Reviews For Beast
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Title: When You Are on Your Own

Love the update. Sunny is grieving most but Ben seems to be quite grown for his age. Glad he and Nikki bonded.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 08:05 am

Title: When You Are on Your Own

Whats up with my man Nikki? He on saying stuff like he ain't going to be around much longer. I hope that is not the case.

Reviewer: guitarlovechild Signed starstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 08:04 am

Title: When You Are on Your Own

Nikolai seems very afraid that he will lose Sunny, but I don't think so.  I think she is very much in love with Nikolai.  And he is very much a part of her life now.  I agree with Ben...Sunny loves very hard.  Nikolai needs to trust her. 

Great Update.


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 07:27 am

Title: When You Are on Your Own

Ok, so I think maybe Jacob took his life because that was the only way to set Sunny free.  I am wondering what she finds out after his death and all that Nicholai was doing to ensure that she remain with him by leaving the money for him to continue to gamble with.  Where is the sneaky Darla...

Reviewer: qualidee3 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 07:00 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

So Jacob finally got his real epiphany at this point in the story...his thinking is that his death will set his daughter free from the obligation that he placed upon her...he took his own life to save his daughter...set her 'free' from the bonds of her 'contract' with Nikolai...the first and the final unselfish thing he has done for his family...the question is now...will Sunny want to be free once she knows that the terms of her contract have changed with Nik...reading on...


Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 06:53 am

Title: When You Are on Your Own

You just keep bring the angst and its Great.

This story is so good!

Reviewer: brightnova01 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 06:53 am

Title: When You Are on Your Own

wow poor sunny she lost her father when he was just about to get his life back. I glad that N there for her making her feel better and supporting her no matter what. thanks for theupdated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 05:55 am

Title: When You Are on Your Own

OK both men who know Sunny well say she loves Nikki. That makes me happy because Sunny is hard to read. I think she does love Nikki but will she stay I am really hoping she will.

I really want her and Nikki to make it. She is so good for him. She makes him a better man. He seems so vry nervous and apprehensive, unsure of himself without her reassurance.

Sunny is the boss, she is the life force of this family of sorts. Everyone else looks to her for guidance and support. They all need her and draw for her life force. Though she does get much more from Niki tham he has ever given any other human.

She taught her brother as well as her mom taught her excellent life lessons. She is teaching Nikki to be a man and loving to find the joy within and how to trust others..

I love Sunny. I want her Nikki and for them both to be happy. I hope Darla is gone for good. It was very interesting to hear tell Nikki how hard Sunny loves and how protective she is of those she loves. It even more telling is how a person has to make her fall out of love with them I am sure Nikki was taking notes he is not a stupid man!

Always my bottom line is happiness for Sunny and if that can be with Nikki all the better!!

It is exciting that this will span three different stories..I cannot wait for it all to unfold, Right now I am looking forward to see what will happen between the two of them.

Excellent excellent excellemt sweetie..I love this story!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 05:55 am

Title: When You Are on Your Own

Nikki, I wish you had never tried to sabotage Jacob. Or made this deal the way that you did. Sunny cares about you now, but you're going to break her heart and yours all over again.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 05:50 am

Title: When You Are on Your Own

Lord! How that girl carries the weight of the world on her shoulders! But it her man and the people who love her will hopefully show her she doesn't have to do it all. Looking forward to part 3.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 05:45 am

Title: When You Are on Your Own

Ben likes him too! What is going to happen to them now? Jacob is no longer an obstacle in their way but I almost forgot about Sergei!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 05:15 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Welcome back!!! I must admit I have mixed feelings with the death of Jacob. I am glad that he is out of his misery and mental anguish. Having an addiction like the one he had where he was dragging his family down with him would be torture for any parent with genuine love for their child. But on the other hand, with this act I feel Jacob has demonstrated his limited understanding of the relationship between Sunny and Nikolai. In order to spare his daughter the pain of being further entangled with Nikolai he kills himself, thus leaving her in the company of the very person he is trying to get her from. How does he know Nikolai would allow Sunny to leave? Does he understand the darkness which drives a man like Nikolai? And once again he gambles with his son and daughter’s life while he sets himself free. The ultimate gamble. Who will look out for Sunny now that he has taken his leave of this earth? Who does he expect will be her knight in shining armour, Sergei? I know I know, desperate men do desperate things, but the logic behind his thinking seems simplistic in light of the very complex man Nikolai is showing himself to be. While I agree Sunny seems to be following the footsteps of her mother in loving a man such as Nikolai, I don’t think Nikolai can be compared to Jacob.  And so the debt is cancelled with Jacob’s death, what next Onimosity? I can’t wait to find out.

Reviewer: Introspection Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 15/01/10 01:48 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

touching update

Reviewer: brandy Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 14/01/10 07:39 pm

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

hah, I thought your last update was putting the hurt on Jacob.

 I'm so looking forward to your next update, seeing how each character will react is going to be wonderful.

Reviewer: HNH Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/10 09:38 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Jacob is dead. bummer. What does this mean for Sunny and Nikki? What will he do if she decides to leave? Will she find out about his involvment with her father? Will Sergei see this as an opportunity to make inroads with Sunny? When will Nikki kill Sergei? So many questions. More to come I'm sure. Each chapter brings more angst. Since this is a dark fic (and I love it), I'm scared as to where this will go. HEA is not looking too promising right now.

