The Boat House by readlover


Fourth of July; all boats will be out on the water and no one will be there to interrupt us. The rocking motion will help us on our love voyage and you can scream & moan as loud as you want, while the fireworks burst in the air.




Categories: Original Fiction Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: None
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Sexual Content
Challenges: None
Series: None
Chapters: 5 Completed: Yes Word count: 5162 Read: 33415 Published: July 17 2012 Updated: May 19 2013
Chapter 1 by readlover
Author's Notes:

Hey Ladies.. Short Story couple chapters then "el fin" 

The Cast of Boat House: 

Jean Fields              April Mannings 









April was happy for the day off. July fourth couldn’t come fast enough. Her mind was mentally stressed from work and her body was physically deprived from her man due to their busy schedules constantly clashing.  They hardly had any time to do anything together much less pleasure each other.


April rolled out of bed and decided to get some exercise done and do one of her favorite workout routines to start out her holiday.

She changed into her workout clothes and placed her lose inches off your waist DVD into the player.

April loved this workout, it was something about shaking your waist that made her feel accomplished.

April Shook, stretched, rolled and did all other positions that were instructed in the video to guarantee her fitness. She worked up quite a sweat. During her cool down exercise the door bell rang interrupting her.

She waltzed over to the door on the way grabbing her towel to wipe the sweat beads that formed on her forehead.

She peeped through the hole and saw flowers in an unknown man’s hand. Being precautious, before April opened the door for the stranger she asked who it was.

“It is ‘We do Flowers’ here to drop off a delivery for Ms. April Manning.”

“I didn’t order any flowers Sir.” April said, trying to figure out why this man was by her door with a bouquet of flowers.

“Ms. I was told to delivery these to your house, by Mr. Fields”

April opened the door took the flowers out of the young man hands signed for it and shut the door. She inhaled the scent of the flowers and a grin formed on her lips.

The flowers were red, white and blue. Very patriotic she thought. She saw a card sticking from the flowers. April placed the flowers on the kitchen counter and opened the card addressed to her.




Happy Fourth of July Babe!

Today you will be escorted to our secret hideout. Your driver will be there to pick you up at 1:00pm.

Today you will be pampered to perfection and then royally fucked by your man.

Do not bring anything, but your sexy self. LEAVE YOUR FUCKING PHONE HOME!

Babe I miss you and just want to burry myself in you for the holiday. Don’t eat either come hungry.

P.S- I couldn’t leave because I kept thinking about you.

                                                                                                            Love, Jean                  

                                                                                                            See you soon


April giggled and placed the card down on the table. Jean was something else.

She thought she would be spending her holiday alone, because Jean had left to go see family for the holiday and she didn’t feel like tagging along, but he stayed back and surprised her.








April and Jean meet through friends. They were first friends, and then fuck buddies and that soon grew into unconditional love. They had been in a relationship for the last five years and this last year had been so strenuous on them both. They both were promoted. Jean as junior partner at his uncles firm and April was promoted to Supervisor at the publishing firm.

April remembered Jean and her first time. He revealed that mythical dragon of a penis and April had a gasp moment. She always remembers what it’s like to be a virgin every time he sticks it in her.

She knew never to believe the myth told by mother ‘chile white men don’t be packing; you need you a black man to put it on you good.’ Her mother had been wrong yet again because her man be putting it on her real good.

April checked the time. It was now 10:00am. She had two hours before the car would be there.

She decided to take a warm soothing bath and soak her body from her morning workout.





End Notes:

A quickie! More real soon. 

This story archived at http://