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Title: Chapter 24.2

Blaine has some nerve with his married butt. I loved that Caesar caught Subrina off gaurd the goodnight friend.

Author's Response:

Blaine just don't give a flip about hardly anybody but himself and what HE wants. He got some love for Ricky and a couple other folks as you'll see in later chapters, but he's even selfish in HOW he loves them.

Yeah, that was pretty special how C caught S/B off guard. Fooled her!

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/11/10 03:33 pm

Title: Chapter 24.1

Caesar did redeem himself very well. Subrina challening him to a dance off that was so cute and Caesar say he has some skills. What a riot. Loved this chapter it was full of fun.

Author's Response:

I enjoyed writing this chapter so much. Glad you enjoyed reading it. I didn't want the story to be super-serious all the way through.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/11/10 03:30 pm

Title: Chapter 24.1

Supreme One why don't you have a link to that video? Bree and Caesar having a dance-off is something I would enjoy seeing. I am smiling at the thought of this contest. 

I wonder if he knows how blessed he is that Bree would even let him get within twenty feet of her? All I've got to say is that he better appreciate.

Loving it and it is Wednesday for me.

Author's Response:

lol. You and these nicknames. Ain't gonna even ask how you came up with that one for me. lol.

As for the video link, I put it on the second part of that chapter. I hope you enjoy it.

Caesar keeps hanging around Bree and he's gonna grow all the way up as a man. 'Cause she is DEFINITELY all woman.

Thanks for the continual comments!

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/11/10 06:02 am

Title: Chapter 24.1

I really liked the unexpected update.  Thanks!

Yes, Subrina is coming around.  I like the idea of the dance off. 

Author's Response:

Hopefully you'll like the dance-off itself. It was a hoot writing it! lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Moni Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 17/11/10 05:02 am

Title: Chapter 24.1

I like this chapter, I can just imagine this dance-off.  I love this story.

Author's Response: I LOVE your comment! I'll post more about the dance-off tomorrow. May even have a video to go along with it.

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 17/11/10 04:01 am

Title: Chapter 23.3

Oooo.... I can't wait for Ricky to get his. He shows no loyalty at all. He just jealous because Cesar represent everything he is not.

Author's Response:

He's get his spades. And you're so right about him being jealous of Ceasar.

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: juno Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 15/11/10 06:45 pm

Title: Chapter 23.3

Should have said previously glad you are feeling better.

Well it was good that Caesar apologized for his tasteless comment and in front of everyone.

He needs to leave Ricky (to be called DD for Dirty Dog from now on) and that entire place behind because it is like a cancer and if he isn't careful it might cost him the one thing he really wants...Bree. Can't wait to see how he redeems himself.

And now you are going to have me feening until Wednesday. I've said it before and I'll say it again. You ain't right at all. 

Author's Response:

Thanks for the concern for my healthy. I appreciate it.

I like that new name you got for Ricky. Very nice.

No worries on posting. Wednesday will be here in no time. I hope to post a lot that day.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/11/10 05:07 am

Title: Chapter 23.3

I want Ricky shot in his ass!!!!  Ceasar can't keep his foot out of his mouth.  Why doesn't he realize that Bree/Suprina is a woman of substance and intelligence?  That childish behavior by supposedly grown men turns her off.  Ceasar you seem to be stuck and stupid and glued to dumb!!!  Help the man.

Author's Response:


Your first sentence had me rolling with laughter. I'll do what I can to help Ceasar get on the right track with Bree.

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 15/11/10 04:50 am

Title: Chapter 23.3

There's a whole lot ugly in that room. Mercedes, ricky, and blaine. mostly blaine though.

Author's Response:

I LOATHE Blaine the most. Just thought I'd let that little trinket out. lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: grumpirah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/11/10 04:39 am

Title: Chapter 23.2

Wow Caesar way to go! Open mouth insert foot.

You are damned lucky that tray has not come whizzing by to cuff you in the head yet. Nothing like anger to improve a black woman's aim and imagine just how straight Bree's hands are. Why I'll bet she could throw the tray and have it come back to her like a boomerang so she could take another shot at him.

He should know there is a reason she is acting the way she is and give her a little space. Not make dumb ass comments and in front of witnesses to boot. Has he been drinking or something?

On to the next chapter and as usual loving it!

Author's Response:

So true about C. And no, he hasn't been drinking. He might wants a drink soon though, 'cause the brotha keeps screwing these up BIG time!

Thanks for loving the story and commenting on it as you go along. I likes!

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/11/10 04:36 am

Title: Chapter 23.3

Hey thanks for the update while having guests.  I am so ready for Bree and Ceaser to get it on I think.  Now Ricky is more of a scum for sleeping with Ceaser's wife.

