

Dr Vanessa Sharpe has just been offered the job of a lifetime, to work for a Japanese owned pharmaceutical company joining a successful research team headed up her former mentor.  This is her chance for a new start and to rebuild her confidence, she just needs to ignore her intense attraction to her sexy boss Takeshi and focus on her work that should be easy right?


Takeshi Yaguchi is the CEO of PharmaChem and heir to Yaguchi enterprises, he values Family and Honour and with his good looks, money and power he has dated many beautiful women but always ones that his family approves of and are considered acceptable for his position and has never deviated from this so why does he find himself drawn to Vanessa?

Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: General
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Extreme Language, Original Characters, Racism, Strong Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: No Word count: 2742 Read: 11549 Published: January 18 2012 Updated: January 18 2012
Chapter 1 by Neko
Author's Notes:

Sooooo I'm new to writing so be gentle with me!!

I'm hoping to do a chapter a week and all CONSTRUCTIVE feedback is welcome.  I have a vague idea of where I'm going with this story.

Hopefully it'll turn out ok, so here goes!


                                               CHAPTER 1

Vanessa rushed across the road whilst simultaneously trying to get her ringing phone out of her bag narrowly missing the cyclist who swerved to avoid her whilst giving her a piece of his mind, waving her hand at him in apology she rushed on, if she didn’t hurry she was going to be late. She still couldn’t believe it, finally something was going right, she had an interview with the company of her dreams PharmaChem the second largest pharmaceutical companies in the world and if she aced it she would be working with her old mentor and friend Dr Kento Kobayashi, she had got the call a week ago and had been researching and practicing for the interview ever since.
“Hello” she answered the phone breathless from her dash across the street and continued at a fast pace towards the main entrance of the imposing PharmaChem building.
“Hey it’s me, just wanted to wish you good luck though you won’t need it” her sister Jennifer’s bubbly voice replied.
“Thanks, if I get this job wanna go celebrate after? I haven’t been out in forever!”
“that is so true, Jen’s infectious laughter drifted down the phone “but I can’t I have a date with Ben tonight” Vanessa sighed she didn’t like Ben but right now the last thing she wanted was to argue with her sister about it so instead she said “ok but don’t be out too late ‘kay?”
“we won’t we’re just going to watch a film and get something to eat, I should be back by 10pm latest, I gotta go, so take a deep breath, relax and be yourself, love you”
“Thanks, love you too sis, have fun”.
Switching off her phone so it wouldn’t ring during her interview, Vanessa did as her sister said closing her eyes she took a deep breath here goes nothing she muttered and walked into the building.
The reception area was done in a minimalist and modern way, with a large crystal model of the double helix taking center stage, her shoes echoed on the marble floor as she made her way to the reception desk. The receptionist was on the phone she smiled at Vanessa and indicated she should take a seat until she was finished. Smiling back she headed over to the comfortable looking stylish leather sofas and seated herself trying not to let her nerves show, she tugged self consciously at her knee length skirt wishing for the hundredth time she had worn trousers as she had originally planned and not allowed Jen to talk her out of it.
Finally the receptionist was finished on the phone she smiled politely and indicated for Vanessa to come to the desk. “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting, my name is Meiko, and how may I help you?” her voice was very bright and friendly and Nessa took an immediate like to her. “I’m here for an interview my name is Vanessa Sharpe”. Meiko quickly tapped something into her computer, finding what she sought she smiled at Vanessa.
“Dr Sharpe, I’ll direct you to Dr Kobayashi’s office and good luck in the interview!”.
“Thank you”. Following Meiko’s directions Nessa took a deep breath before knocking on the office door, there was no answer she tried again to the same result, she was just about to turn around and head back to reception when a guy in a lab coat came rushing towards her, “Are you Dr Sharpe?” he said his voice was breathless, his blond hair mussed as if he’d been running his hand through it and his face slightly red from his run.
“Yes I am”.
He was kind of cute she thought despite his stressed out look. She noticed him checking her out his eyes staying a little too long on her breasts, feeling her face heat with embarrassment she cleared her throat slightly making him bring his eyes up to her face. He flushed even more at being caught looking and rushed to speak “Dr Kobayashi is running a little late he’s in a meeting with the big boss, he said you’re to wait in his office, sorry I can’t stay we’re just in the middle of something in the lab”.
“Well I would love to see the lab, I mean if that’s ok with you?” Nessa secretly crossed her fingers behind her back hoping he would say yes she had been dying to see what the labs were like, what type of equipment they had and a sneak preview before her official tour was way more enticing than waiting around in an empty office.
She saw him hesitate and quickly blurted “I promise not to be in the way”. She looked at him hopefully.
“Ok” he held out his hand, “I’m Andrew or Drew by the way” shaking hands she smiled back “Nessa”.

