, exactly what I needed

He was what I fantasized; he was what I dreamed

I didn't know exactly what to say at the restaurant the other day

When I met that perfect man I didn't speak when I had the chance…


Prefect Man

Destiny Child



End Notes:

I hope you guys liked it, stay tuned for more! Remember feedback is always welcomed ;o)

Thanks again,


P.S. I wanted to know should i keep the story in first person or changed it to 3rd? which do you think is better?

This story archived at http://