The Boat House by readlover


Fourth of July; all boats will be out on the water and no one will be there to interrupt us. The rocking motion will help us on our love voyage and you can scream & moan as loud as you want, while the fireworks burst in the air.




Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: None
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Sexual Content
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 5162 Read: 34583 Published: July 17 2012 Updated: May 19 2013
Chapter 2 by readlover
Author's Notes:

Hopefully tonight if time permits i'll be finished with this. 



April woke up to the beeping sound of her phone. She reached across the tub for a towel and dried her now wrinkled hand and retrieved her phone.




“Hi babe, did you get my flowers?”


April smiled. “I sure did, it was very patriotic of you.”


“You know I try, you sound tired.”


“I fell asleep in tub; it was so relaxing that I drifted off, what time is it?”


“It’s now 12:30.”


“Oh, shit I slept that long I have thirty minutes to get ready.”


“You can come naked, I wouldn’t mind.”


“Of course you wouldn’t, I’m going to get ready, see you in a little bit.”


“Wait, before you leave, I called you for a reason.”




“You’re going to be blindfolded until you reach to me, I don’t want you to see anything, so don’t give the driver a hard time. OK!”


“Are you kidnapping me?”






April got out the tub and dried her body then drained the water out the tub. She looked for Jean favorite body lotion and spray, applied to her body and went into her dresser to look for something sexy to wear. She found a pink matching bra and panty set that had lace at the edges, she decided to wear a white tank and a blue pleated skirt with white stars on the skirt.

Her outfit was quite patriotic; all she was missing was the red. She looked for her red pumps and placed them on her feet. Red button earring covered April air lobes.


Before April headed down the stairs she passed by the mirror.

“Don’t you look fuckuble dear”…April said passing her hands over her curves and giving herself a quick smile and headed for the stairs.


Even though April and Jean had been together for quite some time, she still had goose bumps and her always heart still fluttered when she knew she would be in his presence. He was something she never thought she would be with. He was different and captivating. Captivating her mind, body and soul, it’s as if he was made for her.

She loved the little things about him. The way he watches her when she enters a room, the kisses he place on her back that make her tremble under his ministrations. She loved it all and definitely loved him.

His family was very accepting of him falling for a black girl; who they knew at first as his enemy. However, April family wasn’t very much on the accepting side. April was the second in her family to leave the small town she had grown up in.

She and her girlfriends knew they had to be more to life than the little town they had grown up in. There had to be more to this world than just settling for everything in front of you.

Her sisters stayed in that small town, never venturing out for new experiences. Went to college there and are local nurses and teachers and married people they knew since diapers. April doesn’t have anything against them for doing that; she just wished they had opened themselves to new experiences like she did.

April couldn’t see herself staying there for college, and begged to be released.

Her father let her go her reminding her to never forget home.

April never forgot home, just never visited much, everyone was so closed minded, and April had seen the world and couldn’t take explaining herself to people who weren’t willing to understand and accept. So when April brought Jean home with her, they left the very same day they came.

April couldn’t understand the complete disrespect her family had towards them. Her father is totally disappointed with her and wouldn’t talk to her unless she stops seeing Jean.

April could give two fucks, she loves her family and will help them in their times of need, but until then they could kiss her ass, because she wasn’t leaving Jean.

He eldest brother is the only one who she still talks to her on a more frequent basis and even though he isn’t too fond of the idea of his baby sister getting busy with a white man, he respects her decision.




April sat at her kitchen table waiting for her ride to this secret hideout. She was getting real hungry, but obeyed her man wishes and didn’t eat. Well she didn’t eat a meal, but she had an apple because she wasn’t about to pass out from hunger.


The door bell rang and before getting it she turned of everything in the house and set the alarm and got her keys and phone.


Forgetting that the card had mentioned not to bring her phone she quickly placed the phone on the counter next to the mail. She peeped through the hole and saw a man in a black tux and black hat. She opened the door for the driver.


“Good Day Ms. Manning’s, are you ready to go.”


April nodded and took the drivers out stretched hands. She locked the doors and followed the driver to the car.


When they reached the black tinted Mercedes the driver took out the white cloth from his pocket.


“Ms. Manning I’m suppose to blindfold you.”


April allowed him to blindfold her and guide her inside the car. April rested her head and decided to take a nap since she couldn’t see anything.


When the car began she heard her favorite song pump through the stereo in the car.


“Mr. Fields selected a few of your favorites and they will be played for the duration of the drive, please sit back and relax, we will reach your destination shortly.


April swayed her head to the music and drifted to sleep.





End Notes:

Thanks for reading!


A picture of what April was wearing:



This story archived at http://