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Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

Thanks for a great update.  So they still have some chemistry.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading and yes they do...

Reviewer: Divsionred Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/08/09 02:09 pm

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

I agree, short but sweet. Loved the update.

Author's Response: more to follow soon

Reviewer: baha_malo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/08/09 05:38 am

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle


I'm glad that you slowed it down. Matt is still oozing charm, but he isn't as over-bearing. Taylor should remain leery and distant. He's no way near trust or forgiveness.

I'm enjoying reading this story as it unfolds.

Author's Response: I've really enjoyed reading your reviews.  Its been very helpful....

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/08/09 02:38 am

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

He's going to break down those walls. Nice update!!

Author's Response:


Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/08/09 02:24 am

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

More more more!! Taylor is going to make it hard on Matt and he deserves I have to say but it is painful to!!

I think he is handling it well though he has a lot more apologizing and begging to do before he can break through all the hurt he caused her.

I am enjoying this sweet story ...I cannot wait for more!!

Author's Response: Thanks for reading it.  It is painful isn't it.... hopefully for not much longer.  LOL

Author's Response: Thanks for reading it.  It is painful isn't it.... hopefully for not much longer.  LOL

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/08/09 01:51 am

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

This was good. It's nice to see him slowing and down. As a result, she's starting to relax more around him. Of course, now she can't ignore the effect that he's having on her.

I'm just wondering how this meeting with Donovan Williams is going to affect them.

Author's Response: Donovan id definitely going to play a part in this.  Thanks for the advice to slow it down...

Reviewer: Sweet Pea Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/08/09 12:24 am

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

This story is really cute so far. Their interactions with each other are quite funny. Good Job!!

Author's Response: Thanks, I hope you enjoy it.

Reviewer: jjazz59 Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/08/09 10:55 pm

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

Love the story. Can't wait for the next update.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading... It may be a minute... as in by Friday or next week... but I'm working it dilligently!

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/08/09 10:40 pm

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

Resist Taylor, at least for right now. lol

Author's Response: I think she's got about two maybe three chapters of resistance left in her.. LOL

Reviewer: g Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/08/09 10:21 pm

Title: Characters

Just found this story....

WOW!!!! For a first time this really has me sucked in...

He really does have his work cut out for him...

I can see how he let some stranger talk him into not marrying her... He's in his early 20s and he is about to start living his life long dream... Not saying its right...


Its not right and he is going to have to go thru hell and high water to make it right... But the offer of all that money, endorsements, etc etc... How many young guys, no matter how in love they are, do you know are going to say to hell with what a professional athlete's agent says and follow their own heart???

Not many have that maturity... All they know is that this is it and they don't want to screw it up... Stupid way to think but just think about how many times this actually has happened...

Probably more than we know...

I hope she doesn't make it easy for him to come back... I hope he really has to work hard and prove that he loves her no matter what... She deserves at least that much and so much more...

GREAT STORY!!! Can't wait for the next update...

Author's Response: Thanks for your review... I really appreciate it and your advice.  I hope you enjoy. 

Reviewer: Spanishfly69 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/08/09 09:32 pm

Title: Chapter 6- Landed in Seattle

I hope Matt doesn't try to use her obvious physical attraction and weakness for him against her...more than anything...Taylor needs time...and a darn good he willing to give her that...can he explain to her why he dropped her like so much unwanted trash...can he man up and reveal to her how he allowed some stranger's biased predjudices interfere with their happiness and future...

Don't get me wrong...I want them to get back together eventually because I get the feeling they really do belong together...BUT he's messed up big time...he let her down in the worst possible way and destroyed the fabric of her trust in him and he wants her to give him a way back in...that's a tall order for breaking someone's heart so callously and needlessly...

I'm already anticipating the next update...this is getting good...more, more, please...

Author's Response: I can promise you he's not going to use their physical attraction to try and get back it.  He's not used to having to move slow.... sooo he's gonna work on that... But he's really ready to to tell her WHY he did what he did...  It may be a minute before another update, because I've gotta get this right....

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/08/09 08:51 pm

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

Loving this story already.I see that Taylor is going to be a tough nut to crack. Matt has a lot of work to do. Good luck Matt.

Author's Response: Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: Karen Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 02/08/09 07:35 pm

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

Even his family tried to tell him he was making the wrong decision. These people he knew all of his life and he takes the word of someone he has just met, who is only representing him to make money. Thanks for the update!!

Author's Response: I know I have my work cut out of rme.  It was a mistake that he made and I don't wannt anyone to think badly of him.  I'm working on character development for him. I don't want it to be the over riding element, because he has good qualities.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 10:47 pm

Title: Chapter 4- Flying Out

He about to go all out in winning her back. The apology had better be sincere. Even if it is she still needs to keep him at a distance for a little while longer after all it took him eight years to come back and make things right!!

Author's Response: I hope you have had the chance to read the update.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 10:21 pm

Title: He's Back

He dropped her because of what his agent said. If he truly loved her like I guess he's claiming now he would have never treated her that way. I'd love to see what kind of apology he's going to give her to make everything better. Great update!!

