Reviews For Beast
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Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Great, great update.  Everything coming to a head.  Jacob finally making the decision to stop gambling and Nikki finally getting ready to trust Sunshine with his heart and ask her to marry him.

Reviewer: qualidee3 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/01/10 05:17 am

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

This story is getting good, update again soon.

Reviewer: Gale Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/01/10 05:06 am

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

was reading this update and guess what's on tve right now!! Transporter (part two will follow part one). jason statham is pretty gangsta ain't he. i can see he only as nikolai though. loved the update, update again soon!

Reviewer: vmck Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 04/01/10 03:29 am

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

oh snap that crazy peanut stab him that crazy. i'm glad that he didnt' glamble and  decide to  make a change but hope he lives to do that. N better tell her what he tried to do with her father before he ask her the big question or he lose her forever. sergie got a girl nice but is the girl real or fake? mmmmmmmm love this story and i must say you have to do a sequeal when this one done  love your work. thanks for the updated.

Reviewer: wwefanforlife Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 04/01/10 02:41 am

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Another great chapter. I always look forward to a new update. Poor Jacob!

Reviewer: jjazz59 Anonymous starstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 11:35 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Arrgh!  I drafted a lengthy review but had trouble posting it (some sort of glitch with the security code...?)  In any event, won't retype the whole thing...will instead share just a few thoughts...

I've been following this fic, but I think this may be my first review!  Well, here goes...

Nikolai.  I truly despise Nikolai and cannot bring myself to root for any kind of HEA for him and Sunshine.  He's a straight-up sociopath.   

Jacob.  That he didn't have the strength to stop his near underaged daughter from essentially pimping herself out to make good on his gambling debt was DEPLORABLE, but I must admit, I do have sympathy for him.  It's clear that he has an illness, an addiction over which he has had little to no control over many, many years.  (Is it an excuse?  Certainly not.  It is, however, an explanation for the many bad choices he's made to date.)  In any event, it seems that he's finally made some realizations about the depth of his addiction and what he needs to do to move forward.  Good for him!  So sad, though, that he's attacked right on the heels of his "aha" moment.  Hope he makes it through! 

Sergei.  Love him!  Hope he manages to somehow free himself from Nikolai's world when all is said and done.  He deserves much better.

Kudos to you, Onimosity, for penning a well-written, compelling story.  I'll definitely be hanging in to see how things resolve themselves in the end!    


Reviewer: callalillies Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 11:26 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Well, what will happen if Jacob is no longer alive.  Does Sunshine have to stay with Nikki... has she fallen for him. It appears so.

Thanks for the udate.

Reviewer: Moni Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 10:14 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

I am officially in love with Nikki.  He is just too adorable.  Those moments bt. her and Nikki are just the best. Sergi has a girlfriend.  WOW!  I didn't see that coming. I have to admit,  want Jacob to survive.  I would hate for him to die just when he was about to take that important step.  I hope Sunny says yes to the proposal.

Reviewer: Gypsi Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 09:36 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Jacob should have known better than to hook up with Peanut again, he is nothing but bad news. Why now when he had finally decided to give it all up and bring his family back together again.

Sunshine not only cares for Nikolai she loves him. Sergei can wait for eternity she will never be his. I think he should have given her that ring tonight. If her dad dies she will find out about the money he kept sending to him. Sad thing about it is he didn't need to because Jacob would have and did find ways to gamble without his help.

Sunshine will have yet another man she loves hurt her all in the name of love. Awesome update!

Reviewer: bayoumomma Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 09:32 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Well, I do believe that I remarked about something happening to Jacob in my last review. I could feel the build up in each section of this chapter.

It will be intersting to see Sunny and Nikolai out in public doing normal couple type things. Niki wants to marry Sunny, but I have a feeling that things between them are going to take a turn for the worst. I just hope that Niki doesn't let the dark take him.

It's good that Sergi is sort of seeing someone. He needs to give Nadia a chance, because he's still walking a very narrow tight rope.

Thanks for updating, and enjoy your vacation.

Reviewer: Cholyn Signed starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 09:05 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

dang that sucks. jacob was just about to get his life back together and peanut had to go and do that. i hope he'll be okay. and i'm happy for sergei. i hope nadia doesn't drive him crazy. lol and sunshine and nikolai were to sweet in this chapter. loved it. update soon.

