This story is for the family and friends we’ve lost over the last few months. This is especially for my niece Amyia who we lost after Halloween at nine. I did not get to know Amyia very well because we live on the other side of the country. There is something about losing a child that hurts the heart of everyone she touched. I am glad that her father, my nephew, is a strong man and has the love and care of his wife. God keep you Amyia.
I’m working on my other stories but it is going slow since much of my time has been spent with my kids. Have patients I hope to update most of them soon.
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
This story is for the family and friends we’ve lost over the last few months. This is especially for my niece Amyia who we lost after Halloween at nine. I did not get to know Amyia very well because we live on the other side of the country. There is something about losing a child that hurts the heart of everyone she touched. I am glad that her father, my nephew, is a strong man and has the love and care of his wife. God keep you Amyia.
I’m working on my other stories but it is going slow since much of my time has been spent with my kids. Have patients I hope to update most of them soon.
All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Jason stumbled through the snow-filled street until he collapsed in the calf high drifts. A sharp pain pulsed through him. He tried to ignore it. The enforcer needed to make it back to the territory. He made it to a doorway of a small store. The people gathered in the back. He had a good feeling but he could not lift his hands to knock. The freezing cold bit into him as fluffy flakes of snow settled around him. They were coming. He could hear the crunching of feet in the snow. Jason tried to take his gun out but his hand would not grip it. He knew his life was over.
Nicole staggered through the snowy bank. She hated the snow. She hated the New York cold. Her parents took her to Kansas City to see them light the Plaza. It was cold but not the bitter cold they got this time of year. She could daydream but she wanted to get to her small studio apartment and crank the heat. Even with her thick coat, the chill rattled her. A sharp wind hit her hard. She fell into a large doorway. She nearly screamed when she saw the bleeding man propped against the door. She stared into his cold blue eyes. Crap. She had seen those eyes before, Jason Morgan, the enforcer for Sonny Corinthos, oh hell. She did not think she just reacted.
“Can you walk?” He shook his head. “If you lean against me can you?”
“I can try.” He muttered. She tugged his weight against her side. They stumbled and nearly fell. Nicole got her footing. He was strong. They slid and fell until they reached her home. The twenty-foot walk took less time then she thought. She pulled him up the stairs to her tiny apartment. She struggled to keep him standing as she reached for her room key. Her neighbors’ door swung open.
“You alright Nicole?” The elder Mrs. Sanchez asked her looking at Jason suspiciously.
“Yes ma’am, my friend got a promotion and celebrated a little too hard.” She smiled as she turned the key. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Hey Jose, I told you she was not making her boyfriend up.” She heard the door slam. “That Johnny is going to be pissed.
“Come on just a few more feet to go.” She dragged him to her bed. “Great you’re going to bleed all over it.”
She ran to the restroom and brought out a towel. The girl carefully slid off his jacket then cut through his shirt. Shit. The wound was pumping blood. She pressed against it. He tried to push her off but she was stronger at that moment. She reached for her phone and quickly dialed a number.
“Cal, I’ve got an emergency.” She listened for a minute. “You owe me. He’s my friend. He walked in the middle of some mob shit and got shot. Thanks. Please don’t die, not on my bed.”
Jason groaned as he tried to clear his head. “Do you want me to call someone?”
“No.” He tried to sit up.
“Hey, I’ve got a Doc coming. Do you have any cash?” He pointed to his jacket. She used one hand to search the jacket while keeping pressure on his wound. In his pocket, she found a bundle of money. “No wonder you got shot. If you die can I keep it?” He smiled at her teasing tone. “My name is Nicki. If you pass out try to mutter that.”
There was a sharp knock at the door. She peeked out before opening it all the way. “Where is this boy of yours?”
She stepped aside. Cal carried a toolbox instead of a medical bag. The fat, old, white haired man looked more like Santa Claus than a physician.
“It’s snowing double rates.” He eyed her.
“I saved your ass…twice. Regular rates and maybe a tip if he doesn’t die.” He smiled at the chocolate brown girl. She was like her dad, God rest his soul, but she had the look of her ma. Smooth skin, big brown eyes, one perfect dimple in her left cheek and legs that would not quit. If he were a younger man, he would try to hit that.
“Fine.” He stripped off his coat and washed his hands. The boy was big and he looked healthy. That was good. Cal opened his kit and filled a needle. Nicki held Jason down as Cal numbed the area. She watched as he quickly worked to retrieve the bullet. Jason mumbled as he was being stitched.
“Courtney… Carly…” He muttered.
“No Nicki?” Cal eyed her suspiciously.
“His daughters. They died in a fire last year.” She stroked his head. Cal nodded sympathetically. “How is he?”
He watched as she pulled three hundred dollars out of her pocket.
“Good as long as he takes these every four hours and these are for the pain.” She reached for them. “That’s another five.”
Nicki gave him the rest of the money. “That was my moving money.” She complained.
“He’ll love you for it. Get some food and bandages I got that feeling in my bones.” Cal could always feel a big storm coming. Sorel’s men crushed his leg after he could not pay his gambling debt.
“Thanks Cal.” She locked the door behind him. Jason was staring at her with half closed eyes. “I need to go get some stuff alright?”
He barely nodded before closing his eyes. Nicki put her heavy coat on. Taking the sled, she kept for such occasions; she hurried the three blocks the World Market. The good thing about living in a multicultural neighborhood was she could get anything. After chaining the small make shift basket she gathered supplies. She got several boxes of bandages and tape. Then she loaded up the cart with instant soups, frozen juices and anything else she thought she would need.