Author's Response: Thanks for reading.

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 10:14 pm

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

Awww how cute they are. Yep, Matthew was an idiot for giving up Taylor. Most men are...

Author's Response: Yep, he was an idiot, but I'm working on changing him

Reviewer: IRJunkie Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 07:32 pm

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

I'm glad he apologized, but somehow it seems grossly inadequate.

Author's Response: It does seem inadequate.  But, hopefully he'll be able to redeem himself.

Reviewer: YHH Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 01:36 pm

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

I just found this story. Wow! It's wonderful!!The reviews are on point for the most part.

I also agree that Matt came at that all wrong. I also agree that I really don't like how their friends seem to be pushing Matt along like its all ok. Look at what he did, and look at why he did it. He let some virtual stranger to Taylor come in and talk him into dumping her because she was black. To me that speaks to his character. That's who she is and it's nothing to be ashamed of, so then the question is, was he? Career or not, if he really loved her, even the suggestion that he should get rid of her on those grounds should have been a personal afront to HIM. That's tantamount to saying she wasn't good enough because sge was black. Yet he did it, without question I might add. Which also blatantly says he cared more about his career than her anyway.

If he could do that to her after knowing and sharing all that they had the majority of his life, then yeah, Taylor needs to take her time and evaluate him in a completely different way. Personally, I think he has some serious stuff to explain. When he tells her thats how she's going to take it, and how she should take it. Honestly, how can you take it any other way. There's no way to clean that up because that's exactly how his manager meant it.

Good story!

Author's Response:

I really appreciate your review.  I don't think I thought this all the way through. I'm struggling with how to clean it up... any ideas?  I am going to really take your review to heart and try to make him a better person and make her understand.  Big task and to make it be believable.

Reviewer: flikchick Signed [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 07:03 am

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

Thanks for the update. 

Author's Response: Thanks for reading it.

Reviewer: Divsionred Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 06:46 am

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

Well, at least he's learning...I'm glad he eased up on her...I do believe that he loves her...but the problem is he's going to have a hard time making her believe that he does and ever did...she's still harboring so much anger and pain from his won't be easy to convince her to believe and trust in him again...he had to find out the hard way that allowing other's opinions to rule your life will only leave you unhappy and alone in the end...he has a steep hill to climb...I hope he's up to the task...

I'm sorry I didn't see this story earlier...but I'm so glad I found it...I can't wait to see what happens next...this promises to be very interesting...

Looking forward to the next update soon...

Author's Response: Thank you for all of your reviews.  I appreciate your views. I hope to be updating soon.

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 05:44 am

Title: Chapter 4- Flying Out

Matt is being a bit selfish IMHO...he's realized his mistake...realized that he left a good woman for a foolish he's trying to manipulate his way back into her life...does he not understand what he put her through...right now he seems to be concerned with only his feelings and what he wants...what about what Taylor needs...he did a number on her's quite unreasonable to assume that she'd be anything but frosty considering how he hurt her and probably humiliated her in front of her family and friends...

He seems sincere...but I don't want Taylor to make this easy for him...because how can she truly trust him with her heart again...she's still in such a fragile state...I hope he eases up on her and give her the time she needs...

I'm really enjoying this story...keep it to the next chappie...

Author's Response: I'm grateful for your reviews.

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 05:31 am

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

Ooooh what a sweet update. He finally told her sorry. I'm glad he decided to slow his roll. She needs time to get use to him again.  He did her wrong but she needs to stop being so high strung and calm down. It seems those therapy sessions have not helped her . They have to work together so she needs to try to deal with him professionally and stop acting childish.

Author's Response: Yet again, I'm going to take your advice to heart.  It's time for her to get it together.... Thanks.  Hopefully I'll be able to update........

Reviewer: baha_malo Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 05:18 am

Title: He's Back

Oh, this is already getting good...

I don't Taylor for being so guarded around Matt...that was so wrong of him to break up with her like that...and not even bother to tell her the reason...he knew how much she loved him...she trusted him with her heart and he destroyed it...I hope she remembers this because something tells me her body will eventually betray her...and maybe even her still fragile tender heart...

I also can't get over the reason why he dumped's like he chose his career and 'image' over the woman he supposedly loved and asked to messed up was that...he's lucky she didn't cuss him out on sight...he better thank heavens that she's too much of a professional to go there with a subordinate...but still...I know she probably secretly wants to...

Great update...continuing to read...

Author's Response: Thanks for continuing to read it.

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 05:18 am

Title: Chapter 1

I really like this story...wonder why Matt called the engagement off...sounds like Taylor is far from over him...the man put her in therapy for goodness sake...this was a fine start...

Off to read the next chapter...

Author's Response: thanks for reading

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 04:54 am

Title: Chapter 5 - Don't Talk to Me

Great update.

Ah, didn't Matt just say that he was advised not to come on too strong? So he says, "I'm sorry?" WTH? Please tell me Taylor goes off on him!!

I can't wait to read her response in your next chapter!!

Author's Response: So you think that he's still coming on too strong?

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 01/08/09 02:49 am

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