MEANT TO BE by marchpisces92

Stop your boss from committing suicide. It might result in him falling in love with you.

Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: None
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: No Word count: 12604 Read: 9361 Published: April 09 2021 Updated: August 23 2021
FIVE by marchpisces92


December 22nd 2019

Piero couldn't wait any longer; he needed to be inside of her now. It felt like he'd been waiting forever to be joined with her. Piero slid inside of Sabrina with ease, she was already so wet.

The slick friction made him groan. Piero dipped his head and kissed Sabina before he pulled out and then pushed his way inside of her again.

"Yes" Sabrina moaned, her head thrashed around on the pillows

Piero picked up the pace, driving into her deeper and harder.

It was clear they were both working through pent up sexual frustration. Their sex was so primal.

Sabrina rode Piero like a bucking bronco; neither of them could get enough.

"That's right Brina. Ride out your frustration on my dick"

Piero gripped her hips and slammed his dick upwards into her pussy, again and again, as she moaned in pleasure

"Take it all out on me"

They came hard together.


Piero woke up to his erection standing at attention causing a tent to form under the sheets. Sabrina was going to be the death of him he swore; or at the very least the case of his blue balls. He never had sexual frustration like this before. At this point the only thing that would make this erection go down would be a cold shower.

After that cold shower Piero dressed and made his way downstairs. He noticed that it was snowing outside and it was coming down quite hard; judging by the amount of snow already on the ground Piero supposed that it must have snowed overnight as well.


"Morning Daddy!" Noelle greeted him, as both she and Demetria were busy decorating their trees.

"Mr. Morrone can you help us put on our stars?" Demetria asked "it's too high for us"

"Girls I'm pretty he'd like some breakfast first" Sabrina said from the kitchen "come get this french toast while it's still hot"

The girls excitedly ran to the dining room table where their plates were.

"French toast?" Piero smiled

"I always make French toast on snow days" Sabrina blushed "it makes good use of the extra milk and eggs"

"No I like it" Piero insisted piling some of thick slices on to his plate "I'm going to need all the energy I can get to go out and shovel that snow"

"I just have to clean the kitchen up first and I'll be able to help---"



"You heard me," Piero repeated chuckling as he took his plate to the table to sit with the girls "I'm the man of this cabin so I'll do the shoveling"

Sabrina blushed she couldn't even remember the last time she felt like a woman being cared for by a man. She supposed it had to do with her being alone with Demetria for so long. It was just temporary though she knew there was no point getting used to it.

"Daddy can Demi and I play in the snow?" Noelle asked

"Not today Ellie Ladybug" Piero said "the snow is coming down too hard wouldn't want you two getting lost out there"

"We wouldn't get lost Mr. Morrone" Demetria insisted

"You wouldn't?" Piero humored the little girl and gave Sabrina a wink and she was touched. Just in the past two days she was moved by the equal and same amount of attention that he was showing her daughter. Hell Piero was being more of a father to Demetria than her own sperm donor had even been

"Nope" Demetria said confidently "we can find the North Pole in the snow"

"Yeah!" Noelle agreed, "let's go find the North Pole!"

"Girls you can search for the North Pole tomorrow" Sabrina backed Piero up "besides once you two finish decorating your trees we need to start baking some cookies to give Santa"

The girls squealed in delight.


Sabrina kept an eye out on Piero from the window while she supervised the girls as they were now placing the rolled their balls of cookie dough onto the sheet for the oven. He had already shoveled the porch and was starting the walkway to the truck.

"Mommy this is fun!" Demetria giggled

"When can we eat them Miss Ellis?" Noelle asked

"You girls make sure you're getting those dough balls on the sheet and not in your mouths"

Sabrina turned her attention back to Piero; she couldn't put her finger on it but she found herself enjoying watching him. It made her feel like she could rest in her femininity that he was out there shoveling the snow. He was protecting her and the girls. It was a feeling she didn't get with Trent at all.

