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Title: Characters

Please allow her to end up with Matt. I know he made a mistake but he's really trying and she really needs to learn to forgive.

Author's Response: there will be an HEA... stay tuned

Reviewer: kiki Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 04:30 am

Title: Chapter 7- We finally meet

Matt, I hate to say it but she needs Donovan to help thaw her. When the ice is melted and he's busy running plays, you get your playing time with Taylor. Chill boy! You have a lot to fix.

Author's Response: yep

Reviewer: SparkApCider Signed [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 04:28 am

Title: Chapter 11

Nice update . I'm not sure who I want Taylor to be with . They both seem like great guys but I guess I kinda want her with Matt.

Author's Response: thanks for reading it

Reviewer: Stacie Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 04:23 am

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

Short and sweet. I don't see how conversation will escape them. But she's determined. He's in way too much. She's realizing that he has the big chair...that's a good thing. Now maybe she'll relax and reclaim her throne because right now, her slip is hanging...really low.

Very good read.

Author's Response: thanks

Reviewer: SparkApCider Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 04:16 am

Title: Chapter 12

Wrong place wrong time to tell her all of that, especially with Donovan being the perfect gentleman. You didn't put the score up, who won this one?

Author's Response:

I think Donovan wins.... what do you think?

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 04:14 am

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

It's a good start. Now good luck with peeling off those layers it took 8 years to build.

Author's Response: thanks

Reviewer: SparkApCider Signed [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 04:08 am

Title: Chapter 4- Flying Out

I like Matt. He's a smooth fucker! Five hours...good luck Taylor.

Author's Response: :)

Reviewer: SparkApCider Signed [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 04:00 am

Title: He's Back

He came back for you...but I know with all of that therapy she can't do it...even consider blowing that investment in her mental health by falling again for old ocean green eyes...

He's a sexy mutha...I understand Tay!

Author's Response: yep, those eyes!

Reviewer: SparkApCider Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 03:54 am

Title: Chapter 12

Matt just helped Donovan to step-up his game.

Author's Response: i know...

Reviewer: Sweet Pea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 03:50 am

Title: Chapter 1

It's darn good sweetie...reads fabulously well. Me likey, now I need to go back and peak at the humdingers you casted. Got Matt emblazoned on my eye lids.

One down...

Author's Response: Thanks. I hope you enjoy!

Reviewer: SparkApCider Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 03:37 am

Title: Chapter 11

Really nice update!  I personally don't know who I'm rooting for - Donovan or Matt.  I'm kinda thinking Donovan because he seems like a really sincere guy, but she and Matt do have history...oh the victor goes the spoils!

Author's Response: I am excited.  Its getting good.

Reviewer: sjrucker Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 02:17 am

Title: Chapter 11

My question is, does Keith know what happened? It seems like it from that little exchange.

So Donovan's out, but he was never in I story is about a second chance at love huh? Again though, why doesn't anyone like Donovan? He's done nothing wrong here except like Taylor, a single woman. He's not going to get her, but he's not a bad guy at all.

I'm waiting on the big explanation talk right about now.

Great update.

Author's Response: I wouldn't say that Keith knows "why" they broke up, but he knows that Matt still loves her.  I really don't know why everyone hates Donovan. 

Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 01:43 am

Title: Chapter 11

Keeping score. I like that just don't let Donovan get to far ahead of Matt. There are no sparks between the two of them, she said so herself. Great update.

Author's Response: oh no...

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 01:29 am

Title: Chapter 11

OK I was mad at Matt but I really do like him better with Taylor. Donovan I don't like at all so I am bias but all in all Matt acted stupidly hurt her but he has a lifetime ti make it up to her and her heart is still with him!! Donovan he is young and soon will be able to have any young thing he wants..Tyalor is Matts!!

Author's Response: thanks for your review

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 19/08/09 12:49 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

My god girl... reading that break up scene made me all emotional (sobs silently) Matt, Matt, Matt... what a effin' LOSER!! No wonder Taylor is messed up. He came off as cold & callous to her even though he was hurting inside too. And then to leave without giving the girl a reason?? Coward. That kinda shiz leaves scars. I don't wanna hate the man but 8 years of anonymous flower deliveries don't mean jack to a broken woman. And it's kinda creepy too. I like that she's heading in Donovan's direction. Gives me hope for her character finding her true bliss (with whoever it may be)

Author's Response: Oh don't be too hard on Matt... :)

Reviewer: Mai-Lee Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/08/09 12:07 pm

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

great story. it has me hooked. if you still want to add the music to that chapter. just post the link in the story and we can click on it to listen to it. you post the same way you copy and post  in the area you post your chapters in or in the  end notes or in the notes you write above.

