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Title: Chapter 29.3

First, I have to say that sex was hot!!  But Subrina is stupid, why could she just hold until after the stung is over and then try with Ceasar.   He is going to hurt and angry but now he's going to feel she used him.  Stupid, Stupid , stupid, but hot at the same time.  She broke him a piece and now he's hooked like a crackhead!!!!  Candy you are the bomb!!!

Author's Response:

Subrina couldn't hold out because just like her friend Leesha, she fell hard for a man. The main differences  include the fact that she is mentally stronger and smarter than Leesha, and the man Subrina is falling for is a good guy. Flawed, but still good.

And you're so right, Caesar is hooked on Subrina for real now after that sample of her goodies.

Last, but not least, who is Candy? LOL! Confusing me with another great author, I see. LOL! Too funny.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 22/11/10 05:37 am

Title: Chapter 29.3

wow Neelam arrest  she said that was going to happen  he was going to get lock up bet you blaine set him up too big time. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Your suspicious are correct about Blaine.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/11/10 01:31 am

Title: Chapter 29.2

wow  glad C you know what is alright now lol boy i hope he get it together and stop saying and doing stupid things too other wise he going to be a very alone person. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

C is gonna get it together...eventually.

Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/11/10 01:29 am

Title: Chapter 29.1

wow first you have that good screaming his name sweat out your perm sex and then hit him in the nuts lol these two are so crazy to funny. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

I'm glad you enjoyed that scene so much. It was my pleasure to present it for your enjoyment.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/11/10 01:26 am

Title: Chapter 8.2

Still glad she's Subrina's mother and not mine!

Author's Response:



Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 22/11/10 12:03 am

Title: Chapter 6.1

The truths come out at a funeral!

Author's Response:

Oh yes, lots of ugly truths.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 11:33 pm

Title: Chapter 5.2

Yeah, I noticed but at least we know how he ended up!  

Author's Response:

Yep, he ended up a prisoner in his own body.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 11:22 pm

Title: Chapter 5.1

Hope the whole family goes down including the john who beat Leesha and made her have to go into hiding.  At least I hope that's where she went.

Author's Response:

The john that beat Leesha has already been dealt with - you remember what happened to Crazy Red in T.A.D.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 11:16 pm

Title: Chapter 4

Well, at least Leesha got p the nerve to leave! Hope Subrina gets there before Ricky!

Author's Response:

You'll soon see, JuJubee50.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 11:11 pm

Title: Chapter 3

Glad that's she's Subrina's mother and not mine!  She couldn't even say hello before she started her rant. Glad Subrina got off the phone before she could ruin anymore of her day!

Author's Response:

I hear that! lol. Better Subrina's mother than mine too. lol

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 11:05 pm

Title: Chapter 2

Yeah, I think the friendship is toast too!

Author's Response:

It's definitely going through a testing period. A MAJOR testing period!

Thanks for commenting@

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 10:39 pm

Title: Chapter 1

Well, she's about to find out how good her friendship with Leesha really is while Ricky is in the picture!  Leesha will have to learn from  her own mistakes. 

Author's Response:

Both women are about to find out more than they bargained for. Keep on reading, Jujubee50. You'll see what I'm talking about soon enough.

Thanks for taking the time to leave comments!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 08:56 pm

Title: Prologue

Very smart of Suprina to put him in his place.  How sad  of Leesha is to fall for his crap, hope she doesn't lose herself over him.

Author's Response:

Heyyyyyyy, Jujubee50!!!! Glad you decided to join the story.

You're so right. That was smart of Subrina. Leesha really should have followed her friend's lead.

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 08:50 pm

Title: Chapter 29.1

First Caesar pleasures the hell out of Bree and now she kicks him in his man sausage? That is not right Supreme One!

She should have popped him in the mouth for his comment I agree but not hit him below the belt that was uncalled for!

Now who's lashing out? If she finds herself flat on her back beneath him what is she gonna say? I don't think a man should put his hands on a lady but that was not ladylike.

More drama will definitely ensue from the actions taken tonight!


Author's Response:

Junebug66, Bree wasn't trying to be a lady just then. Remember she's TRYING to offend the man, to make him leave her alone. Don't know if it's gonna work though. lol.

Yes, more drama is definitely on the horizon for this couple and few more other folks. Stay tuned...

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 08:25 pm

Title: Chapter 28.3

Need a cigarette Supreme One while I marinate and I ain't gonna say another word.

Author's Response:


Enuff said!