Reviewer: rissaspieces Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 08:12 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Oh nooooo!!! Peanut needs to die!!!! All he has done is brought heartache to Jacob and his family and now he tries to kill Jacob. Oh hell no!!!  Hope Jacob doesn't die and this really is a turning point in his life. Glad to see the progress between Sunny and Nikki.

Reviewer: baha_malo Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 07:46 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

I LOVE THIS "and yet, tonight she misses him, wants it to be him swaying in front of her instead of Jetta. Sunshine wishes she could take him out in the light so they would know, so they would all know, once and for all."

Sunshine has fallen for Nikki.  I hope he gets the chance to propose. I bet she'll say yes. 

Poor Jacob.  Just when he finally realizes what he really needs to do, this happens.  The only good thing that could come from his death is that Sunshine is freed from the arrangement with Nikki.  What drama that would lead to...

Please, please expand X. Nikki teaching Sunshine to dance <3

Reviewer: sherprin Anonymous [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 07:35 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

I love the parallels and symbolism in this story...

Jacob...the flashback of Jasmine almost brought me to tears...Jacob was blessed to have had two remarkable women pass through his life to show him the way...his wife, who loved him unconditionally and saw him as so much more than he even dreamed himself to be...and his daughter...who gave up the future she dreamed of to secure his debts...and he failed them both miserably...until now...and now fate has stepped like a thief in the night to possibly prevent him from rectifying the mistakes of his cruel...and ironic...

Nikolai and Jacob are very similiar indeed...they both live within a world of darkness of their own making...yet fate has been kind to them both by sending them someone to show them the path to light out of the darkness...lets hope that Nikolai makes smarter choices than Jacob did...he loves Sunny...adores her...yet he keeps doing things that will ensure that he loses her...he's afraid to show her his true heart because maybe he thinks he is not worthy of her love...or perhaps he knows that it is wrong how he 'got' her...or maybe he fears her rejection of him...don't know...but as much as it pains me to say this because I want them together so...but 'tis truth that I speak...he has to release her...let her go...and trust that she comes back to him...he must come to the realization that the greatest gift he can give her is not those expensive trinkets he buys her...but her freedom...and allow her to make a choice of her own FREE come back to's the only way... 

Thanks for showing us more of Sunny's inner feelings...she is indeed the mystery in this story...I've come to believe that she loves her Nikolai as much as he loves her...some may call it a form of Stockholm Syndrome...but I choose to call it true love...even when he 'allows' (c'mon...we are talking about Nikolai here...and he is far from perfect) her to just be 'young' with her friends...he is never far from her thoughts...they've both become to depend on each other's companionship...and perhaps she see potential in him similiar to what her mother saw in Jacob...

Sergei...*sighs* many times does Sunny have to tell him that they are...never will be...cannot be...and will always be NOTHING MORE THAN FRIENDS...yet he persists in taking liberties with her that scarf for her birthday...why so personal a gift...especially knowing how Nikolai is and despite the numerous warnings...his future lies with Nadia or someone like her...Sunny's heart is elsewhere...Sergei's fixation on Sunshine has become obsessive and dangerous...he refuses to accept that she's just not into him like that...and nothing good can come from it...

Enjoy your vacation...relax...relate...release, LOL...but above all...have fun...just know I'll be waiting with bated breath until you come back...

Reviewer: attheritz Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 07:25 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Oh Wow! I really hope Jacob doesn't die.  I knew Peanut was going to something, like steal the money, didn't think He'd try and kill him.  Nikki should stop doubting himself and go ahead and ask Sunshine to marry him.  I like Sergei but he needs to back off or he may find himself in a whole lot of trouble from Nikki.  Excellent chapter.  More please!

Reviewer: Jujubee50 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 07:19 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Just when Jacob had decided to do this for real. damn...What will this do to Sunny if he dies? What will this do to Sunny and Nikki?

ahh, a little peak into Sunny's feelings for Nikki.  I actually thought Sunny had found the ring. Glad Nikki is holding off on that.

 Sergei still hasn't given up. Hopefully, Nadia can occupy his mind, but it sure doesn't look like it. 