So, Jacob saw love from Sunny for Nikki. Or was he seeing what he was most  afraid of since he was in a weakened state? I'm still not sure about Sunny. She showed a little fire in dealing with Nikki at the hospital. I've said befoe that there's a lot going on under the surface with Sunny. She might be all goodness and light but she has a stubborn streak. And the way she snapped at Nikki lets me know that there's steel running through that young lady. Nikki best pay attention, just sayin'.

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 14/01/10 07:21 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

The new banner is absolutely beautiful. Perfect.

For a character I confess not liking from the beginning of this story, Jacob's end, be it cowardice or bravery, disturbs me, so I re-read the end of the chapter.

REDEMPTION: salvation, release, rescue, deliverance, liberation, emancipation.

Jacob knew that the "itch" to gamble was deep in his soul. He would continue to gamble and rack up debt and Sunny would continue to serve his sentence with Nicholai. And because Sunny is Jasmine's own daughter, she would suffer the same fate as Jazz did, die young trying to save a man unworthy of her efforts or her love and devotion.

Jacob's act was meant as a liberation, an emancipation of Sunny and Benji, but mostly Sunny and the only means of releasing himself from his weakness. A lifetime of failure and regret is redeemed by this one self-sacrificing act.

This is a far more sympathetic view. It by no means suggests that all is forgiven of Jacob, just better understood. He was still a patethic misguided soul.

RIP, Jacob... finally.   

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/10 03:59 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Nikolai is such an annoying controlling figure! he needs to work out his control freak tendencies!

Reviewer: EvaJaye Signed [Report This]
Date: 14/01/10 03:00 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Pop is such a coward and took the easy way out.  Why could he not prove he was so call worthy.  AnywaY Moving on now Sunny can focus on her life with NIkki

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/10 02:41 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Ha!!! To know Nicholai is to both love and FEAR his scary ass. “Kill him.” He says bluntly. “Painfully. We must send a message. What is mine is not to be touched.” Damn! He sure didn't waste a breath ordering Peanut to be roasted or salted and boiled (a Southern fav). Serves Peanut's low-life junkie behind right!! 

WTF??? Of all the chicken shit coward acts to commit. What? Did Jacob try to frame Nicholai for this? Or was he attempting to free Sunny by effectively canceling the whole deal/contract?

Isn't it a bit too damn late for that? They are already in love... I think. Well, Jacob thought so. He almost had a heart attack when he saw them together. He shoulda thought of this before... years ago, when he sat back and allowed his sweet Sunny to "pay off" his debt.

I'm sorry. He gets no credit from me for this. He has only caused her more pain. Okay, okay. I'll give him a little credit for recognizing the similarities between himself & Jazz and Nicholai & Sunny. I give him a half credit for seeing and apologizing to Sunny and Benji for being a failure of a father. His own son loves and respects Sunny as both mother AND father in their family. That must have been a shock.

So sad. Jacob's last gamble might be...? His first success? Final failure?

Dark or raw and real, I love this story AND the way that you have been telling it.

Until the next hair-raising update...

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 14/01/10 02:32 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

I'm kind of glad Jacob is dead so he can stop hurting Ben, but I'm also irritated because I think somehow Sunny will find a way for his actions to have been her fault. Now Sunny isn't in Nikolai's debt anymore. I wonder if she will stay with him, or if she will go out on her own.

Reviewer: MIE Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 14/01/10 12:16 am

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Ominosity!!!

This is so late, but...

Sometimes I really believe that Nicholai and Sunshine are so in love with each other. Under "normal" or usual circumstances, his would be suc a sweet, beautiful love story between two unique, different people who seem to compliment each other if only by one being the other's bright light of goodness and hope.

However, we already know that that equation did not work for Jasmine and Jacob. Jasmine could not love the darkness out of Jacob's soul. All she did was bless him with two beautiful children, to whom he has brought pain, suffering and a misguided hopeful heart (Sunshine) and bitterness and hate (Benjamin) instead of changing to honor her or her memory.

I'm worried about exactly where Nicholai and Sunny will end up. Nicholai wants marriage. Sergei wans to wait for Sunny. What does Sunny want???

Sunshine definitely deserves better than to repeat her mother's life. She is smarter and better than that.

She definitely needs to keep her distance from her father. How in tarnations could he ever dream of cooking up another scheme with that mangy hood rat Peanut who ran off with the money and left him holding the bag last time???

But damn! Peter/Peanut stuck Jacob!! Wow!!! Just as he finally freaking gets it!!! ARG!!! For Sunny's sake, I hope he is okay. Peanut??? Peanut is as good as DEAD. In his twisted sense of justice, Nikki will track him down and eliminate him, just for causing Sunny pain.

What a chilling turn of events.

Luv, luiv, luv this story!!!!

On to the latest update!!!

Reviewer: Bluegardenia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 10:42 pm

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

That was an excellent update.  I am at a loss for words to describe how brilliant your writing is.

Please update again soon.

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 10:02 pm

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

This is a great story.  Just follow your muse - IMO it hasn't led you astray yet.

Reviewer: chio1895 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 04:22 pm

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Thank you so much for killing him off. Know all you have to do is handle that young Russian and then I'll love you forever.

Reviewer: guitarlovechild Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 04:02 pm

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Well, Jacob has taken the cowards way out the entire story and this is his final act of cowardice.  I'm really enjoying the story.

Reviewer: Dee Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 02:44 pm

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