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 08:17 pm

Title: Chapter 28.2

Ooh, now we are doing construction. Girl I tell you this man can do everything! Sing, cook, do plumbing; is he going to clean up later too? I think we've established he knows how to change oil so he is really an all around kind of man. Those are a dime a dozen so Bree better hold on tight to this one with her strong muscular legs.

And Bree and the Big Girl Snug Factor girl you are too much! I'm sure Beyonce, Janet, Ciara, Patra (went way back for that one) and Rihanna ain't got nothing on Bree when she is in Private Dancer mode.!

You are just killing me here Supreme One! Ten isn't enough for this one!

Author's Response:

Now this comment right here just made my day: "Ten isn't enough for this one!"

Love it!

And yes, none of those ladies have nothing on Bree.

Thanks for commenting! 

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 08:14 pm

Title: Chapter 29.1

Ceasar seriously needs to think before he talks. I think both are even they both took each other down a notch, had Subrina calling him Daddy :o)  I hope in the end Ceasar can forgive and understand why she is doing all of this.

Author's Response:

That is one of C's flaws - he sticks his foot in his mouth A LOT. lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 08:09 pm

Title: Chapter 28.1

More chuckling ensues Supreme One. Somebody was definitely cooking with the melons and bowls and even had some hidden valley thrown in for good measure.

So Caesar is not only good with his hands, but his mouth as well. And he's a talker, not dirty talk but sexy talk. Me likey.

Go faster Caesar.

Purr kitty cat purr.

Author's Response:

Glad you liked that scene. And yes, I used a lot of metaphors and such to keep it at least PG-17. lol.

I laughed out loud at your kitty cat comment. You're have quite the sense of humor yourself, Junebug66.

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 08:05 pm

Title: Chapter 27.3

Special g-string, that made me chuckle. Are they camo like her boots? Before the legs fall open I am glad they cleared the air a bit.

It was good that Bre used humor to soften the telling of her story, it helped and she didn't come off sounding like a victim. Caesar could have related to her just telling the story straight but I think that helped to break the ice between them.

The fact that they both shared their pain was nice and allowed them to connect on another level; before they connect on another level if you know what I mean (wink, wink).

Thanks for the laugh Supreme One.

Author's Response:

No, it's not camo like her boots. Bree has studied C for a while now and has learned that humor is something that he appreciates and will respond favorably to.

You're most welcome about the laugh. Thanks for the continual feedback!

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 07:53 pm

Title: Chapter 27.2

My girl is dressed for battle in her black and camo gear. Love it!

This is where I wish everyone did pics. Heck yeah I can visualize Caesar ripped to heck and back but sometimes I'm lazy and I wouldn't mind a little help.

Let the sexy games begin Supreme One!

Author's Response:

I like the pics too. They add something special to the story if you ask me, which is why I frequency include them and also music during some of my off-Chamber stories. I would love to add them here, but I find that I'm not savvy enough with the formatting on this site and/or don't have the software to do all the fancy banners and pics like some of the other authors here. Plus it would slow up the posting. So I mainly stick to links and words-only. 

No worries though. I plan to upgrade my computer and software in 2011. Thanks for hanging in there with me as I linger in the dark ages a bit longer. lol. 

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 07:37 pm

Title: Chapter 29.1

thanks for the update, left me smiling like a damn fool XD

Author's Response:

And that's a BAD thing? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!!

Thanks for the witty feedback!

Reviewer: Cassius_Noir Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 06:44 pm

Title: Chapter 28.3

I need a bucket of ice. scratch. TWO buckets of ice to cool myself - sizzzzliiing!

Author's Response:

Tee-hee. I understand.

Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: Cassius_Noir Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 06:42 pm

Title: Chapter 28.3

Alrighty!  You wrote the sex scene very well.  It wasn't explicit, but then again you couldn't miss any of the details of what was happening.

Author's Response:

Qualidee3, that's exactly what I was aiming for with that love scene - awareness of what was going on, but not explicit. I have a broad range of readers and so I try to construct the scenes so that ANYONE will feel comfortable reading them. Even so, you can't always please everybody. lol.

I'm glad that you were pleased by that scene. Yay!

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 04:07 pm

Title: Chapter 28.3

dam  that all i have to say. C did the kind loving that make you have that kool aid smile all day long lol. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Kool-aid smiles are good. lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 03:45 am

Title: Chapter 28.2

wow i bet C got a very very long pipe too  waiting to make it wet up in that room lol.  thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: You're a mess, girl. lol. Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 03:44 am

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