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Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

 I have missed this story I think I went into withdrawal with not having and update for a couple of days but I am better now.

I love the song/lullaby and at first I did not understand it with the bits and pieces given to us but it was about slavery and the people that was stolen incased in chains and made for free labor and torture.

I can't believe Jacob killed himself exact what was that going to free his children from especially his daughter that only added to her grief of losing a father she had lost a long time ago and made Benji just think that he didn't put it pass him to let them down yet one more time by taking his own life.

I hope that he did not think that killing himself would some how point the blame to Nikki...Sunny already loves him she just doesn't know it yet and this does not free her from Nikki well at least it doesn't seem like it to me.  She already belongs to him mind, body and soul so I am thinking this is only going to push her closer to him and this is going to free up him to be able to ask her to marry him though not and opprotuned time to ask her she has no ties to him any longer Jacob has off himself.

I don't care what anyone says Sunny and Nikki belong together she is his better half....she makes him better...

I hope Sergei does not think this frees her because like I said she is already his mind, body and soul.

I am not sad that Jacob is dead I am angry though, that he thought by killing himself was an ultimate sacrafice no it was the coward's way out.

Thank You! Thank You!! Thank You!!! for a wonderful entertaining chapter and story.  I love it I love it I love it.

More please soon.

Thank You!


Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 12:32 pm

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Renee! you have me crying up in here. How sad that Jacob finally makes the decision to do right and is dealt a crappy hand in that Peanut stabs him, then his last ditch effort to save his daughter, he chooses the last resort.


Excellent writing! Thank You!

Reviewer: Caligirl65 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 09:02 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Damn, that was a great ending! I thought that Jacob was going to die, but it looks like he will cause Sunny more heartache, and I don't just mean his death. Hmm, what was on that note???

Dude, so uncool, I need an update ASAP!! =))

I hope you enjoyed your vacation, because I really missed this story. lol

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 08:17 am

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

What a devasting ending!!! I didn't think Jacob would take his own life to free his daughter.  Talk about the ultimate sacrifice. Wow. Can't wait to read what happens next.

This was a heart breaking chapter, but you're doing a great job on this story. 

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 07:25 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Welcome back! I've really missed this story. Been checkin' for ya every day. Thanks for the update.

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 07:11 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Wow! I just spent the whole evening on this tale!  I should have reviewed after every chapter! much to say..and it's so I'll just leave a note to say you are a terrific writer..I was not sure I'd like Nikki at all..he was a bit to brutal for me..but his Sunshine has softened him up a least a it's ironic how open Nikki is to the audience..and Sunshine?  Well as bright as she is..she's still a bit of a mystery as far as..will she say yes? I find myself hoping so..heck even the cops thinks his biz is going well..things are about his personal life getting to be that way?

Oh..and it's sad that Jacob thought the only way to save his daughter was to kill himself..isn't that what he's been doing all along?  This will have devestating impact on his kids..Ben is not as cold as he thinks..he will definitely feel a big let down..and Sunny? She's gonna feel crucified..all that sacrifice...for nuttin'...Jacob took the easy road once again..I understand what he was thinking..but he'd just heard all that love in the room and he didn't think he could overcome it..just for the second...He saw all that love between Nikki and his daughter and that made him want to die? hmmm..sad...

Now more angst for Nikki I guess..he won't know if Sunshine is with him because he 'forced' her or he'll be frightened because she can now leave him..her father is dead..not able to incur's a sista gonna do?

Wonderful work! Thanks for sharing..

Reviewer: brinagal Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 06:33 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Loved the update but so disappointed that Jacob killed or is trying to kill himself. Its so sad. I wanted a change but not like this. Poor Benji and Sunny.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 06:26 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Awesome chapter!! What is Jaccob up 2!!

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 05:39 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Great update

Reviewer: Gale Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 05:35 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Oh that was great.  Yeah the song was fitting.  I'm not totally sure what Jacob's purpose is...does he think he is saving Sunny from Andre or himself.  Looking forward to more and glad you're back.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 05:09 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

How very sad that Jacob felt the only way to free his daughter was to kill himself. He had no confidence that he could kick this addiction so once again he took the easy way out and just ended his life. No thought on how his death woudl impact his children..very sad.

So Jacob recognizes love in his daughters eyes for Nikki..and his for her....I am glad cause I know Sunny cares for Nikki though sometimes she ia a mystery to me as well.

Wow how insecure is Nikki around Sunny. He seems almost like a schoolboy with his first major crush. I am actually nervous because I want her to accept him and I have grown fond of their relationship.

It will be very interesting to see what happens now that her dad is dead..will he ask her to marry him..will he let her leave...will she want to leave??

And little brother Beenji knows about Nikki..very interesting..wonder how he found out!!