Author's Response:

When Bree and C finally make it happen, it's gonna be explosive. I agree with your assessment of Ricky.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: qualidee3 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/11/10 02:23 am

Title: Chapter 23.3

i'm glad she put him in his place. not everywoman wanted to be talked like some heffa but like a lady. i like how she said rape survivor i totaly understand what she saying. thanks for the updated and hope you feel better.

Author's Response:

Yes, the terms 'rape SURVIVOR' carries better connotations. It forces on a person's strength, not weakness from a traumatic violation.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/11/10 01:35 am

Title: Chapter 23.3

Subrina always knows how to but Caesar in his place!! I love it. What she told Ricky had me busting up.

Author's Response:

Glad you liked that scene so much. It was a hoot to write. lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/11/10 12:34 am

Title: Chapter 23.2

Uh oh Ceasar doesnt know when to stop and think before he talks. Poor guy he is making his feelings for Subrina make him do silly things.

Author's Response:

Yeah, he's making a fool of himself over Subrina. Kinda sad and funny at the same time. He'll get it together eventually.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/11/10 12:26 am

Title: Chapter 23.2

omg is C stupid wow would you come to her like that and he knows she not the type to be happy a man saying that to her. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

C got Bree pegged all wrong. No worries though. He'll eventually get his act together.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/11/10 10:13 pm

Title: Chapter 23.1

wow glad she was having a good time then ricky ugly self had to come mess it up.  C looking at another woman wow that suck big time. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

I do NOT agree with this silly game that C is playing at all.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/11/10 10:07 pm

Title: Chapter 21.2

Aww hell...! Now i need to go and drown my head in a bucket of ice, lol!

Author's Response:


Thanks for commenting AND for making me laugh!

Reviewer: Cassius_Noir Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/11/10 05:43 pm

Title: Chapter 23.1

Awwe Subrina got her feelings hurt. She needs to relax and not jump to the wrong conclusion. After all she is the one that wanted to cool things down,

Author's Response:

You're right, she is the one that pulled away first. But that's the thing with certain decisions. We THINK we know what we want/need, only to find out later that it's not REALLY what we wanted/needed after all.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/11/10 05:15 pm

Title: Chapter 22.2

Had a feeling Avalon befriended Leesha.

Author's Response:

You're gut feeling was right. Avalon was Leesha's only support system in Nevada.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/11/10 05:11 pm

Title: Chapter 22.2

NOw I am liking Ricky even less then I was before and I didn't think that that was possible.  Ricky makes my teeth itch!!!!  Bring on more chapters!!!

Author's Response:

He makes your teeth itch? LOL!!! I'm loving all these animated responses. I'll do my best to keep the chapters rolling in.

Thanks for commenting!


Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 14/11/10 07:27 am

Title: Chapter 22.2

wow lee be great name for our first son well i' name a kid kool aid pancake what ever for  c man lol. but good thing they slow down before they go to far and can't turn back.  thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Kool-aid? Pancake? LOLOLOLOLOL!!! Too funny!

Thanks for the comment AND the laugh. tee-hee.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/11/10 02:12 am

Title: Chapter 22.1

Avalon knows who she is,  knew it.  Great update.

Author's Response:

Yep, she knows. Looks like you picked up on all the hints just right. lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13/11/10 06:38 am

Title: Chapter 22.1

So the mysterious mailer is proved to be Mama Avalon. Good looking out and she tried to help out Leesha while she was at the P-Ranch.

I hope when this all hits the fan that Caesar recognizes that Ricky made his choice a long time ago. Even if he had received some kind of therapy I don't know if it would have helped him. You hate to say anyone is a lost cause but there are some people deep in DeNile.

Thanks for responding to my responses and thanks for sharing your talent. This story is great.

Big Girls Rock!


Author's Response:

Yes, Mama Avalon was the one that sent Subrina that book AND tried to help Leesha out.

It is my pleasure to respond to ALL reader comments. I value your input tremendously. It not only encourages me, but also helps me to stay on track with the story. Thanks for the continual feedback!

P.S. Thanks for the compliments. You got me blushing, girl. lol.

Reviewer: Junebug66 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/11/10 05:15 am

Title: Chapter 22.1

wow so she knew who subrina realy was cool. good thing she called her and stop them for going somewhere they can't take back.  thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Yes, she knew almost from the start.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/11/10 05:01 am

Title: Chapter 22.1

Yes, I learned a lot.

So, Avalon did send the book.  She is  a good sister, but let Caesar be a big boy and deal with his stuff. 

Author's Response:

Avalon is one of those over-protective mamas. We'll see how it all turns out with her tryna protect this grown man.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Moni Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/11/10 03:55 am

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