About Us
Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate, but that we are powerful beyond measure.
~ Marianne Williamson
Welcome to the Chamber, an archive of fan fiction and original stories celebrating women of color.
Originally part of the Valent Message board, a site devoted to the talent of Renee Elise Goldsberry, The Chamber has grown to contain fiction featuring a multitude of heroines on a variety of shows, all with stories waiting to be told. It is a sad reality that far too often women of color have been marginalized or forgotten by networks and publishers who fail to see the value in nurturing such characters.
Here at The Chamber, these strong, beautiful and capable females are center stage, the subject of tales worthy of their talent and grace. The Chamber is not about exclusion of others but is about uplifting those that may not always receive the praise they deserve.
So to all of the authors that contribute to this goal we thank you. And to all the readers who visit our site and support our writers we hope you enjoy your time here and know that we appreciate your presence and hope that you will continue to visit us in the future.
Best Regards,
The Chamber Administrators