Penname: AntiVenom [Contact]

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Member Since: March 04 2012

Membership status: Member


I love to write and have stories on Fanfiction .net under another pen name Frostbytefire.

I also have an account on Wattpad under the penname Bleuple.


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Reviews by AntiVenom

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 219]

Lieutenant Brady Sloane was a good man, but always seemed to finish last with women, until now.

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: General
Genre: Action-Adventure , Drama, Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Challenges: Love Is Blind
Series: None
Chapters: 4
Word count: 16076
Read Count: 24591
Published: March 03 2012
Updated: May 06 2016

Title: Chapter 2: Two

Love the rewrite! I love this couple Brady and Pen are so intense and beautiful. Excellent job

Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: April 07 2016

Title: Chapter 3: Three

I think that you broke my computer with this chapter. Brady and Pen are like volcanic lava. They just rage with HOTTNESS! I LOVE THEM!!!

Harvey is just a piece of S$$$. I hate people like him. He needs to be utterly destroyed. He is not fit for the earth. Brady already told him he'd be at his house. I don't think he can be redeemed?!


Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: April 07 2016

Title: Chapter 1: One

(Screaming) You brought it back yes!!!!!!!

Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: April 07 2016

Title: Chapter 1: One

I am in love with the title I am in love with this story. I love Brady to death and Penny is so his woman. I love the wya you write. You just take me into whatever world you wish me to be. You are so talented. This story is going on the fav board

Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: March 12 2012

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 359]

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Strong Sexual Content
Challenges: Take Me Please!
Series: None
Chapters: 20
Word count: 99741
Read Count: 101255
Published: March 08 2012
Updated: January 31 2013

Title: Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Getting to Know You

I wanted to comment on this yesterday but stuff gets in the way. You are so my favorite author. I love this challenge and what you are doing with it.

Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: March 09 2012

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 467]


stories/2011/images/William_Kapori.jpg        stories/2011/images/Ana.jpg




William Lucas Kapori was a self-made millionaire. At 40 he had everything he ever wanted, a beautiful twenty something girlfriend, a luxurious mansion, and a job that he loved. His life was perfect, so why was he pursuing Ana Kay.

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Drama, Family, Friendship, Romance
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Rape, Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 13
Word count: 52745
Read Count: 78214
Published: March 29 2012
Updated: April 10 2014

Title: Chapter 13: {Thirteen}

Can you love a story too much? If so, then I love this story too much! Just a Fanstatic update! Please kill everyone else in this story in the Moore family except Vincent! Ana deserves HAPPINESS !!! YAY!!!!

Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: April 10 2014

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 193]

Carmen Shelly preyed on married men and usually won her sought after prize. Business is booming until her partner sets his sights on her single sister.




Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: General
Genre: Drama, Family, Romance, Suspense
Story Status: Active
Pairings: None
Warnings: Adult Situations, Character Death, Extreme Language, Graphic Violence, Original Characters, Sexual Content , Un-betaed , Work in Progress
Series: None
Chapters: 12
Word count: 41535
Read Count: 39755
Published: July 29 2012
Updated: February 28 2016

Title: Chapter 1: Just Ordinary Cast

I like, I like

Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 16 2012

Title: Chapter 2: One - Target sighted

I shall refer to Carmen as stank ho bitch whenever I read this. I hate her. You have done an excellent job with that. I want her sorry ass broken. Did I mention that I hate her. Why do these people always want the ones that they can't have. I can't wait for the jealousy and bad intentions to start. Great job

Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 16 2012

Title: Chapter 3: Two -The Invasion

Stank ho bitch is so trifling. I hate that ho. You do her so well LOL! I can't believe what she did and does to her sister! My sisters would never do that! She is truly EVIL. There is nothing redeeming about her. She needs to suffer and I hope that Richard and Nichole's budding relationship does just that. I love Richard. I love his straight forward ness towards Carmen. I also love the fact that he does not want him and she wants him. Bring on the dirty

Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 16 2012

Title: Chapter 4: Three Counter-attack and the retreat

Go Richard go! I am so glad, so glad that neither Richard nor Nichole fell for stank ho's barbs. I am so happy that Richard knows why she is acting bipolar LOL. I love that he told her straight up what's what.  I want the war that's coming. I lov e the plan that Richard has going twitch Nichole. I love thier cat and mouse conversation. I can't wait for her to open up more now that she knows there is a man that does not want her sister and he is in her house. Get to writing PLESASE I LOVE THIS STORY

Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 16 2012

Rated: 17 and older
[Reviews - 10]

An 19th century medical doctor comes to grip with the love for his nurse.

Table of Contents
Categories: Original Fiction
Characters: None
Classification: None
Genre: Historical, Romance
Story Status: Completed
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 1
Word count: 2287
Read Count: 1969
Published: August 12 2013
Updated: August 12 2013

Title: Chapter 1: The Peach Doctor

I read this yesterday and I just had to come back and say that I loved it! Please write more

Reviewer: AntiVenom Signed starstarstarstarstar
Date: August 13 2013

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.