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Title: Chapter 5.1

Suprina didn't reach her in time.   Why didn't she listen to Suprina?  I am looking forward to Suprina catching him and shooting him in his ass!!!

Author's Response:

I think you mean SUBRINA. lol. I understand your anger. I want Ricky shot as well, anywhere on his body would be fine with me...just as long as he's suffering.

Thanks for the animated feedback!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 16/10/10 04:07 am

Title: Chapter 4

Yay your back. I love your new story and the pics are wonderful.

Author's Response: Thanks for all the luv and the warm welcome back, Juno. I also appreciate the feedback about the story and pics!

Reviewer: juno Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/10/10 01:08 am

Title: Main Cast

Thanks for the pictures of the cast.

Author's Response: You're welcome, Divsionred. Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

Reviewer: Divsionred Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/10/10 03:45 pm

Title: Prologue

Suddenly Subrina saw that she needed to stop all the lies. She needed to stop lying to herself. She needed to stop letting other people lie to her, too…about her weight and overall self-worth.--- That is a mouthful!  We need to stop all the lies.  Lies that seem to take root in us and become our truth even when it's not really true. 

No more just suffering in silence --- Break the chains of bondage girl, that's real talk...

 I could have just slapped the ebony out of his eye sockets and that little snide smirk off his face.   


Author's Response:

Girrrrrrrrrrrl, you just said a mouthful as well. Wow. I love your quote "Lies that seem to take root in us and become our truth even when it's not really true."

As for slapping Ricky, have at it, girl. He needs someone to reach out and touch him in the worst/best way. lol. Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: Latrice Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/10/10 05:07 pm

Title: Chapter 4

This is really good, and I hope she gets to her friend in time. Can't wait to read what happens next.

Author's Response:

You'll find out what happens on Friday night. Stay

Thanks for leaving a comment!

Reviewer: Sammy1on1 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 12/10/10 08:01 am

Title: Chapter 4

omg that bastard he made her to a hoe that errrrrrr tick me off. glad she call her friend subrina and that she was there for her no matter what. she good friend thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Yeah, Ricky turned Leesha out. Grrr........ I can't STAND men like him!

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/10/10 06:36 am

Title: Chapter 3

wow how can  i say this mom a bitch lol. how can she be so crule to her daughter talking to her like she nothing and no man wanted her she mean. thanks for the updated

Author's Response: I agree that Mommie Dearest is being very mean right now. Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/10/10 06:33 am

Title: Chapter 2

yeah i hated that i hated when a woman get a man she so wrap around him that she forget that she has truly friend and mess them over. i hope she ok and  they able to fix their friendship. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

It's a sad situation all around. So many women lose their minds when they get a man.

Thanks for the continual feedback!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/10/10 06:25 am

Title: Chapter 4

Wow...this is getting deep! Makes me think about that song by Bobby Caldwell- What You Won't Do For Love. So sad to see that Leesha has gone through so much turmoil and pain for something that isn't even love.


Author's Response:

Stay tuned, Les. It gets even deeper than this.

P.S. I love that song by Bobby C. Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/10/10 05:17 am

Title: Chapter 3

Subrina's Mom is a trip! And I know some folks just like her, lol! Having to deal with those kind of people can be a real pain and sometimes damaging, but one thing they can help with is building tough skin.


Author's Response:

I guess that's one positive thing about these kinda folks - we get tough skin outta our experiences with them.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/10/10 04:59 am

Title: Chapter 1

i know how subrina feel i use to have a best friend but her fake ass dont call or anything shows me never was a friend. i don't mind she has a boyfriend but you should never forget the people always been there for you. i wanted to smack her sister tuesday and wesday to thursday and friday lol. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

A true friend will recognize the error of her ways and try to reconcile with those she offended during her stuck-on-stupid days.

As for Tuesday and Wednesday, we all are gonna want to smack them before this story is over. lol. Thanks for leaving another comment.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/10/10 01:25 am

Title: Prologue

wow  dont blame her for looking out for her friend  i been there fall for a guy who think is the great thing in the world to you find out they true colors. i hated when people think if you skinny you are pretty. well i see some skiny girls and something look like they eating in years and look like hot mess lol. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

Skinny definitely doesn't equal pretty. Ugly comes in all shapes and sizes. lol.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 11/10/10 01:22 am

Title: Chapter 3

"unaware of the damage she was causing with her words."

I have another theory about this one, "Mom" (and I use that word loosely) don't care the damage her words cause.

Subrina should love her family from afar and when I say afar, I mean where she doesn't see or talk to them or if she does, it should be on very special occasions. She knows what her sisters are and yet she still allows them to poison her space. That goes for that unfeeling she-devil of a mother. I really can't abide these folks.

“Take off a little bit more, dear. At least fifty more pounds.”

