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Title: Chapter 8- How does it feel?

lol lol lol i'm laughing so hard my sides are hurting. That cute young thing hollar at her that nice but she in love with someone else. I like how she piss off matthew sweet. Good thing his friend was there on things would got real ugly. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 05:32 am

Title: Chapter 7- We finally meet

lol ooo taylor wrong for that move but it wa so so right. matthew desver it you left her on your wedding day then expect other men not going to  check her out. i like donovan he hot.  but can't wait to see what happen on the golf course. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: Thanks!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 05:27 am

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

wow he can catch me anytime baby lol. I think she not going to able to resited very long to that sexy man. Now the client they going to meet he seems like  a down to earth guy who very hot remind me of this wrestler i know lol. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: LOL...

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 05:17 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

Although I feel sorry for Matt, I don't think he deserves her. He chose to listen to an idiot and let eight years pass him by. He could have fixed things with her before this, but he had a ball dating and living the life of the pro athlete.

The only problem is that she isn't over him. If she were over him, I'd say let him suffer with the knowledge that he threw away something beautiful while he witnesses someone else step up and do what he was too chicken to do: namely love her openly, no matter what others may say. Because she still loves him, I say let him suffer but eventually work things out with her. He needs to prove just what she means to him and she needs to be able to believe him.

Author's Response: Its almost like, where do we go from here.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 05:14 am

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

it going to take more the sorry to her let you back in. He shouldn't had listed to that jackass of a agent now he lost the love of his life over his carrer crazy. this his second change bet not screw up. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: Thanks

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 05:09 am

Title: Chapter 4- Flying Out

Well matthew better talked fast  to explain why he left her and broke her heart. They are so cute pushing each other buttons lol. love the story and this going to be a intersting trip. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: Thanks

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 05:03 am

Title: He's Back

he came back to get your girl and by the looks of it he winning the battle so far lol. I think she going to have to go back to therorpy real soon lol. liking the story girl. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: Nah not back to therapy

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 04:57 am

Title: Chapter 1

well dam this is going to be good. Why did he call it off? Does matthew wanted her back? intersting story. thanks for the updated.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 04:52 am

Title: Characters

i just wanted to say i'm so happy to see john cena playing a charcter in your story girl exicted about reading this. jumping up and down in the chair.

Author's Response: I love John Cena... I watched the Marine for the 5th time this weekend!

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 04:46 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

Loving someone else and dating another is not easy and not right for the person you are dating if you dont tell them that you may never be able to love them the way they love you is wrong.

Author's Response: I agree. 

Reviewer: loveisreading Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 03:14 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

Glad Matt has decided to come clean with Taylor and finally tell her the whole truth of why he broke off their engagement in all of it's unsavory and gory details...her reaction to this bit of information will be very telling indeed...and it has been a long time coming...

The break-up scene was so heart-wrenching and it would be so easy to say that I wouldn't ever want Taylor to give him the time of day again...but that's not what I want...I want to see this man's journey back to making himself worthy of her love, trust, respect, and heart again...I don't want him playing 'let's make her jealous' games with her...he has no right to be jealous...the most he should expect from her is civility and maybe eventually a friendship...he hurt her badly...and even though he now realizes his 'mistake'...there is really no way to sugar-coat what he did...he compromised his love for her by refusing to acknowledge publicly a basic part of her...her skin color...something she has no control of or reason to be ashamed of...when you really love love ALL of them...and you are not ashamed to have them at your matter what...this should not be an easy or comfortable journey for him...and he should not expect forgiveness or a happy ending...if he truly loves her...then he will have to show it...not by words (they're easy)...but by deed...

Though Taylor is now beginning to have real feelings for Donovan...I really don't think she's as 'over' Matt as she likes to believe...if 'they' were truly buried at the mock 'funeral' of her relationship with him...then why would she be even remotely 'curious' as to why he dumped her...and I believe she would have at least attempted being intimate with another man in those long eight years since her heart was crushed...I believe the lady doth protest too least I'm hoping...

I know by now I should be rooting for Donovan...he seems like a really great guy...but call me an incurable romantic...but I want Taylor and Matt to have their second chance at love...they are both much more mature than they were before... and I still think they are in love with each other...but...if Taylor decides to move on with Donovan...then Matt shouldn't be upset...regretful...but not upset because he set the ball in motion...and if he truly loves her...he would want her to be happy...even if it's not with him...but I still want them together...

This was a great just keep upping the ante in this baby...but I'm still rooting for my misguided Matt...though I do get a sort of perverse pleasure in his misery...more, more, more please!!!!


Author's Response: I really, really really appreciate your through review.  It helps guide my future writing of this story.

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 02:06 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

Great update! I hope once she learns the reason why he dumped her, she'll kick him to the curb permanently. Sorry, but his excuse for dumping her was crazy. Team Donovan.

Author's Response: LOL./.

Reviewer: Happy2bNappy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 02:06 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

Ok, I stand corrected, she is not playing with Donovan she is genuinely interested in him.  I can't wait to see how all of this plays out.  Will she forgive Matthew when she finds out why he broke off their engagement?  I know that she will be hurt but she stated that she still loves him but how do you go back to what you had after someone eviscerates you the way that he did her.  Thanks

Author's Response: That's the $64,000 question

Reviewer: Divsionred Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 01:42 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

OK after reading the way he told her he was not going to marry her six weeks before the wedding I a not sure he deserves her, really!! Right I really dislike we will see how the story progresses the good thing is I don't like Donovan either so...unless a wonderful man comes in the picture ..Matt might have a chance at winning me over rotfl!! But really that was pissy the way he hurt her with no explanation..really wrong..I don't know how you come back from that...he could not if it were me!