“Getting ready for the storm hey Nick?” Teresa Corona grew up in the neighborhood. Like Nicki, she was mixed. Her dad owned the store, he was from Italy and her mom was Korean. She was the biggest gossip in town.
“Yeah, it looks like a dozy.” She smiled. A hard body pressed against her back.
“You can’t fell it because of the coat but my dick is rock hard.” Johnny Moreno ran an appreciative hand down the length of her body. “Why you hiding under this house? If you need a ride you call me.”
Nicki rolled her eyes, her sole act of defiance, before pasting a smile to her face. “It’s cold Johnny and I know you’re busy. I don’t like taking you away from your work.”
She ran her slender hands under his jacket feeling the rippling muscles he worked hours a day for. “Ain’t she a good girl Teresa?”
“Yeah Johnny our Nicki is an angel and a virgin I hear.” The woman scratched her hair.
“And I’m going to pop that cherry soon, ain’t I babe?” He bit her neck. She forced herself not to cringe.
“Only you babe.” Nicki kissed him because she had no choice. Johnny had branded her. No one else would even look at her. He let it be known when she was sixteen that she was his. Her father went to Moreno and asked that Johnny wait until she was eighteen before consummating the relationship. The mob boss agreed. Too bad no one checked she was already eighteen; her uncle changed her birth certificate. Her parents never told her why they made her a year younger. Still, Marengo liked Hank Cannon. He said he was the Jew he could call a friend. Frank ran numbers for the crime family until, he and his wife, Ada, died in a car crash two years ago. Because of his sons interest Moreno paid for her rent, clothes, and food.
“Yeah, come on.” He threw a few bills at the angry cashier. Nicki followed him out of the store. He put her bags in his black truck. Normally he drove a sports car but during the winter, he preferred the truck. Nicki hated it. It meant he was going to make her fuck him with her mouth. He always smelled like dirty socks. She did it because she had no choice. They found last girl who said no to him with her face cut up. She could hold out. Nicki knew once he had his fill he would move on and he would leave her alone. That was why Teresa hated him. The girl was never an obsession like Nicki but he seduced her into his bed. After a week, he passed her on to his cousin, Tony. “Come here.”
Johnny grabbed her by the coat and pinned her against the truck. Snow fell in thick clumps around them. Johnny pulled her coat open. His brutal hands attacked her breasts. She shuddered in disgust when he unsnapped her jeans he pushed her legs apart. “Johnny please.” She begged when his finger pushed into her channel.
“See wet. You bitch and moan but you’re always wet.” He was right. She always had that ach for him. Teresa said it was just her body. “When a man touches you in a certain way it responded even if you don’t want it to.”
Johnny was a big man, easily six four. She knew from experience that everything about him was big everywhere. “Let me do it baby. Let me fuck that ass.”
“Johnny no.” Frustrated she pushed against him. Fuck. Her head bounced off the tailgate. “Johnny I’m sorry. I just want our day to be special.”
She coward at his feet her arms wrapped around her head waiting for the attack.
“Come here.” He pulled her up. Nicki lowered her arms, not wanting to anger him anymore. He kissed her swelling eye. “Why do you make me mad?”
“I’m sorry Johnny.” She whispered. He kissed her gently.
“You know I love you baby.” He took her hand and put it in his pants. “Make me happy so I can forgive you.”
Nicki went to her knees without hesitating she took his massive girth in her mouth. She turned her eyes to the falling snow and thought about being away from this place, maybe moving to the Midwest. Somewhere nice with lots of trees and grass. She could open a pie shop. Everyone loved her pies. His body jerked as his creamy liquid squirted into her warm mouth. He pulled away from her and adjusted his clothes. “Let’s go.”
Nicki scrambled to her feet and climbed into the passenger seat of his vehicle. He threw the truck into drive. Johnny looked at her when they stopped outside of her building.
“You know, you’re no better than a whore. You suck me off him front of God and everyone.” She flinched when he made to hit her. He laughed. “I ain’t gonna hit ya. Look I need to find this punk Morgan tonight. Go upstairs lock your door. I’ll see you next Saturday for the big day. You excited?”
She forced a smile. “Yeah baby.”
“Good.” He waited. “Go!”
Nicki took the four heavy bags and walked back up to her apartment. Jason was still sleeping on the bed. She hurried and put the things away before looking at her swollen eye. She wanted to leave but where would she go. Johnny had already said if she left he would make sure her grandmother Lucy paid the price. He would not tell her what nursing home Lucy was in. A tear slipped down her cheek. She wiped it away. She did not have time for crying.
The girl hurried back into the room and began searching the man’s pockets. She found a cell phone. Scrolling through his contact, she found Sonny Corinthos phone number. It rang once before he answered.
“Jason?” She heard a woman crying in the background.
“Jason was shot.” She said steadily focusing on the task. “He’s safe but he’s lost a lot of blood. He wondered into Moreno’s territory. I can keep him hidden until the twenty-sixth but then he has to be gone.”
“Who is this?” He asked.
“Nicki.” She whispered looking around still paranoid.
“Are you safe?” Sonny walked into the kitchen so he could hear over Brenda’s screams. She was getting worse and he did not know how to help her. “We can’t get in, Moreno has everything locked down.”
“Just find a way. I’m going to turn the phone off. I’ll turn it back on at five p.m. every day.” She took a breath. “Just get him out of here.”