Penname: destinysdiva [Contact]

Real name: Deanna

Member Since: 29/01/10

Membership status: Member


I'm a mom, student, and a girlfriend. I write to relieve stress.

I write more interracial stories because I'm in an interracial relationship and that's what I know.

I'll pretty much write anything that's unconventional or goes against established story lines. So be prepared.

I like strong women and secure men who can show affection.

I believe angst should come from the outside of the relationship and the couple should present a united front, but I don't always write that way.

Most of my stories come from dreams I've had and whatever my guys obsessed with that month. That's why you'll see several stories going on at the same time.

Jason Morgan is my favorite character to write about.

I hope you like what you read. I write the stories for me and this is an easy way to share with my family and friends across the country. So if you like it awesome if you don't that's cool too.

I don't write about the following pairings; Jason/ Robin, Jason/Liz, Jason/Sam, Brennan/Booth, Mal/Inara, Mal/ any other woman on firefly except Zoe, Wolverine/Storm, the Dr./Rose either me or my guy don't like them.

Beta-reader: No

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Stories by destinysdiva
Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 28]
Summary: Alana O’Conner is a former super spy who was scheduled for termination at the completion of her last mission. Over a year later she is alive and assigned to protect her former lover. Alana is more interested in discovering way she was alive and protecting her family from a mysterious stalker.Nathan loves Alana. He has since her first laid eyes on her ten years ago. He is determined to make her his lover again.

Alec has been on the side line too long. is reintroduction back into section is for one purpose…protect Alana and make sure this time she gets out alive; even if it cost him his own life.

This is totally my original work, thanks to Pamela for beta reading these first two chapters. You’re awesome.

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: Original Character(s)
Classification: General
Genre: Action-Adventure , Drama, Erotica, Family, Friendship, Mystery, Suspense
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Rape, Strong Sexual Content , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Word count: 21209
Read Count: 4495
Published: 22/07/10
Updated: 07/11/11

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 10]

This story begins during to Metro court Hostage crisis. Jason is with Sam. Carly is with Patrick. Robin is alone because she sucks. Liz and Lucky. Emily and Nick are sort of together. Lots of Quatermaines and Luke and Laura and Bobby and Mike. Gia is bad ass in this story. As promised to my niece, trying to keep this one at a teen rating.

All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Table of Contents
Categories: General Hospital
Characters: Gia Campbell
Classification: Off Cannon
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Character Death, Original Characters, Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 8
Word count: 12355
Read Count: 2530
Published: 03/08/11
Updated: 11/08/11

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 12]
Summary: Cassie was sobbing. She pleaded for her life and the lives of their children. Dean knew she was seeing a Reaper. He begged them to hold on. He could save them if they just did not give up. Needed to do something different. This is not a Cassie Bashing story.

A little ambitious for me. I have been watching the supernatural series 1-5 since the new one started (sucks, stupid Gumby and her kid). I keep coming back to Dean’s big mistake i.e. the waitress from Tampa. After a huge discussion with my boyfriend I decided to write a story about Tampa girl. Hope you like it. Betaed by Monique. Thanks girl.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: None
Classification: Alternate Universe, Off Cannon , Supernatural
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, Mystery, Suspense
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural) , Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Dark Fic, Extreme Language, Original Characters, Strong Sexual Content , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 11
Word count: 33467
Read Count: 1424
Published: 18/11/10
Updated: 03/05/11

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 11]
Summary: Annie is Cassie’s half sister. The Winchester brother’s must figure out who is trying to kill her and why. Dean discovers more about himself through her than he ever wanted to know.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Original Character(s), Other
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance, Science Fiction , Suspense
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 14
Word count: 26926
Read Count: 2203
Published: 21/07/10
Updated: 10/11/10

Rated: Mature Content
[Reviews - 10]
Summary: I totally forgot to repost this. Kendra is the chosen one not Buffy.  A prophecy says she will carry the child that will save the world. Angelus wants the child for evil. Angel wants the child for good. Kendra wants to her destiny while protecting her child. Can they all come together before the Watcher’s council destroys them?

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Kendra Young
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Action-Adventure , Erotica, Family, Horror, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, BDSM, Character Death, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Rape, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 7
Word count: 13870
Read Count: 45377
Published: 28/07/10
Updated: 28/10/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 2]

Alright I’ve calmed down. I’ve decided Dean needs to make things right for Cassie and his children.

Dean meets his grown daughter.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe, Off Cannon
Genre: Drama, Family
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1426
Read Count: 808
Published: 29/09/10
Updated: 29/09/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 3]
Summary: Hated the season premier of Super Natural. They totally douched up Dean’s character. Since the writer’s want him with Lisa so badly I’m putting him with her and since the posters at the CW message boards think Cassie is a bitch I’m making her that way. Just my way of saying bite me.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 4861
Read Count: 813
Published: 27/09/10
Updated: 27/09/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 1]
Summary: This supernatural fanfiction is set after four years after the end of season five. After I wrote Dean as a punk I wanted to write him as the tortured soul he is. He has a new reluctent love Trish.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: None
Classification: Off Cannon
Genre: Romance, Suspense
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Extreme Language, Original Characters, Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Word count: 11576
Read Count: 567
Published: 01/09/10
Updated: 01/09/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 2]
Summary: I don't even know how to describe this except to say I am a huge fan of telenovelas. I love that you never know if the good person is going to come out on top so here is my Winchester telenovela. Whoop!!! edited it after I got some sleep.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: None
Classification: Alternate Universe, Off Cannon , Supernatural
Genre: Drama, Romance, Suspense
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Word count: 12682
Read Count: 772
Published: 28/08/10
Updated: 28/08/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 2]
Summary: I woke up from a dead sleep to write this. I dreamt it. This starts nearly a year after Dean went to Lisa. Involves Cassie and her younger sister. I love the character Dean.  