The lab was amazing she felt as if she had died and gone to nerd heaven all the latest equipment, plus each person had enough bench space to work on, something that was sorely lacking in her last place she reflected. She noticed a few curious glances and a few people even smiled hello.
She had just been talking to one of the researchers, Tree who was eagerly telling her about her project when Tree suddenly got very quiet and looked behind her with a slightly dreamy look on her face. Turning Nessa’s breasts brushed against a very firm and very masculine body, shocked by how close he had been standing behind her Nessa stepped back looking up an apology already forming on her lips, he was very tall causing her to tilt her head back slightly to make eye contact. The moment their eyes met the words died in her throat, he’s beautiful was the first thing she thought, taking in his Japanese features, jet black hair, piercing dark eyes and perfectly sculpted lips, she felt a blush creeping over her face as she imagined him kissing her. Thank god she had a dark skin tone so it wouldn’t be visible she thought she saw something flicker in his eyes-shock? His expression immediately became unreadable as he turn to the man beside him, “It seems we’ve found your missing Dr, Kento”.
Shocked and even more embarrassed Nessa realised she had been so focussed on the mystery hottie that she hadn’t even seen her former mentor standing there, who was now looking at her thoughtfully. “Yes it seems we have”.
“Mr Yaguchi, Dr Kobayashi, I was just showing Nessa I mean Dr Sharpe my project” Tree rushed out obviously worried she had done something wrong. Mr Hottie didn’t respond he just kept watching her with that unreadable expression on his face.
“That’s fine Tree, please continue with your work and thank you for keeping Nessa company for me” Kento said smiling gently at Tree. Turning Nessa released the breathe she hadn’t realised she had been holding since her eyes had locked with Mr Hottie, quickly she thanked Tree for her time giving her a grateful smile when she mouthed good luck to her.
Feeling a little more composed she turned and greeted Kento with a warm smile and a reserved hello, unsure if it would be appropriate to hug him in front of everyone, nodding his head he gestured for her to follow him out of the lab, she followed nervously knowing Mr Hottie who she now knew was the Boss was following behind.