Excellent excellent excellent..what else can I say!~

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 04:44 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

I cannot believe he killed himself. He failed them again, by taking the coward's way out. He was on his way to get help when he was stabbed, then get well and try again and again. If you fail try again, all he has done is given them more pain. Loved the update!!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 04:28 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

Wow, I can hardly wait to read Sunshine's reaction to Jacob's death.  So many things going on in this story,  Jacob taking his own life, in an attempt to set his daughter free, but because she loves Nickolai, now she doesn't want to be free. But will she feel obligated to leave, becaue of the sacrifice her father made.  I can hardly wait too see what happens next.  Somehow, I still would like the end-game to be Sunny and Nickolai.  Thanks for taking us along on this ride.


Reviewer: Arabelle Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 04:23 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

omg he dies poor sunshine and ben they lost their father and then she still dont' know yet what N did but i hope he tells her before she find out someone else becuase i would love to see them get married. love the story girl the good bad and in btween. thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 04:20 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

I liked this Update.  It showed a side of selflessness on Jacob's part...for the first time.  And even though he doesn't want Sunny with Nikolai, Jacob knows that Nikolai is in love with his daughter and he will take great care of her.  And so, he can go in peace.  I think that Benjamin might feel a little guilty about his feelings of his father, now that he is gone...or maybe not.  But Sunshine will be devastated.  Nikolai will be there...but will Sergei also? 

You know, my mind has changed since the beginning of t his story, but I think Nikolai is the best man for Sunny, as opposed to Sergei.  I think Sergei loves her, but I also think that Nikolai is in love with her and loves her so much that he would find it extremely difficult to go on...without Sunny.

Oh,...what happened to Mr. Peanut...  Good Update!  Thanks!


Reviewer: Nyeesha Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 04:20 am

Title: You Know There's No Need to Hide Away

wow, i love this story!

Reviewer: rosie rolle Signed [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 04:10 am

Title: Who they are

Ah, poor Jacob. He's right though, there is only one way to free his daughter. Now, let's see if Sunshine will really be able to walk away.

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 13/01/10 04:06 am

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Wow. This is definitely a dark fic and I'm not usually into those, but there's just something about this one. Jacob just makes me so sad and I have a feeling that Sergei is going to get himself killed which, in turn, is going to cause Nikki to lose Sunny. I hope it doesn't end that way, but the truth always finds a way to come out somehow. I can't wait for more from this story. Keep it up!

Reviewer: Jaynie Signed [Report This]
Date: 12/01/10 10:39 am

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You



Jacob!  Oh you're evil.


I'm thankful Sergei has found someone to at least take his attention away from Sunny, even if it is only a small bit.  The flashback was just beautiful, it's a testament to your writing abilities that I love a character who has been dead the entire story.  

Reviewer: HNH Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 09/01/10 11:02 am

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Please update soon.

Reviewer: yummy954 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 07/01/10 11:09 am

Title: Making Holes in the Night

This is a wonderful story!  I love how well her Nikki takes care of her and probably -though he doesn't know it - loves her tremendously.  You have written this story so well and I love the flow.  Please keep up the great writing and update soon and often!

Reviewer: sjrucker Anonymous starstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 06/01/10 07:54 pm

Title: Who they are

Jacob!  Nooooooooooooooooooooo!

Reviewer: Cat Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 06/01/10 08:09 am

Title: Who they are

This story just keeps getting better. I knew Sunshine had real feelings for Nikki, but I see a bumpy road ahead for them when Sunshine finds out about the money Nikki left for Jacob.  Also, I think the reason Nikki doesn't go out with Sunshine is because he doesn't want to put her in the line of fire for his enemies, especially if they were to see how much he cares for her. 

Can't wait for the next update, and thank you for writing this interesting story.

Reviewer: Tootall Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/01/10 09:26 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Lovely chapter. I feel sorry for Jacob though. Hope he gets help.

Reviewer: Karen Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/01/10 07:25 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

OMG!!!! I so did not see that coming!

Peanut/Peter I hope he gets fried.

I know Jacob had is issues but he did not deserve to get hurt like this over them.  I hope he makes it.  I hope Sunny knows that it was Peanut that did this and that Nikki had nothing to do with it.

Damn that is so messed up just when he decided to change his ways and stop gambling.

I am in tears not so much for Jake but for Sunny, Benji and yes, some way Nikki cause I don't know if Sunny has fell in love with Nikki okay let me stop lying to myself at least she is in love with him she just does not realize it yet.

I wonder if Nikki is going to let her go now.

Girl this was a wonderful update again I so did not see that coming.

Damn! Damn! Damn!


Thank you!

Reviewer: Thundakat Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/01/10 07:41 am

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