Thank you for giving this wonderful story to us. You have no idea how much I look forward to each update. 

Reviewer: BellaChica Anonymous starstarstarstarhalf-star [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 06:01 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Nice update. Even though Jaccob has isues, I hope he is ok.  It looks like he was going to seek help again. Wonder why Nikki doesnt take Sunshine out?

Reviewer: Cali2mt406 Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 05:25 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

I had that feeling ..... isn't that the crap.  Jacob's finally seeing the light, finally trying to turn his life in to good and then Peanut goes and stabs him.  Is he dead???  Will he survive???? How sad.....

Nikolai and Sunshine don't seem as cohesive as they did before, I don't know why their voices seem to indicate they are ... but hmmm, can't pinpoint it. Maybe it's because they weren't together much in this chapter.  Great update!

Reviewer: cyn2pede Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 04:14 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Wow... I didnt see that one coming! There is Jacob finally willing to turn his life around and Peanut making yet another poor decision. What a constrast. I was so pleased and full of hope for Jacob and then there goes that hope in short order with the plunging of Peanut's knife in his side. Is he going to die? Whatever happened to the 'no cliffhanger' promise... lol...

Please, please tell me Nikolai had absolutely nothing to do with this scheme of Peanut and that fate finally caught up with Jacob. I cant help but remember his thought, “I must get her to say yes.” There is no need for you to do anything fool it looks like she already loves you... Whatever happens Sunny will find out that Nik gave Jacob that money (unless of course that fool went and stole the money after he stabbed him). I still maintain that Nikolai needs to man up and set her free in order for her to be truly his...

Sunny is like her mom she sees the good in folks and it is that reason and that reason only she can love Nik in his present situation but like her father Nikolai too has some decisions to make. And I still dont trust Sergei. Nadia is just a sham I am sure. One thing for sure the story has just turned a corner...

Reviewer: Anonymous Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 03:49 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Oh Jacob. This was excellent. But as much disdain as I've had for him...I'm still sad. Poor Sunshine. 

Reviewer: Karnythia Signed [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 03:34 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Somehow I knew somthing was going to happen. It was just going to well. Peanut is a sneaky SOB, I think he was going to kill Jacob or set im up to be killed in Bed Stuy. If Jacob dies and Sunshine finds that package from Nikki in his apartment I am afraid od what may happen. For the first time I actually feel sorry for Jacob. He was about to try and actually clean up his life. Maybe he will make it.

I actually have come to really like the idea of Nikki and Sunny together. I know he loves her and she has really hlped chang him but I think sh reaally has fallen in love with him. I don't have a problem with that if it helps him be a bettr man and he allows her freedom.

I was all going to well, Sergei has a gril, Sunshine in love with Nikki and Jacob finally going to rehab, then this..I want to see where this goes but I have to admit I am a bit afraid.

I don't want to see the ugly side of Nikki..I know Sunny could not deal with it. Great writing sweetie.thank you for taking time from your vacation to give us an updt!!

Reviewer: neneburge Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 03:22 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

Great update as always. 

Sergei did he really find someone else or that juist a ploy.  If he did that really good but he still looking at Sunny with that look. 

Nikki- is ready to pop the question but with Pops being dead or hurt would that be a good thing.  You had me going for a sec when she felt the box in his pocket I thought it was the ring.  lol

I see that Sunny feelings for him for real she loves him awwwwwwww.

As soon as pops decide to do the right thing he get stab. 

Reviewer: Cherry Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 03:18 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

OMG, How could you I  finally start to like this guy and you stabe him!!!, I love this story can wait until the next chapter.  KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!!  ::)

Reviewer: Tracy Reynolds Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 12:26 pm

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

OMG!! I did not see that coming Jacob gets an epiphany to stop gambling and then gets stabbed.

Sunshine is really in love with Nikolai and is starting to realise it.

Please. please update soon!!

Happy New Year

Reviewer: bookacholic247 Anonymous starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 10:06 am

Title: Cause I Am Me, the Universe and You

what a shame, and just when it looked like he was serious about getting better.

Reviewer: grumpirah Signed starstarstarstarstar [Report This]
Date: 03/01/10 09:46 am

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