Leading the way out of the laboratory and into the corridor Takeshi tried to calm down his emotions stunned by his reaction to the woman, the need he felt to take her. She had the most beautiful expressive, large brown eyes he’d even seen, her thoughts and emotions easily readable, her cute button nose and plump full lips, called to him. He had never been attracted to black women before and he had met a few stunning ones, in fact nothing about her matched his usual type of woman, from her curves to her smooth and soft looking cocoa skin.
Once in the corridor Takeshi turned to Kento “could you give us a minute please, I would like a word with Dr Sharpe”. His voice was like a liquid chocolate making her body flush with heat.
Giving her a slight smile Kento turned to her “I’ll meet you back in my office, you remember the way?”
Before she could reply though Takeshi spoke “I’ll bring her to you when we’re done”.
She frowned at that she never did like people talking for her.
When Kento had gone she took a deep breathe and straightened her spine, holding out her hand to Takeshi “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Yaguchi, my name is Vanessa Sharpe”.
Her sultry and slightly throaty voice washed over him and he felt his cock start to harden, he sent a silent prayer of thanks that he suit hid his body’s reaction to her.
He made no move to take her hand instead he just looked at her his look coolly assessing. Feeling even more flustered and slightly pissed off at his rudeness, she brought her hand back down to her side.
“You were asked to wait in Dr Kobayashi’s office were you not” From his tone it wasn’t a question, but she answered anyway ignoring the way his voice made her body tingle. “Yes but I thought it would be nice to see the labs, I didn’t mean to cause any problems”.
He frowned slightly “well next time please stay where you are told and refrain from wondering about as people don’t have time to waste looking around for you”. He watched as her doe like large brown eyes narrowed as she forced herself not to answer him back and respond to his reprimand, he arched an eyebrow at that so this kitten had some claws then he mused.
“Come” turning he headed towards the lifts clearly expecting her to follow, which she did staring daggers in his back the whole time. The lift was packed when it reached them forcing her to press her back to the front of his body, despite their height difference her heels added inches to her height meant her arse rested right against his rapidly hardening cock, she felt him shift slightly behind her, embarrassed she tried to move forward a little so she wasn’t completely leaning on him, causing the woman in front to glare at her when she accidentally bumped her “sorry” she muttered, then inhaled sharply as a protective arm encircled her waist, pulling her back against his muscular body bringing Takeshi in very intimate proximity with her backside. She could feel the firmness of his body against her back; luckily the lift was so crowded no one could see his arm around her waist holding her against him.
She felt her body and face heat as she felt the unmistakeable bulge pressed against her.
Wow she thought, it felt huge her body’s reaction was immediate her core flooding with moisture whilst her nipples hardened. Flushed she started moving against him slightly unable to control her response to him causing his grip on her tightened. What the hell is wrong with me she wondered even as she moved softly against him, she had never done anything like this before, hell she couldn’t even imagine doing something like this! She was practically dry humping a guy she met ten minutes ago in the lift for anyone to see!
Damn is she trying to kill me? He wondered, her hot curves were pressed so intimately against him he was doing all he could to keep his body still and not grind his erection into her, he didn’t know what had possessed him to pull her against him in the first place ever since he had seen her in the lab he had been acting strange, rude to her one minute then rubbing against her the next she probably thought he was crazy. Then she had started to move against him, slightly at first as if she was unsure what she was doing herself, sending all rational thought from his mind, biting back a moan he held her closer to him, inhaling sharply through his nose, drawing in the scent of honey from her hair. The lift stopping at the next floor seemed to jolt them out of their haze and as people started filing out he quickly released her moving her slightly away from him missing the feel of her instantly and how she had felt right in his arms. In the mirror on the wall opposite the opened lift doors, he caught her eyes before she moved her gaze away from his quickly and the doors shut.
Shit he thought to himself, she probably taught he was a creep then again she had been moving against him hadn’t she?
Now that the lift was emptier she practically jumped away from him and they continued the ride in silence. When the door finally opened at their floor Nessa rushed out eager to put some distance between them. She was so embarrassed acting like some sex deprived woman he probably thought she had tried it on to get in his good books and guarantee her the job. Heedless to where she was heading she hurried down the corridor mentally telling herself off for letting someone she had just met however sexy he was affect her. Nessa couldn’t figure out what it was ever since she laid eyes on him in the lab she had felt out of sorts, her brain muddled and now it seemed her body had decided to get in on the act too.
“You’re going the wrong way”
His voice held a hint of amusement. Turning she found he was still by the lift doors watching her with one eyebrow quirked in amusement, a small smile on his lips. Feeling her heart thump she frowned at him and headed back towards him deciding her best option was to pretend nothing had happened after all the lift had been crowded who was to say she hadn’t accidentally given him a vertical lap dance?
Reaching him try as she might she couldn’t keep her treacherous eyes from drifting down his body to his crotch, unconsciously she bit her lip when she saw he was still hard, eyes widening turned her head away heat flooding her face she said a silent prayer of thanks that her skin tone was dark and he wouldn’t be able to see her blush like a love-sick school girl.
Takeshi was fascinated by this strange woman who in less than an hour had managed to annoy, arouse and intrigue him. He wanted to know more about this woman with a mouth and body made for giving and receiving pleasure with like doe like eyes who blushed upon seeing that she had aroused him. He scowled at the turn of his thoughts yet again, she was not the type of woman he should be curious about and besides he wasn’t looking for a relationship and he could tell from the short time he had been in her presence that she was one of those relationship types that probably had a three month rule or something.
Seeing his serious expression Nessa hurried to speak afterall this would hopefully be her new boss and it wouldn’t do to get off on the wrong foot.
“Look I think we -”
“If your ready, I think you’ve used up enough of my time for one day, follow me” and with that turned and strode off, she had to walk fast to keep up with his long strides and soon they had reached Kento’s office. Takeshi knocked and after waiting for a reply opened and held the door open for her to enter, he moved so there was no possibility of them touching accidentally. Once inside he closed the door.
“Take a seat Dr Sharpe” his voice professional and impersonal.
“I thought my interview was with Dr K-”
“It is I often observe interviews, is that a problem?” His response was smooth and his tone made it clear that if there was a problem he didn’t care.
Only if you plan on interrupting me every minute she thought.
Takeshi ignored her obvious annoyance and Kento’s raised eyebrow at his explanation they both knew he did no such thing, trusting Kento’s judgement when it came to hiring Researchers.


End Notes:

Sooo I hope that wasn't too painful for anyone! remember CONSTRUCTIVE words (and kind ones) welcomed! thanks for reading! 

^0^ Neko

This story archived at http://