Author's Response: Thanks

Reviewer: KelleyLi Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/08/09 02:41 pm

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

Did that girl just say Donovan!!!! He is a sexy beast, but is she sure that nothing remains between her and Matt. One kiss will tell it all, but I'm not sure Taylor will let Matt kiss her. Watch her and Donovan start a relationship, but she won't be able to really be with him becuase her heart still belongs to Matt.

Author's Response: I'm so torn... LOL.. I'm writing and letting someone read it before I throw it out there... I wanna make it great for you.

Reviewer: Sweet Pea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 06:48 pm

Title: Characters

Team Donovan . I cant seem to get pass his reasons for dumpong her and I feel that both of them have changed so much, that new Taylor wouldn't accept his reason for enidng the relationship.  She would forgive but not forget. A relationship shouldnt involve that much baggage.

Author's Response:

He's reason sucked... but he loves her. 

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 05:27 pm

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

First off..what kind of friend is Angela? I find it odd that she would be anxious to help or plead the case of any man who dumped her "best friend" in such a cold manner without explanation one! I wonder how she would feel if Keith came home and suddenly told her he had to go and it was over without any reason to her on why? So her you-need-to-get-over-it-already attitude baffles me. Honestly, she needs to stay out of it because she doesn't know any more than Taylor about why Matt did it. And Matt is trying to be sneaky about it by enlisting the help of old friends without actually having to explain himself to anyone.

Having said that, I dont think Taylor is holding on to any grudges against Matt. She's simply done with the man and has moved on. He really gave her no other choice in the matter did he? She doesn't trust him and really has no reason to. Matt is not understanding that Taylor had grieved the loss of their relationship and any future they might have had a long time ago. When he dumped and left her like that, the man she thought she knew, loved, gave her virginity to and was going to marry, went with him. It's different for her now. She's different now. How can she not be. And not in a bad way either.

Also, she's really not trying to be difficult about it, but nobody seems to get that she did what she needed to do and is living her life. He spent eight years avoiding even being in the same vicinity with her so what does he expect now. He's had his career and fame, and is now ready to pick up where they left off with minimal difficulty on his part to get her back? No one would care now is that it. Whatever! Ironically, Matt is the one living in the past. He has his work cut out for him.

Good chapter.

Author's Response: I really like your review.  It's very realistic.

Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 05:08 pm

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

Hmm. Taylor and Donovan. Yikes! LOL.

Donovan seems nice and charming, but a bit too cocky. After eight years, Taylor picks him to be interested in? I believe that she is running from Matt. Time for their long-overdue talk.

Thanks for the update. looking forward to reading more.

Author's Response: She is running from him.  Wouldn't you?  Donovan seems like the easy safe choice to me.  Yep, it's time to have a talk.

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 10:57 am

Title: Characters

I am sooooooooooooooooooo not feeling DONOVAN!!!!


Yeah what Matt did was crappy and all and he deserves to work and work hard for Taylor so that he will NEVER EVER leave her... But I still go back to him and her being so young and when you are given your chance at a dream then you just have to grab it with both hands... at any cost... Part of the "I'm not mature enough and will make mistakes" part of life that all of us have experienced at one point or another...

I'm on TEAM MATT... Donovan can go kick rocks!!!! I hope you keep Taylor and Matt together...

*sigh* Can't wait to

Author's Response: Thanks for your lovely review...

Reviewer: Spanishfly69 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 07:44 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

OMG !!! I think I would be torn between Matt and Donovan too. Thank you so much for adding the banner and photos. I think I like where you are going with it. A little jealousy never hurt anyone in my book. Keep up the good work .

Author's Response: Thanks... I like the banner too!  Thanks to Minx... :) 

Reviewer: Stacie Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 07:25 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

I think she needs to know why he left her, she needs to know just how little he thought of her. Why he left her and how he left was a sin and a shame, point blank.  And I also wonder how Angie would have felt or what would she had done if she were in Taylors place. would she really say she knew in her heart despite how she was dogged be able to forgive all of it. I don't think so. Right now I'm feeling Donovan more than Matt but I can't really say it will stay that way since I dont know too much about his character yet.

Author's Response: Gonna work on Donovan this week...

Reviewer: g Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 06:49 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

oh crap she going to date the hottie donovan that nice but she not over him and that wouldn't be fair to her or donovan to get involed and then break his heart like matthew did hers. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: I totally agree... She's gonna be very careful in what happens next.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 05:40 am

Title: Chapter 9- My business or your business?

wow those flowers was nice touch go d.w it your birthday lol but i hope she lets him down gentle so he won't get hurt. lol wow now matthew wanted to be mister cave man she had thought of that before he walked out on her. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: Thanks for your review

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 05:36 am

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