It made her feel loved. To her surprise Sabrina felt her heart beat a little and heat rise between her legs...was she getting turned on by her boss? Granted the last time Sabrina had sex was when she was still with Trent and that was almost three years ago now. It wasn't good sex but it was still sex.

She couldn't

Sabrina had enough issues to worry about with getting away from Trent and focusing where she and Demetria were going to live. She didn't need potentially getting caught up with Piero.

"We're done Mommy!" Demetria announced breaking her from her thoughts

"Good" Sabrina said "if we get them in the oven now they should be ready by the time Mr. Morrone is finished shoveling"

"Yeah my daddy loves cookies" Noelle giggled

Sabrina smiled. The girls were definitely a positive distraction from the mixed feelings she was having about Piero.

"Mommy will Mr. Morrone let us play in the snow tomorrow?" Demetrio asked

"We'll see" Sabrina said "why don't you and Ellie wash your hands and we can paint some gingerbread houses"


Piero shook off the access snow off his back as he stepped into the mud room/laundry room. At least there were safe walkways for Sabrina and the girls he would of course have to salt them in the morning. He knew how much the girls wanted to play in the snow what kid wouldn't?

Piero shivered the cold off of him as he felt the warm air draft in from the kitchen and his nose was greeted to the smell of fresh cookies as welcoming him. However the first thing Piero saw when entering the kitchen was Sabrina bent over taking cookie sheets out of the oven.

Sure the cookies smelled delicious but the sight of Sabrina's ass poking up in the air was more enticing. It was so plump and ample even in the slightly baggy sweatpants she was wearing.

Piero was convinced that there was no article of clothing in existence that could hide Sabrina's curvy figure; it was her Judas and it would always show no matter what. Piero swore he could feel all of the blood in his veins go down south and he found himself becoming erect once more.

Piero cleared his throat to get Sabrina to turn around so his dick would calm down

"Oh Piero" Sabrina said a little startled "I didn't hear you come in"

Piero felt like an idiot. Of course she didn't hear him come in because he was too busy admiring her ass.

"That's okay" Piero replied now saving face "the snow is shoveled and the cookies smell delicious"

" the girls wanted to make sure they were finished by the time you came in" Sabrina said blushing a little "as soon as they cool off we can have some along with some milk too if you like"

"I'd like that"

There was a pause for a minute as the two of them looked into each others eyes. Piero's heart lept when he saw his desire reflected in Sabrina's eyes. She wanted him just as much as he wanted her. The sexual tension between them was so thick it could be cut with a knife. Piero wanted more than milk and cookies.

"Daddy! Miss Ellis!" Noelle rushed into the kitchen "you have to see the gingerbread houses we made!"

If anything the two adults were relieved by the distraction because they were about to kiss or if anything at least start making out.

They followed the excited toddler to the dining room to see the rather extragant gingerbread houses that the girls made

"This is really neat girls," Piero said in amazement "wow Santa is going to forget the cookies and want a bite out of this gingerbread house instead"

"We have a story that goes with it too Mr. Morrone" Demetria said excitedly

"You do?"

"Yeah sit down. You too Mommy"

The two adults felt relieved and welcomed the distraction of the girls telling their gingerbread story and were genuinely entertained but they knew that they wouldn't be getting distractions every time they felt sexual tension.


The snow finally stopped by nightfall. Piero would have to go out and shovel just a little bit more but other than that it would be safe for the girls to go out and play in the snow tomorrow.

Sabrina had a fun time convincing the girls that they had to settle down to sleep if they were going to have enough energy for snow activities. Eventually they did settle down.

Piero was watching from the doorframe as Sabrina wished both girls a goodnight. He thought it was cute that she gave Demetria a kiss and her daughter gave her a kiss right back.

Demetria was adorable and was the spitting image of Sabrina so it warmed Piero's heart to see them together. Fuck that Trent guy he didn't deserve either one of them.

