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Title: Chapter 28.1

i knew the man was going to sweat out the perm  i told you lol and nothing wrong with that.  I hope no one else heard them lol. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Yeah, he did sweat out her perm. C ain't no joke!

Thanks for the animated feedback!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 03:43 am

Title: Chapter 27.3

oh it own like popcorn   if the head board rocking don't coming knocking lol. glad she clear things up with him thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Pop, pop, POP!!! tee-hee

Thanks for commenting!!!


Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 03:41 am

Title: Chapter 27.2

well dam i wouldnt' wanted to talked unless it oh yeah that the spot lol but that just me lol. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Off the chain as usual! lol

Thanks for commenting, Weefanforlife!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 03:35 am

Title: Chapter 27.1

wow i feel for her she like caesar alot and her he thinks that she into chicks. it hard to to do a job and love someone too.  thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Yes, Bree and C are in a conflicting situation all around.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 21/11/10 03:33 am

Title: Chapter 28.3

Damn...... Caesar sure know how to work it. I'm totally feeling jealous lol

Author's Response:


Thanks for the laugh and the comment!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 10:13 pm

Title: Chapter 28.2

That was Hot!!

Author's Response:

*Big Grin*

Glad you liked that scene. Thanks for the short, but sweet comment! lol

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 07:58 pm

Title: Chapter 27.3

Great chapters. My heart went out to Ceasar when he found his father.  Subrina is a good actress!!  I dont blame her. What happend to Leesha was just wrong.

Author's Response:

I'm so glad that the story is touching you on so many levels. From your comments, I picked up compassion for C, admiration for Bree, and anger about Leesha's situation. Did I miss anything?

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 07:51 pm

Title: Chapter 27.1

Poor Caesar, the love of his life is a lesbian who wants to be his friend his aunt is in the hospital in terrible pain and his own father rejected him. He can't win for losing.

I hope he doesn't do anything stupid! Stuff like that has a way of making a man vulnerable to trifling heifers who got no sense.

The fact that Bree is feeling his pain must make her rethink how she is going to approach him. He needs a nice big hug but being a man you know he will want to take it further.

Tread carefully Bree or you may have more on your hands than you are ready for!

Author's Response:

Yeah, C got it bad on some things. But he's ain't got it badder than others in other areas of his life.

As for him doing something stupid...sigh...he will (spoiler). You'll see what it is before this weekend is out.

As for Bree, she is torn right now between doing what she SHOULD do and what she WANTS to do.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 05:34 pm

Title: Chapter 27.1

I really don't like that Karianne.  HOw does Suprina plan on easing Ceasar's pain?  Will he let her after witnessing that display?  There is such a thing as personal space, does anyone in this story recognize that.  Karianne makes my teeth itch!!!

Author's Response:

I don't like Karianne that much either. You'll see why in later chapters. Subrina got some definite ideas on how to ease C's pain and her own at the same time. Keep reading. You'll see what I'm talking about very soon.

I'm glad you pointed out that personal space thing. No, it doesn't appear that anyone in this story honors a person's need for such a thing. lol. Except for maybe Avalon, and then only at certain times.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 04:41 pm

Title: Chapter 26.2

I think there have been enough hugs and kisses if you ask  me and I'm sure if you ask Caesar he'll agree.  And he wasn't in on any of the action poor boy.

I could just see those big brown eyes getting even bigger as he took in the scene and realized that everyone else was checking out 'his' woman kissing another woman. Well he works at a whorehouse, so now we'll see how open-minded Caesar really is!

Thanks Supreme One

Author's Response:

Caesar can be pretty open-minded...EXCEPT when it comes to his women. lol.

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 04:25 am

Title: Chapter 26.1

Nice to see Caesar working somewhere other than the P-Ranch and doing something that gives him satisfaction. Why can't he do that full time and forget the brothel?

Oooh let the fun begin. How is Bree gonna get out of this one now?

Thanks Suprina!

Author's Response:

Family ties are the only things keeping Caesar at the P-Ranch. He certainly don't need the $.

Thank YOU for keeping the comments rolling in!

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 03:54 am

Title: Chapter 25.3

I don't know, I think the black eye was worse than being embarrassed. Wow she really put some power behind that punch and she didn't even really mean it, imagine if she intended to hit her.

Avalon knew just how to distract Bree by telling her about helping Leesha to escape Ricky.

And speaking of Ricky, you would think Ricky would think of that and act right, but no he goes gossiping like he's a teenaged girl and I'm being polite in what I'm calling him.

Why would any woman want him?

Thanks for sharing and enjoy your weekend Suprina!

Author's Response:

Bree ain't no joke that's for sure! She WILL hurt somebody. lol.

As for Ricky, the boy can be quite charming when he wants to be. Plus the man is fine and a lot of weak-willed women fall for that kinda thing. They don't require or look for substance in a man.

Have a GREAT weekend as well, Junebug66!


Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 03:30 am

Title: Chapter 25.2

Okay no waxing for me. I can take some pain but that sounds... wait did she have her legs in the air? Getting a visual here that is funny as hell.  

Author's Response: Yep, she had her legs in the air. LOLOLOLOLOL!!!!!

