[Reviews - 6] starstarstarstarstarPrinter
Blind Dates are definitely out of style. So why does Carmen Ventura keep setting herself up for failure by agreeing to go on them. Her only one requirement, no Latinos. As a dark skin Dominican woman she couldn't stand the rejection anymore. Her co worker Bryan broke her one rule but this blind date is determined to make her break all her dating rules with his intense nature and daring eyes. Carmen might have to let go of her fears and learn to take life one step at a time. 

Marcel Garcia wasn't a fan of blind dates but his cousin Bryan promised this one would set his blood on fire and he never broke a promise. Marcel loves the heat that builds each time Carmen runs from the attraction between them that floods his body. Every protest and ridiculous reason Carmen uses to put out the fire between them just causes the fire to spread more. 

There's a different fire that seeks to burn them from the outside as they melt for each other on inside. Will they survive the heat? 

Rated: Mature Content
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: None
Story Status: None
Pairings: None
Warnings: Sexual Content , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 2 Completed: No Word count: 5228 Read: 1873
Published: June 27 2022 Updated: July 06 2023

1. Chapter 1 by whiteknight [Reviews - 4] starstarstarstarstar (3258 words)

2. Chapter 2 by whiteknight [Reviews - 2] starstarstarstarstar (1970 words)

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.