What happened next pulled at his heartstrings even more. Sabrina gently spread Noelle's comforter over her making sure she was snuggly and warm and Noelle giggled. Sabrina gave Noelle a kiss on her forehead and wished her goodnight.

Piero was genuinely touched by that sweet gesture it had been well over a year since Noelle had felt that type of motherly love. For Sabrina to show his daughter that love meant a lot to him. As if he wasn't already attracted to her enough already.

"That was sweet"

"Piero you scared me!" Sabrina chuckled as she came out of the room

"I'm serious Brina" he said sincerely "the last time...the last time Valentina tucked Ellie to bed was the night before the accident"

"Oh Piero I didn't mind" Sabrina insisted, "Ellie is a sweet girl"

"So is Demi she looks just like you"

Sabrina blushed at those words and Piero couldn't help but to imagine what a child between them would look like.

"You want to wrap some more presents tonight?" Piero asked "we still have two more nights if you want to take a break"

"Actually yes" Sabrina replied "the girls kept me a bit busy today with the cookies and the gingerbread houses"

"Well we could have some quiet adult time in front of the fire" Piero suggested "a cup of eggnog for your thoughts?"

"Eggnog sounds good"


Piero couldn't help but admire the way the flame danced and shined on Sabrina's face and it made her skin glow. The two of them were sharing their favorite memories of their daughters first Christmas.

"Valentina and I didn't have to worry about presents the next day" Piero said, "Ellie literally was our present it was a low-key Christmas"

"Was she born before or after her due date?" Sabrina asked curious

"Actually she was a week late" Piero chuckled "Valentina's water broke that Christmas Eve morning and she was born at 6 in the evening"

"On the dot?"

"On the dot" Piero replied "what about you? How was Demi's birth?"

"Well Demi was actually a week early" Sabrina explained "she wasn't due until New Year's Day"


"Yes" she admitted "my water broke the night before and Trent....he um....he wasn't at the birth"

Piero thought he was hearing things when Sabrina said that and felt the need to clarify this. He couldn't imagine not being by Valentina's side as she gave birth to Noelle.

"What do you mean Trent wasn't there?"

Sabrina looked embarrassed and sad at the same time. Piero gently placed his hand on her hand.


" neighbor at the time I had to call an ambulance for me.....Trent was out drinking"


".......Trent lost his job....he drank a lot during my pregnancy"

"So the ambulance took you to the hospital instead of your husband?"


A few tears slid down Sabrina's face "Demi was born at 6 in the morning so I spent the whole night in labor---"

"By yourself?"

"Piero I wasn't by myself the hospital staff was there"

"Sabrina you were by yourself"

"....I suppose I was....I had to have a C section with Demi because the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck"

"So her birth was difficult and her father couldn't bother to be there?"

"Trent came to the hospital later that afternoon" Sabrina explained "he wasn't really all that excited"

"Not excited? By his first child being born?"

"" Sabrina admitted, "Trent wanted a son which is understandable most men want a son"

"That's not excuse," Piero said angry at that son of a bitch "Demi is his child period it shouldn't matter that she's a girl"

"I know" Sabrina said sadly

"Brina...did....did you suffer from postpartum depression?"

"...yes" Sabrina, said now fidgeting "actually Piero can we talk about something else? Don't get me wrong I love my daughter but her first year was a lot and Trent almost shook her to death---"

"Almost shook her to death?"

"Demi had colic really bad as a baby and would cry a lot" Sabrina said "she had a hard time sleeping all the way through the night; Trent being drunk wouldn't stop shaking her...I had hard time pulling Demi away from him"

"Shh it's okay" Piero said wrapping his arm around her "you and Demi are safe here"

Sabrina did end up crying as more tears fell down her face. However Piero was there to comfort her; gently rubbing her back in smooth circles.


Eventually Sabrina fell asleep on that couch in the arms of a man who actually cared about her and her daughter. Piero stayed on that couch with her all night. 

This story archived at http://