Real name:
Membership status: Member
I don’t fit in anywhere and I don’t really care to so I make myself at home with whatever feeling, mood or look strikes me at the time. Call me a social chameleon if you like. My freckles are real, my hair color may not be. I don’t look my age and perhaps don’t always act like it, but I have a whole lot of fun regardless.
I read more books in a week than most people do all year, which means that there’s little room at home for anything else. Somewhere during all that reading, I’ve managed to be published several times—in two countries even—but Shadowside is my first novella and well, I’m pretty proud of it, though I most certainly plan to keep honing my craft. That old adage of “write what you know” doesn’t work in my case. I write what I love and if I just so happen to know about it, cool. If not, then I go out and discover.
I’ve always had a soft spot for those classic gothic novels of the 60’s and 70’s and Shadowside is my tribute to those scary old mansions with their handsome and brooding heroes, phantoms roaming dark corridors and family secrets, though Eva is most definitely not subject to fits of the vapors.
I excel at death metal growls after a few glasses of absinthe, and whatever you do, don’t show me the original Star Wars trilogy or I’ll quote all three films verbatim, including Greedo’s part.