Author's Response: See that's the thing, can he come back from it?  I don't know... I'm so conflicted and I'm the one writing the story!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 01:41 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

I really don't like Donovan or how Taylor has "buried" her feelings instead of confronting them. Its like she thinks she's being strong, but she just sounds afraid. I love the story though, its original. Matt is great, even if he has made some dumb decisions. :) please udpate soon.

Author's Response: She is very afraid.  Matt isn't that bad, but we shall see.

Reviewer: idiotendenial Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 12:24 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

Say it aint so! Not Donovan! Well,the way Matthew left Taylor was cruel so I guess he can suffer a little longer.

Author's Response: We shall she.  I'm not sure how this is going to play out.

Reviewer: IRJunkie Signed [Report This]
Date: 08/08/09 12:23 am

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

He left her lying on the floor crying that was hard to read. She said he was her first and only, it's been eight years and she hasn't been with anyone else. Donovan has no hope whatsoever in being with her. Even though he hurt her bad she still loves him, she didn't bury those things deep enough obviously. When he tells her why I think that's going to make things even worse for them, because it would look like he was ashamed to be with her because of the color of her skin, so how could he love her!! Great update!!

Author's Response: Its going to be hard.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/08/09 11:42 pm

Title: Chapter 10-Seems like you're ready

I'm just not feeling Matt.  I know he was young when he walked out on Tay and that he was under the influence of his Manager or whomever talked him into letting Tay go but he put his fans in front of his woman who is to say that he won't put something else before her.  He did not even have the courage to tell her why he was calling off the wedding and leaving her.  So I say bully for Matt bring it on Donovan yes he is young and his career is just starting off but I think he has it way more together then Matt did or does. So at this time I am on team Donovan but that could change all depending on how Donovan treats Tay and if he is sincere or just playing a game to see if he can get the "Ice Queen".

Author's Response: I feel you.  I love Matt, but I'm liking Donovan a whole lot more right now... Soooo...we shall see.

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/08/09 11:18 pm

Title: Chapter 9- My business or your business?

No need to be mad at Donovan. He's done nothing wrong here. He sees a beautiful, single woman he's interested in and is going after her. What Matt is going through is his problem at the moment.

And how is Matt gonna get all crazy about Taylor after JC reminded him that it's his own fault that he's not with Taylor? He doesn't want to talk about it? Well, he'd better get to saying something to her if he hopes to even try to win her back. At some point, she's gonna want to know.

And him acting all blase and flirty-flirty like nothing's ever happened kinda makes me ill. Like he just wants her to foget all that other jazz cuz he's back now and ready for her, so she should be ready for him. Ughh!! He needs to chill with that and focus on trying to win her friendship back. Because there could be a million Donovans or none, her problem is still with Matt. That's what Matt needs to contend with.

Nice job with this.

Author's Response: Thank you so much for your review. 

Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 07/08/09 11:03 am

Title: Chapter 8- How does it feel?

Poor Matt, he sure messed up a good thing for himself when he let Taylor go. Make him work for it Taylor!!!!!

Author's Response: He did and she is definitely going to make him work for it.

Reviewer: baha_malo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/08/09 08:00 am

Title: Chapter 9- My business or your business?

Alright!  Now we're talking.  I'm in Matt's corner since Taylor still loves him.  A face off between Matt and Donovan.  I'm going to enjoy this.

Looking forward to the next update.

Author's Response: Thanks.  It is getting interesting

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/08/09 04:29 am

Title: Chapter 9- My business or your business?

The gauntlet has been thrown and Matt is going to fight to get Taylor back.  I think that he has a lot of nerve. I also think that Taylor is playing a dangerous game with Donovan.   Thanks for the great updates.

Author's Response: I don't know if Taylor is really playing with Donovan. 

Reviewer: Divsionred Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/08/09 04:08 am

Title: Chapter 9- My business or your business?

I love it!! Jealous? He has some nerves. Who she's dating? Super cahones.

Hopefully Matt will get himself in check. Some women go ga-ga about the over-proective, chest-beaters. In this case it's totally inappropriate.

Taylor calmly, coolly nailed home a few points for him. Yes, he voluntarily forefeited the right to her and her business when he dumped her.

He's okay for a minute, then he does something. One step forward. Two steps backwards. It will be their dance for a while.

Thanks for the update!!

Author's Response: Glad that you like it.  I really appreciate your feedback.  It helps me to go in the right direction.

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/08/09 02:26 am

Title: Characters

Great story so far. I am not digging Matt. He dumped her because of what his agent said? Then he didn't really love her. Bump him. Team Donovan.

Author's Response:

Team Donovan, huh... Well, it should be interesting...

Reviewer: Happy2bNappy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 06/08/09 02:00 am

Title: Chapter 9- My business or your business?

Ok they all are staying in this loft..this will be interesting to say the least! I don't like Donovan either..he is too smooth and he is not Matt!!

I am mad at Matt but I still want him to win his girl back cause he really loves and no teh games..though he needs to learn a lesson he will not soon forget though..break a girls heart you may lose her forever!!

You are on a roll sweetie..good job! 


Author's Response: It should be interesting.  Donovan's not soo bad.  He just knows what he wants and wants it bad.

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/08/09 01:12 am

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