My Prayer by readlover


When you want something specific; the last thing  to do is bend on your knees and ask God for it.


Categories: Miscellaneous Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Romance
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1 Completed: Yes Word count: 62 Read: 3388 Published: December 14 2011 Updated: December 14 2011
Story Notes:

1. My Prayer for the unkown by readlover

My Prayer for the unkown by readlover
Author's Notes:

Just a "little" something for thouhgt. 

Lord Please send me a God- fearing man. 

Send him packaged with flesh of steel, black as night, handsome and SEXY!

Send him with a soul of passion, prosperity, individuality and a touch of congeniality made from YOUR perfect hands. 

Send him to me as fast as you can...

But only send him when you have conditioned me for the sender.


End Notes:

I'm praying.. are you :) 

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