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 02:50 am

Title: Chapter 26.2

wow i'm telling you things are getting werid lol. I'm think that kathy woman enjoy more of that kiss then she letting on taking the gum out her mouth wow lol. i hope C aunt get better thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

I admit, that gum thing was an ewww moment for me. I mean, who kisses someone THAT deeply ever? And especially during a 'fake' kiss? Karianne put too much on that one if you ask me.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 02:44 am

Title: Chapter 26.1

oh crap just when C man get some good news bam he walkes in and some woman kissing the woman he like lol. wonder C thoughts about that one lol. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

No need to wonder any longer. Keep reading, you'll see soon enough.

Thanks for the continual feedback. It's highly appreciated!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 02:40 am

Title: Chapter 25.1

Avalon definitely had her back, literally and figuratively since she actually got one too on her back. I wonder what Caesar is going to say about that and if she'll care. Some men don't like their women to have ink.

I've waxed my eyebrows and legs but never done anything else and depending on how Bree reacts may never attempt it either.

This should be fun. Not!

Author's Response:

Keep reading. You'll see how that wax job turns out. tee-hee.

Thanks for the continual feedback!

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 02:32 am

Title: Chapter 24.2

I just gave a long heartfelt sigh. They are so cute together.

Blaine is really a stinking dirty dog! Victoria needs to catch on or get herself a boytoy to give him some competition. I wonder if he'd continue to stray if he had to worry about his wife replacing him?

Thanks for sharing Supreme One!

Author's Response:

I think they're cute together too. Glad we agree on that. lol.

As for Victoria, she's one of those folks that have to run smack into a brick wall before she wakes up out of her self-imposed slumber.

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 02:22 am

Title: Chapter 26.1

Why did Karianne do that?  There was a better to handle that, than kissing her on her lips like that.  I don't like this Karianne person!!!!  I hope that Subrina don't play along.

Author's Response:

Karianne is one to watch, Pmgayles. Keep your eyes on her (spoiler).

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 20/11/10 01:55 am

Title: Chapter 25.3

just glad it was only a black eye lol  it could been alot worst but it wasn't witch was very good for everyone.  I like how bree handle everything very smooth of her. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Yes, it could have been a lot worse. And yes, Bree is one smooth operator.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/11/10 07:52 pm

Title: Chapter 25.2

she hit the woman lol omg she realy realy hit the woman lol. she shouldnt' got that wax. i hope she didnt' hit her to hard thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

She hit her hard enough to send her against a wall. lol. Sun-Hee will live though. :)

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/11/10 07:48 pm

Title: Chapter 25.1

i think it was the tattoo but something else proably tip her off too. so she getting a wax god bless her lol. i heard those bad boys hurt like a son of a gun lol. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

The tattoo, the # of languages, and the nicknames were all tip-offs for Avalon.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 18/11/10 07:44 pm

Title: Main Cast

I am so in love with this story!!  I don't get to come here as often as I would like, so I love having several chapters to catch up on!!

I didn't like Ceasar for a while, so I am glad that you are redeeming him for me!  LOL...

I LOVE Avalon!  She is my favorite character!  I am so glad she is helping Subrina out!  I can't for the life of me understand why everyone else knows what is going on at the ranch but Avalon's sister seems clueless...SMH.  

The danceoff had me rolling!  I could easily picture the men battling against the women!  LOL

Oh and I laughed out loud at Subrina knocking poor Sun-Hee on her butt!! I am glad she wasn't too hurt or offended over the incident!  

I CANNOT wait for Subrina to bring down Ricky's smugh behind!  Blaine too...they are both slime!

Loving the story!  You are doing an awesome job with it! 




Author's Response:

I'm thrilled that you're enjoying the story so much. That warms my heart. I'm also glad that you're starting to like C now. He's really a good guy, but a might misguided and childish at times. No worries on him. He'll get his stuff together eventually.

As for that dance-off scene, I laughed out loud as I wrote it. Also at the part where Sun-Hee went down for the count. tee-hee. Too funny!

Thanks for the compliment and the comment. Stop by as often as you can.

Reviewer: Redbird Signed [Report This]
Date: 18/11/10 07:39 am

Title: Chapter 25.3

Sun-Hee got knocked the fu*k out!!!  That was hilarious.  I am liking Avalon more and more she is trying to keep Suprina's identity safe.  Loving this story.

Author's Response:

Yeah, Sun-Hee got put to sleep for a minute there. lol. She needed the rest. Naw I'm just playing. It was purely an accident. lol.

Thanks for continuing to love the story and leaving such animated comments!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 18/11/10 05:32 am

Title: Chapter 24.2

wow i think i couldn't let go that man i proably did some kissing and some other things i know it wrong lol but it good they didnt' kiss agian other wise he would been sweating out her perm that night lol.  thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

tee-hee. Sweating out her perm? lol. Later, much later for that.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/11/10 04:49 pm

Title: Chapter 24.1

yeah i enjoy it old school dance off  i wonder who going to do the robot lol. glad he deicde to be her friend instead going to far too soon. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

I didn't include the robot, but that is another good old school dance. lol.

Thanks for keeping the comments rolling in, wwwfanforlife!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/11/10 04:45 pm

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