Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
When Heaven finally arrived home, after a 12 hour shift in the ICU she was dead on her feet. Entering her bedroom she shed her scrubs at the door, throwing them into the laundry basket and padded naked to her bathroom.
Heaven wholeheartedly believed in having a work life balance. Leaving her work at work, and her home being her sanctuary helped her keep her sanity on those long days and nights. Her bathroom was decorated with lush foliage in a tropical theme that always made her feel like she was relaxing on a beach in the Caribbean. She ran herself a bath in her sunken jet tub then added bubbles and oils to aid in relaxation. Turning on the wave and beach sounds Heaven sighed softly stepping into the tub. Then closed her eyes and relaxed under the bubbles, soaking the day and her troubles away.
After her bath, Heaven put on her favourite robe and pink fluffy slippers, then took a moment to tidy up as she waited for her dinner to warm up in the microwave. On nights like this, after a long shift at the hospital when the house quiet, she wished she had a special someone to spend time with. Someone to tell about her day and just exist with.
Just as Heaven finished eating she heard her doorbell ring once then twice in quick succession. Looking at the digital clock on her stove and noting the time was well after 9pm she suspected it was someone at the wrong address. Not only was she not expecting company, she never would invite anyone over so late at night.
Heaven quickly checked her phone for any missed calls as she made her way to the door noting a missed text from her sister in response to something said in the family group chat. Stopping in her tracks Heaven looked at her front entrance, seeing multiple large bodies through the frosted glass. Taking a shaky deep breath with her hand on the handle Heaven opens the door slowly and stares up into glacier blue eyes.
They stared at each other for what felt like an eternity and a millisecond all wrapped into one moment. Breaking with his intense gaze she looked up at the other men, noticing a pained look on the face of Mr. Grey eyes (as she took to calling him after their encounter over two weeks ago at her fathers event.) She looked down and noticed his hand holding a towel to his side and blood beginning to seep through the makeshift bandage.
"Come in, quickly. What happened?" She demanded, then stepped away from the entrance to allow them inside.
"We were ambushed, and Rampage was shot." Mr. Green eyes answered looking around her home as if searching for something, when he was satisfied with whatever he was looking for he signalled for the others to join him inside.
Heaven grabbed her first aid kit and extra towels then walked up to Mr. Grey eyes, noticing the sweat on his brow and the pale colour of his skin. Without asking for permission he sat on a chair at the dining room table and looked at her expectantly. Not wanting him to bleed out in her home was the reasoning she gave herself for walking up to the biker and removing the bloody towel to assess the damage. He didn't grimace or make a sound as she checked the wound.
"It was a through and through." The grey eyed biker bit out softly, not taking his eyes off of her.
"Just patch him up and we will be on our way." Mr. Blue eyes said, standing at the window with the two other men, looking outside as if they were waiting for someone.
"You cant just put a bandaid on a gunshot wound" She snapped her eyes flashing with fire at him.
"Im sorry, I don't have anything for the pain." She said before taking a few alcohol swabs out of the first aid kit, along with gloves and the items she needed to stitch up the wound.
Heaven began cleaning around the entry of the gunshot wound as gently as she possibly could, noting the way he took a sharp intake of air as she hit a particularly sore spot causing his fists clenched tightly. She hummed to herself softly, cleaning away the blood and exposing his heavily tattooed flesh to her eyes.
"You're right Mr.Grey, the bullet went right through and thankfully missed your vital organs. The bleeding has stopped, but I will still need to put in a few stitches." she said after cleaning the wound and finishing her assessment.
"Im really sorry, but this is going to hurt." Heaven looked up at him sympathetically, then moved to begin the task of closing the gunshot wound.
"Mr.Grey?" He asks, eyes taking her in as she worked to stitch him up.
"It's the colour of your eyes. I've been calling you that since I didn't exactly get your name the first time we met." Heaven explained.
"Rampage." He gritted as she moved behind him and began to clean the exit wound.
"Im Rampage, the one with the blue eyes is Ghost, the one with the green eyes is Grim and the one with the Dark eyes is Diablo." Rampage growled out, wincing as she hit a sore spot.
"Obviously you know my name. If you're able to get your hands on my address, you definitely have my name." Heaven said in a matter of fact manner.
"Yeah." Although she was behind him, she could tell he was smirking.
"Almost done over there? we need to get back to the clubhouse." The three men stood at the window with their backs to Rampage and Heaven, conversing among themselves so she wasn't exactly sure which one spoke.
"Don't rush me." Heaven snapped as she finish up the last stitch then stood up and checked her handy work. After covering the stitched wounds with a cream to accelerate the healing and bandages, she took a step back from the muscular biker almost instantly feeling exposed as the other men turned toward her.
"Thanks Angel." Rampage said as he stood up carefully.
Heaven took another step back as he stood, his body seemingly taking up all the space around him. Looking down and noticing that she was only wearing her robe and slippers she was thankful for her dark skin because her cheeks warmed considerably.
"We need to leave now." Ghost said with a slight urgency in his voice. Urgency only his brothers heard and understood. They needed to get back to the clubhouse to figure out who the fuck betrayed them and who was dumb enough to fuck with the Reapers MC.
"Thank for this." Rampage said as she walked with them to the front entrance.
"Rest will help the healing, please try not to pop those stitches it was some of my best work and try not to make this a habit." Heaven stepped outside with them, watching them mount their bikes.
"Get inside, lock the door and get some rest. I texted you so you have my number." Ghost said.
Heaven did as she was told. Then walked upstairs to her bedroom and stood at the large bay window looking down at the street and as if on queue 4 pairs of eyes looked up her causing her breath to catch.