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: None
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Family
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Word count: 6630
Read Count: 743
Published: 12/08/10
Updated: 12/08/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 6]
Summary: All Castle and Lanie all the time. Rick Castle discovers he has feelings for Lanie Parish and moves on them. I totally forgot I wrote this. I was shuffling through an old folder and found the last chapters that I hand wrote. So I’ll be typing those up this weekend and posting the rest.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: None
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: None
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 4588
Read Count: 1523
Published: 06/08/10
Updated: 06/08/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 13]
Summary: Evangeline is ready to move on from John and rediscover what love and devotion are.

Table of Contents
Categories: Daytime Television, General Hospital, One Life to Live
Characters: Evangeline Williamson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Drama, Family, Fantasy, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Word count: 23769
Read Count: 9682
Published: 30/07/10
Updated: 31/07/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 12]

Eva and John try to survive the tragedy after the kidnapping. Natalie gets what’s coming to her. I feel the need to say these first two chapters are very hard to read but for me they were necessary for the telling of the story.


Table of Contents
Categories: Daytime Television, One Life to Live
Characters: Evangeline Williamson
Classification: General
Genre: Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Suspense
Story Status: None
Pairings: Jovan (One Life to Live)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Rape, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 16
Word count: 32015
Read Count: 10824
Published: 30/07/10
Updated: 30/07/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 17]
Summary: Schools really heavy right now. I’m taking a small break from “Let’s be us again” The story is intense and I can’t concentrate school work. So for the next week I’ve stopped writing it. Writing this for fun. Always loved Keesha and Jason.

Table of Contents
Categories: Daytime Television, General Hospital
Characters: Keesha Ward
Classification: General
Genre: Comedy , Drama, Erotica, Family, Friendship, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Jason/ Keesha (General Hospital)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Racism, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 15
Word count: 23703
Read Count: 14761
Published: 20/07/10
Updated: 20/07/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 6]

Dean hunts his love.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Cassie Robinson
Classification: Alternate Universe
Genre: Erotica, Fantasy, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cassie/Dean (Supernatural)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Extreme Language, Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Challenges: With This Ring
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1223
Read Count: 890
Published: 10/07/10
Updated: 10/07/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 6]
Summary: Finally edited this story and reposting. Thanks for bearing with me. I oringinally posted this in Jan. I love the Cam and Booth pairing on Bones. I stopped watching when they split them up. This story doesn’t follow the show.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Dr. Camille Saroyan
Classification: General
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance, Suspense
Story Status: None
Pairings: Cam/Booth (Bones)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Graphic Violence, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Word count: 19276
Read Count: 4655
Published: 05/07/10
Updated: 05/07/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 4]
Summary: Logan finally gets the love he deserves.

Table of Contents
Categories: Movies
Characters: Original Character(s)
Classification: General, Supernatural
Genre: Action-Adventure , Drama, Erotica, Family, Romance, Suspense
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Dark Fic, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 6
Word count: 8414
Read Count: 2444
Published: 04/07/10
Updated: 04/07/10

Rated: 17 and older

[Reviews - 1]

Couldn’t do a lot of writing but was watching a Dr. Who DVD with the man and jotted this down. Love the 10th Doctor and Martha. Hope you like.  All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television
Characters: Other
Classification: General, Off Cannon
Genre: Fantasy, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Martha/Ten (Doctor Who)
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 1118
Read Count: 712
Published: 03/07/10
Updated: 03/07/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 3]

Mal takes a bride.


Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television, Movies
Characters: None
Classification: General
Genre: Drama, Family, Science Fiction
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Original Characters, Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 3
Word count: 3750
Read Count: 1172
Published: 02/07/10
Updated: 02/07/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 4]
Summary: Another tribute to Mal and Zoe. If you don’t like her don’t read my stuff. Mal and Inara ugh!!! My guy threatened no sex if I even hinted that they had been together.  The only complaint I ever had about Mal and Zoe was that they weren’t together. So this is after Miranda and I want a small bit of drama without all the fighting. I’m working on my voices right now.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television, Movies
Characters: Zoe Washburne
Classification: General
Genre: Family, Friendship, Romance, Science Fiction
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Original Characters, Sexual Content , Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Word count: 7510
Read Count: 1639
Published: 07/06/10
Updated: 07/06/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 5]
Summary: Zoe and Mal come together.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television, Movies
Characters: Zoe Washburne
Classification: General
Genre: Drama, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Sexual Content , Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 748
Read Count: 777
Published: 29/05/10
Updated: 29/05/10

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 5]

Sorry about the other stories guys. Erased the file with my stories in it and asked my guy to copy these and delete some from another website but he did it backwards.

Thank goodness a friend copied them to her computer. As soon as I finish reediting this weekend I will repost them.

Table of Contents
Categories: Primetime Television, Movies
Characters: Zoe Washburne
Classification: General
Genre: Family, Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: Male/Female
Warnings: Adult Situations, Un-betaed
Series: None
Chapters: 2
Word count: 2651
Read Count: 899
Published: 29/05/10
Updated: 29/05/10