And once she does that, the mother will find something else wrong with Subrina. All couched in her "love" for her. Hearing all this negative crap from the people who are supposed to love you and be your shelter from a cruel world is damaging to your spirit. Subrina needs to learn that with the quickness.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions" quote has never applied more than to the folks in this story. Gah.

Author's Response:

BellaChica, you got Salethia pegged right on so many levels. However, she does have a blind side when it comes to the impact of her words. She really doesn't know the full impact of them on every occasion. What she does know about, she certainly doesn't care enough to keep her mouth closed. I know someone like this in real life and it's VERY frustrating to be around them at times (shaking my head).

That's sooooo much for sharing your thoughts about Subrina's mother. I pray that your comments bless those who read them and may they find comfort therein. 

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 11/10/10 12:36 am

Title: Chapter 3

Her mother Salethia is evil, it is not right to make differences in the treatment of your children. I feel Subrina's pain, because I have experienced it and I continue to experience it.  It's not a good feeling and I hope that she continues to grow and love herself.

Author's Response:

Salethia is definitely a trip, and not a Hawaiian one either. lol.

On a more serious note, I'm sorry you experienced similiar pain as Subrina. It horrible to show favoritism in the family. It only causes division and so many internal wounds. I'm glad you recognize that dysfunction among your loved ones and appear to be rising above it. Good for you!

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/10/10 10:32 pm

Title: Chapter 3

Glad to see what will be another great story by you. Love the cast.You do annoying characters so well. The twins my goodness. Salethia is a trip. I hope Leesha wakes up about Ricky before its to late. If not Subrina will be there for her. Cant wait to read more.

Author's Response:

Glad to see you following along with this latest story, Cali2mt406. You always leave such great comments. As for me writing annoying characters so well, that might have something to do with growing up in a large family. My siblings and I annoyed each other ALL the time. tee-hee.

Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/10/10 10:09 pm

Title: Main Cast

This is a good the way the characters and the plot are developing...keep it up...can't wait to read more.

Author's Response: Anon, thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you're enjoying what I've posted thus far.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/10/10 05:29 am

Title: Main Cast

wow like the pic of the cast  i realy love the pic of joh he remind me of someone lol. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response:

lol. I figured you'd like that pic. tee-hee. John Cena all the way, baby!!!!

Thanks for leaving a comment!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/10/10 04:51 am

Title: Chapter 2

THIS WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for the rest!

Author's Response:

I love all the CAPS, Shan. lol. I can't wait to post more. I will as soon as I have the next installment ready.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Shan Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/10/10 03:41 am

Title: Chapter 2

Leesha knows nothing about this man, your best friend doesn't like him.  Why would she live her home and a good job?  This story is going to be so sad.

Author's Response:

Unfortunately, Leesha feels like she knows enough about Ricky to make all these life-changing decisions. So desperate for love, she doesn't realize what kinda mistake she's about to make. Yes, there will be sadness in this tale, but much joy too...and also laughter.

Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: pmgayles Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 10/10/10 03:38 am

Title: Main Cast

Hey Suprina! So glad you're addressing the self-esteem issues that a lot of women face because they don't fit the image that society and the media say we're supposed to. I already know this is going to be a great story. Thanks for sharing! :)


Author's Response:

Les, I'm all for dealing with anything that hinders people, particularly women, from being all they can be in life. Since the weight issue is a biggie for a lot of women, you'll find me attacking it thoroughly in this tale in hopes of setting somebody's mind free and bringing peace to wounded souls.

Thanks for the feedback!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 10/10/10 12:20 am

Title: Chapter 2

I am loving this story!  I can't wait to see what you have in store for us next!!  I hope Leesha comes to her senses before it is too late!!

Author's Response:

Redbird, there is MUCH in store with this story. We're just beginning. You'll see what happens with Leesha soon enough.

Thanks for commenting!

Reviewer: Redbird Signed [Report This]
Date: 09/10/10 10:51 pm

Title: Chapter 2

Have read this story before - loved then! And love it now! Thank you for posting it here!

Author's Response:

Cassius_Noir, it is my pleasure to post Big Girls on this site. I'm thrilled that you're still so fond of it.

(whispering) Just remember to keep certain aspects of the story a secret so as not to spoil it for the folks that haven't read Big Girls before. lol. I also might change up a few things to enhance the story so don't be surprised if you see some new stuff therein.

Thanks for leaving a comment!


Reviewer: Cassius_Noir Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/10/10 10:09 pm

Title: Chapter 1

Great story.  I feel sorry for her friend. Never let a man come between you and your best friend.

Author's Response: I so agree, Moni! Thanks for leaving a comment and such wise advice.

Reviewer: Moni Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/10/10 09:34 pm

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